Does Blizzard need to nerf LFR Sylvanas?

I mean, no harm in trying, right?

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Some people don’t read the loot journal sadly. They think all bosses drop everything from normal and up, even legendaries.

I’ve had some lfr groups down bosses on the first try, but so far, even when I go in on my geared characters, we get 6 wipes in just for people falling off the platforms and dying to easily avoidable mechanics. You could pretty much just autoattack sylvanas and half the group would be able to kill her, but many players just don’t even bother trying to watch what they’re doing in lfr.

Personally, I’m not going back again. The fight is far too long and there’s not enough reason to justify spending an hour + on one boss just because people can’t figure it out. It feels like you’re pretty much required to be a somewhat organized group.

No it doesn’t need to be nerfed. The previous bosses need to be made harder so there is a smooth difficulty curve and people can get used to actually having to do some of the mechanics of the fight.

Correct. How do you expect me to when the op infers the lfr version drops the bow? Seriously, explain why I should give them more time? From that I’m just going to assume they’re just going to embarass themselves further.

When I was in University, the most common advice I received from my professors was to hook them from the start. Punctuation and grammar aside, you want to keep the reader interested or believe the writer knows what they’re speaking about. Op fails to do that.


oddly enough, before the raid was released, the bow was in the loot table for LFR until it was silently removed upon release for whatever unknown reason.

Because the OP didn’t infer that at all. You didn’t read one lousy sentence.

Take the L, sir. You’re just sounding worse and worse. This isn’t the hill to die on.

It’s one sentence.

Don’t preach to the English major. You made a ridiculous mistake. Own up and move on.


This :+1:

The further away from Tuesday you get the worse players get :laughing:


I haven’t tried it, but P2 sounds like an absolute LFR nightmare. I feel like they’d still have a challenging fight for LFR if they just removed phase 2 entirely.

I’m aware. If you’re going to write something that makes you look like a fool in the first sentence, I’m not going to read the rest. Sorry.


They want their free internet brownie points by acting all high and mighty with their infinite IQ’s and “well actually” posts. Reading a full sentence is beneath their clearly superior level of intellect.


no they don’t you just need to not stand in fire

short answer, no

it’s ok that the last fight is a bit nutty

most groups just take 3-6 stacks, and that’s just the way it is

and it’s evolved MASSIVELY each week, now it’s possible to get 1-shot groups in each LFR. all 4 of them, even the last fight.

I call 2K in LFR a GOOD DPS, here I am getting players pulling 0.5K DPS and staying alive, but than making the worst excuses that even I couldn’t think off if I tried.

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I don’t do LFR because it can still be challenging at times. So, even though I don’t stand to gain anything, I think Blizzard should nerf Sylvanas on LFR, because LFR should not be that challenging.

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I’m really surprised it’s a hard fight on lfr. The mechanics are so simple. It’s a joke on normal and just a gear check on heroic.

Seems fine to me OP. The only mechanic that ever seems to be an issue is the arrow on platforms.

That’s you. Not the OP. Poor attempt.

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It’s not a hard fight, but I think the issue is from the time I have spent there is P3, no one really gets a chance to practice it since it takes like 10 minutes to get there and is the only part that really has any proper mechanics.

And on P2 if you have a brain fart you can easily fall off, or the “oops, I fell, you guys got this” players.