Does Blizzard need to nerf LFR Sylvanas?

No, it would just lead to more crying on the forums about the “elitist” systems…

LFR is too long period - spending 5 minutes or more doing the same thing, hitting a boss is enough to put anyone to sleep. And no I don’t want more mechanics, I want the boss to die within 5 minutes.

just do it on tuesday the raiders who actually need something from there are usually in it on tuesday they make up the difference for people who do nothing its sad but its true.


They have this.

It’s called “YouTube.”

LFR does what it should: allow EVERY PLAYER a chance to experience the game.

The problem is it allows “players” … who aren’t “playing.”

It should be obvious which people are just there to get carried. Those players should be banned. Plain and simple: BANNED.

You don’t want to play the game? Fine-- LET US HELP YOU.

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Wouldn’t that be an interesting alternate reality?

As it stands, those people who “aren’t playing” are paying Blizzard as much money as or more money than you are. Blizzard is not going to ban them.

Works fine for this prot pally!


of course including the classes that ahve more then one ability that its logged as an interrupt.

They can make a difficulty lower than LFR.

They provide a raid leader?

The idea that people who do LFR should just be able to figure out all the fights without a raid leader is laughably clueless.

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I support nerfing it some.

That’s what defines the difference between what people SHOULD do … and what they actually do.

In a striking case of irony in this example, it’s called “character.”

And we all know Blizzard threw it out the window about a decade ago. That doesn’t mean discussions about it shouldn’t happen.

From what Ive seen, it doesnt have so much to do with lousy dps as it is that people just dont know the details of the fights. Its all to do with where to stand, what to avoid, what the technicalities are. If something is standing still and they just have to pewpew it most LFR groups are fine. How you tell the difference between someone who has never been in the fight before (and videos only help so much, sometimes you have to experience it to get how it works) and people who deliberately afk or play badly…I dunno.

Its not really something a game system can figure out.

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Half the time I go in there nobody says anything outside of asking people for loot. The dungeon journal + the ease of the mechanics/low damage + determination is more than enough to not need a leader if people actually pay attention.

If they didn’t nerf LFR Nzoth they’re not gonna nerf LFR Sylvanas lol

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Then don’t make a boring TL;DR?

Like I don’t have a short attention span, but don’t expect me to read a full post when you lead with a sentence like that…


Bow doesn’t drop in LFR tho. I just double checked - no LFR Sylv does not indeed drop it. Its normal and up. Your wasting time in there.

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You literally didn’t even finish reading the entire sentence… :woman_facepalming:

I mean… very first freaking sentence and you can’t be bothered to finish reading it? Seriously? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I swear to god… how freaking difficult is it to read the first full sentence?


Yeah but does the bow drop in lfr though?


I think I read somewhere that it doesn’t.

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Nah, I didn’t read it but I swear it might y’know?

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