Does even a single person at blizz pvp now?

Yeah and pvp gearing. Guess what pal, pve players play pvp to gear too.l, vice versa.

There isn’t a one size fits all category if you want to catch up quickly. It’s not anyone’s fault but your own you choose to ignore it

That’s the thing though, tanks have defensive strength and utility currently. I’m fine with them having damage if they give up something else. I’m not saying that for all tanks by any means. Prot Pali right now is the exception.

Going back to wrath, prot palis and warriors had a decent spot carved out because they were fairly well balanced. Good control, decent defensives, decent damage. I think pvp for tanks was easily the best place tanks have seen in PvP. What was nice about tanks in wrath was they were still viable kill targets. Not that they are completely off the table right now, but running into one out in the world is just a pain. Most of this has to do with the healing they can do. Some specs deal with this very well, some don’t.

In the end, my main issue with tanks right now is the healing. That’s really true of a lot of specs right now though. Problem is, some specs badly need the healing to stay relevant, so I don’t want to see any nerfs just yet. Same goes for tanks… though prot pali still is pretty absurd right now.

When tanks are good in arena, it always makes for a very lopsided experience for melee. Like back when blood dks were hitting 2400 in 2s. I remember playing arms and it was such a horrible experience.

Yea, its weird to look back on WoD without any sort of want. They really gutted a lot of specs in WoD and there was a lot to hate… but at least you could gear out an alt quickly and overall it was very easy to get into PVP and do well. In the end, more then balance, just having an even playing field is nice. To bad templates were horrible and scaling was broke.

It’s like they try something, it doesn’t work, then they scrap it completely instead of trying to figure out what went wrong.

Yea and sadly there is no solution to it because it’s being driven by PvE.

LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic don’t translate well to PvP. Those big gaps in ilvl are fine for PvE because you can progress slowly and get gear on easy fights and keep pushing. In PvP, there are huge gaps in power level from 1600 to 1800 to 2100.

Because this is an MMORPG, I think gear should matter… but there has to be a path to obtain gear outside of just rating in PvP. Even the lowest rated player overtime should eventually get access to the best gear to give them a chance. Gear isn’t everything, but if you get stomped 10 games in a row, you’ll probably just quit or move on to other content.


You’re wrong.

I have played since s3 and have played a bunch of specs to 2400+. What we have now is nothing like we had in the past.

As I said in the post above, what’s driving the disparity is the difference in ilvl is raiding tiers. What is affecting PvP is also affecting PvE. There are huge gaps in power from the most geared players to the least. The difference of heroic gear to mythic gear is massive. You can take two seconds and go look at warcraft logs to see that.

Then, that issue gets pushed onto PvP. Problem is, you can progress in PvE relatively easily by focusing on more accessible content. You do easier fights first then push to harder ones and gradually get gear over time. That doesn’t happen in PvP. You basically get an entire set of gear when you push into a new bracket. The difference of 207 to 213 to 220 is huge. It’s not about skill when you have 4-6k or less HP then your opponent.

But lets ignore all of that even and just look at how you obtain gear now. Prior to SL we had scaling, before that templates, before that pvp gear scaling, etc. We have none of that now. While I didn’t care for the prior two, at least they offered some level of balance. Lets go past that though… now, your gear is linked to your rating so if you can’t push higher, you simply don’t get the gear. Conquest gear in the past didn’t have these terrible upgrades. Once you got it, it was as good as it got. The conquest gear you got at 1600 was as good as the 2400 player. Now, starting conquest gear is quite literally garbage.

No one is saying that.

You seriously didn’t read anything being discussed here.

There is, but not everyone has time for that or it’s not what they enjoy. Blizzard decided to start from scratch… again, and rated pvp is suffering for it.


To put it long story short:

They focused on PVP. PVE players unsubbed, which are the majority of the playerbase, the pvp pop is way lower then pve by a huge margin, so they refocused on pve more and your pvp community is pretty much getting the skeleton crew treatment because the demand for pvp isn’t high enough.

Just because PvP gearing was better early on than M+ does not mean they focused on PvP. You’d have to be hilariously dense to think that it does. And attributing sub loss to any sort of PvP focus is just as delusional.

Like, it’s ok if you don’t like PvP but you make yourself look foolish when you say ridiculous things like this.


I doubt at a level of note.

They thought convoke was a good idea, so uh

No. They don’t.


When did they focus on PvP? When did they ever put PvP before PvE?

Heh. Yea.

Honestly, I kinda have to laugh thinking about when that idea was brought up, given the green light, made it through alpha, then beta, then live… Like at some point, they were sitting around and coming up with abilities and someone actually said “Hey, lets give boomkins a spell machine gun ability that casts 12… no I mean 16 abilities in 4 seconds!” And then other people there said “Sounds great!”

I mean, that’s my head canon at least.

They do pvp on dart boards for balancing the game, that’s about it


It’s the only thing I do because the rest of the game sucks. Even as bad of a state pvp is in right now it’s still the only thing worth doing imo…

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Everything in a video game is a system.

i think Ion the lead developer is up to level 5 honor now in pvp , says it all right there.

If you’re suggesting people play solely for the systems, then there’s no apparent reason they don’t just play a pen and paper game instead.

I know you’re just being contrarian, but there are multiple intersecting elements which draws someone to play. Many of the base experiences are really good and don’t touch these disposable systems like legendaries that are largely unused or dead conduits and soulbinds… Ignoring what happens after the expansion, and it’s all thrown into a metal barrel and burned for the next expansion to be a “necessary” purchase.

People don’t play the game for systems. And if they do, this is likely their first and last expansion.


I wish there was balance in pet battles :laughing: AoE teams > all

sarcastic tone

The hell they did! :joy:

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Good catch. He does not PvP on that character.

Ummm… If you want to PVP you… PVP to get gear. If you want to PVE… You PVE to get PVE gear. I don’t understand what is so hard to understand? I dont know anyone who PVEs to get gear for PVP and Vice versa. lol

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Make a thread. Actually make multiple. But your desired nerfs in the header. Watch dozens of players come and write a novel to tell you how wrong you are.

“Just line the Bolt” is a meme for a reason. The devs problem is that they actually listen to players. If they stopped worrying about what some players might think and actually just did things, the game would be better off.

Literally anyone playing classic vanilla or tbc.


Unfortunately, no. Players have proven, that given the opportunity they will account share/ afkbot and throw games in mass if it allows them to acquire bis gear.



Nerfs? This isn’t about just one thing. And no, they aren’t listening to players. If they did, convoke would have been removed, divine toll wouldn’t be a thing, etc. etc. etc.

If they listened to players, gear wouldn’t take weeks to months to earn.