Does Blizzard need to nerf LFR Sylvanas?

A lot of ppl in lfr expect other ppl to clear it for them


Reminds me of the players who would “accidently” fall of Deathwings back during the Spine encounter. They would even get an achievement for it since they “died to Deathwing”.

We are talking about a difficulty where majority of its targeted audience found clicking an extra action button and standing still for 4 seconds without doing anything else to be too hard.

LFR is the bare basic mechanics of the fight. Hell, some bosses have mechanics from normal mode removed for LFR. There is quite a lot of that in SoD. It is just the overall attiudue towards LFR. The whole, “Who cares, it is LFR” is a big problem. Some people would rather wipe for hours on end then actually kill the boss by doing a mechanic correctly. As Mercelida put it. A lot of people in LFR expect other people to clear it for them. Give them a taste of personal responsibility and they cry afoul at blizzard. N’zoth from BFA is a perfect example. Same with Azshara in TEP. So many people didn’t understand what “stand alone” meant and they would just stack up on people. Even though the name of the mechanic told you what to do.

If they wouldnt nerf N’Zoth, they wont nerf this

LFR is awful. Not just on Sylv. A majority of people think since it’s LFR, they can just ignore mechanics and don’t have to look up what the fight entails. Like on KT for instance, I saw 5 people die to the same mechanic one after the other. One guy twice because got brezzed and didn’t learn the first time that, hey, maybe I should bring this in to soak. Couldn’t even tell him how, because he only replied in Spanish. That’s a whole different issue though.

People just don’t care anymore. They join hoping they’ll just get carried by everyone else. If they don’t because there are too many similar idiots like themselves, they leave and try again until they get that carry.

i can’t wait until they can all queue for m+. it’s going to be great!

Yes they obviously need to nerf it because it gives worse than questing rewards

I got through this fight many times on LFR, namely due to the fact you cannot fall off and the only way to die is if a healer just stops healing you. And any healer who does that won’t last longer than that wipe.

The difference between N’Zoth and Sylvanas is that on N’Zoth you assign groups, if players are trolling they get kicked and you can /RW to tell people to press your button and stand still, and that’s it, the rest is basically just stay alive until things die.

Sylvanas needs everyone alive at the last phase, or to press more than 2 buttons the entire fight. If they made it impossible to fall like having the Bastion fall mechanics in the raid than no one would be able to die.

Imagine if a player jumped on P2 or P3, or missed the jump on P3 and was dragged back into the fight with no way to suicide, they would be instantly kicked if their DPS was low because they would have no ‘oops you got this’ moment and no excuse to doing better, no chance to be carried. And maybe that would be sufficient enough to force players to actually participate and less time in general spent in the fight.

This is something Blizzard need to really put effort into, change LFR bosses to ensure players cannot kill themselves or anyone else. Than as someone else suggested, make the game do checks and auto kick players who are AFK, who are pulling really substandard DPS and so on.

Honestly putting in any semblance of effort significantly reduces the amount of time spent in LFR that I really don’t see the point of thinking you will be carried. You spend 10, 10, 30, 60 minutes in queue as DPS, than infinite amounts of time between each pull waiting to fill slots, an ungodly amount of time ‘trying’ to kill a boss all for a chance at one piece of gear when you can literally press a couple of buttons for 5+ minutes and it’s over.

I’m curious if anyone is game enough to admit they are that player and why. Why would you spend that much time in queue hoping to be carried when a few minutes of effort and it would be over.

It’s worth remembering that LFR was initially designed to be “tourist mode” — that is, a way for non-raiders to see the full tier story line and resolution. But over the years, as guilds have lost membership and popularity in the game (another meta-design fail by Blizz), LFR has become the only raiding experience for some, and these people demand a higher level of challenge than tourism.

Unfortunately, there remain a huge number of people for whom LFR is just a mid-level loot grab, who still believe you can afk your way through it or who just want free gear on an alt they have no idea how to play.

I will admit to having used LFR as a sort of live-fire exercise on a couple of my alt healers, but before I ever step foot in there with any alt, I have already read up on the spec, set up macros and keybinds, and spent a couple of hours with target dummies, and supplied myself with flasks and potions, as a minimum.

Much of the problem is one of perception — LFR really is no longer a total cakewalk. There are boss fights where mistakes and inattention by only a couple of players will wipe the raid. It is in no way challenging to any player who pays even minimal attention to their game play, but sadly that is not everyone in this game.

Maybe it’s time Blizzard gave reward for recognition, be it however you like, but if they rewarded players who actually put in effort with gear and those who just trololololed their way to a win get nothing.

I guarantee you for one that this place would blow up instantly with backlash, but very quickly you will find players doing more than swapping to tank spec just because they get a 2 minute queue and than yelling “I DON’T KNOW WHAT I AM DOING!!!11!!”.

You would find DPS doing more than 0.5K DPS and than purposely killing themselves just for ‘free’ gear, even though the amount of time spent doing such crap is so much worse than just playing the game.

Like just straight up trash the loot rules for LFR/LFD and change it to benefit those who are actually trying. I couldn’t care less anymore if you are new or just coming back from a 15 year break, if you want to join group content than you have some sort of responsibility to actually put in effort or you get nothing and good day to you sir!

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Sylvanas is like N’zoth and Argus before him. It’s a mechanics fight not a dps race. Learn the mechs and she goes to bed when she gets her good side back

I’ve only been in there like twice, I think I died once on phase 1 and just had no clue what was going on, second time I made it to the next place, wherever she takes you toward the end. Still didn’t really understand what was going on. Then the credits rolled and I lol’d.

Sylvanas: I do not serve.
Jailer: Well that’s a pity. Don’t say I never gave you anything. Here’s your soul.

I have zero idea where that could possibly be going.

It is player attitude and expectation though. I’ve waited longer from rage quits in fights like her and N’Zoth than if we’d just gone to 5+ stacks or worked it out kind of like your supposed to.

Sylvanas is actually a bit of a DPS race, if you hit her hard enough on P2 than you can drop her health by quite a bit to make P3 easier, but if you fail to get her to 50% by the fourth platform it’s game over. It’s not like other bosses who have a long enrage timer that you can AFK DPS through, you must do enough DPS and when you get that group you will see what I mean.

she takes 90% decreased damage almost the whole time. if you aren’t focusing goliathand soulwhatevers, you’ll never get your bridge transitions and she’ll cast ruin on the whole raid.

You have 2 spots in P2 that you can do 100% damage to her, after the second bridge you can definitely pop all your CD’s to drop her to a lower health, than again after the last bridge you can either pop all your CD’s or save them for P3 that comes about 30 seconds later.

I’ve been in groups where we got her from 84% P1 to 80% P2. But also been in real raids where we dropped her to some 75% and possibly lower in P2 and that helps a lot.

The part you are talking about is when she is floating off to the side or hanging about where the large adds are, that you cannot attack her, but you certainly do have options to do some damage.

I think you’re projecting.

I just don’t want to waste my time. Ironic.