Does even a single person at blizz pvp now?

What have you done to this game?


Iunno whats wrong?


It maybe a way to gear up at max level but it seems to always have been a side game in their eyes. Something to do when you’re not raiding or getting stuff for raid.


Just everything now.

Try to BG on alts… Just get crushed the entire time. Most people are 220+. Even if you get a full set of honor gear, it’s useless. Try to do arena. More then half the people in LFG are carries or boosts. I would not want to be a healer right now and trying to learn this game. Everything dies in seconds. Can barely even react even if you know it’s about to happen.

I try to do some questing. Get ganked. If you don’t have heals now you’re useless out in the world. Who thought it was a good idea to give mages 3 barriers? Feral might as well be a healer. Prot might as well be a dps. No trinket? Rogues will kill you in a stun. No kick or immunity? Convoke kills you. Try to kite a warrior? Nope, condemn. At half health? Die to on the hunt. Did a bg on an alt yesterday. 2nd overall heals beating out 3 other healers? The ret.

This game used to have some trade offs. If you want a spec with high control, well you didn’t get lots of healing. If you wanted to tank, well you didn’t get to do more damage then dps. If you wanted to stealth around, you didn’t get to move as fast as someone mounted. If you wanted to heal? You didn’t get to do as much damage as a dps.

To many specs have to much now. If you want control, you either lose damage or healing. You don’t get both. Likewise, if you want to heal… that’s your roll.

Venthyr holy palidan sums up the game right now. More damage then most dps CDs and can use it while bubbled. The people who designed this are either AFK or have been pulled off PvP completely. We are months into the expansion and nothing.


Then they need to stop hosting arena tournaments if they think its a side game. Just put a knife in it already.


Wish I knew,lol

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Yeah yeah, we get it, game sux.

But… Like… Where are all the players? Most I see in game now is like 3, except for hiding in Oribos. Game world is dead because of hyperfocus on instances being the “pinnacle” of the MMO game…


Waiting for the patch. Everyone is just waiting for something new to do.


It’s all the sharding now. Servers mean nothing. Sharding and phasing killed any sense of community. Even people in the same guild as me are on a different shard at times. 2 of my friends were on last week. All in the same guild. All of us in Oribos. All of us phased. It’s a complete ghost town out in the world. Well, outside of the groups of people ganking others. Fun stuff.


Reminds me of a 9.0.5 post I made… Something like “Are you seriously pushing a .5 patch without mini-content?”

People don’t play the game for systems, and based on all that Shadowlands beta feedback for covenants, who would’ve guessed?

Side games are like pet battles

PVP has ranks and gear.

If it was intended to be a side game to PVE they would not allow us to obtain gear


The funny part there, that’s what I’m working on right now. I thought, might as well start earning some grateful offerings. Holy hell man. You need so many. So much farming. So much anima. I remember working on the netherdrake mount more then a decade ago now. You had some dailies, maybe a couple xtra random things to turn in. Basically a few weeks and you got a cool mount. Neat. Now you are looking at literally months of playing for a single transmog. :face_vomiting:

I’m venthyr on this hunter and was looking at the court stuff. what is the point of it even? its like 40k+ anima to get it going. What? Seriously? You want me to spend weeks and months of farming for it? Like are these people serious?


Why? It keeps some people around.

Pet battles get a lot of new content in terms of instances and a lot more balancing than pvp does…

This is has beena thing since they’ve introduced it and they’ve just kept it going. One of the easiest things to keep doing.

Overall I said it seems like a side game in their eyes how is treated. Not that it actually is.

Lots of wasted dev work when, iunno, classes could’ve been balanced instead or something.

Also, why does Mage get a defensive legendary? Mind boggling buffoonery. The paramount of clownery.


Yea, it’s really odd. Fire has one of the best offensive cds in game, along with some of the best contol. Triune actually takes them off the table for some comps to kill. Even with active dispels, they usually have 5-6 or more buffs. That also means they can use combust and the shear number of buffs gives them some dispel protection.

Even on this hunter, BM is again the best specs. It’s boring. One dimensional. It says so much about MM and SV when BM is better. There is a place for BM, don’t get me wrong, but it shouldn’t be out pacing the other two specs in PvP. Not when both of them are far more complex then a 2-3 buttons spec.

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Problem is they lost the trinity… They completely destroyed PVP in this game. I mean, since I am on my DK, I tried to tank a while back. What a HUGE mistake, no one told me they gutted Blood in PVP. I see G Druids never dying, Prot pallys are insane with self heals, most tanks leading in healing which I laughed at and then… There is Blood. The single worst tank ever to come out in any expansion. I have said it before, I LITERALLY can out tank my 213 blood DK with my 197 Shadow priest.


I don’t think a single person at Blizzard even actively plays the game let alone PvPs.


Not wrong.

It goes beyond neutering Tanks, which is a shame, to having near zero balance even among specs of the same class.

The classes themselves are half-designed trash heaps praying for borrowed power to fill in the gaps. This is unfortunately intended because of the way they “design their own problems” to fix throughout the expansion. The only specs that aren’t in bad shape at a baseline get to pick a defensive legendary and ezclap in PvP boards.

I know when we say this, at least for me, it sounds like hyperbole…but I honestly believe it.

If you were a dev and got killed by a holy palidan in 1.5s, you would immediately work to change that. Same goes for convoke. Condemn. Divine Toll. Combust. Shadowy Duel. On The Hunter. etc.

There are so many abilities in the game now that go against the philosophy that was held in Wrath. No that wrath didn’t have its issues. It did, but many if not most were fixed.