Does Blizzard need to nerf LFR Sylvanas?

Agree with Caelin, just join a normal pug. Normal is easier than LFR because all the people too lazy to even use group finder aren’t there.

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Actually, the two fights that need nerfed in lfr is fatescribe and kt. Those take twice as long and are twice as painful as sly.

LFR in a nutshell.

Avoid that ish like the plague.

but don’t worry, everyone! auto-queue m+ will be totally different :sunglasses:


Blizzard should have it on rails like old arcade shooters. And if you’re not actually playing cast your spells automatically. Then you might be half of a decent player.

I tried lfr sylv on release on an alt and just quit after 80% of who was still alive died to the first raze. Let alone the potatoes who somehow died to 1 inch deep mechanics before p3

I’ll say it

there should be a minimum uptime check, and anyone doing less than that should be auto removed.

there should be minimum dps checks as well, and anyone doing less than that should be auto removed.

this is group content. if you are so awful you can’t do more than 1k dps, or be active for at least 80% (or w/e) of the fight, you don’t belong there, period.

there’s being new/bad,. and then there’s straight up being a jerk and taking advantage of the rest of the group. The system shoudl kick the jerks who aren’t even trying to contribute for the betterment of everyone else.


They should give LFR and even dungeons a scoring system that tells each player how they performed maybe then there would be attempts to improve themselves.


I agree with this. I remember back in MOP the first day the Garrosh fight came out on LFR. People were getting mowed over left and right by the Iron Stars. But they stayed, and learned the fight. 10 stacks of determination and we got him down. Now keep in mind, there was a bug on that fight at that time that caused part of the problem, however, we had the “Never give up, Never surrender” attitude in the group!

Most people don’t know the mechanics when they go into LFR the first time, aside maybe from watching a video and reading some spells in the adventure guide. So, it’s partly the expectation that other players will know the mechanics and people who do know quitting the group when they are somehow surprised that other people don’t know the fight that’s the problem. The other problem is people who don’t do anything before going and hope to figure it out.

been saying for a while getting extra loot even if its gold or anime/artifact power based on things like “most interrupts” or least avoidable damage taken" in lfr/lfg would vastly improve player experience.

I don’t really think it does. I can only come up with three maybe’s: tank swap, bridge interrupts, and Wailing Arrow. And even with this list, I found the first and last aren’t super hard requirements; had a reasonably geared (for LFR) Druid solo tank it, and I’ve had multiple arrows go off in the group without it insta wiping (hurt, but didn’t really cause risk).

I haven’t seen a bridge cast go off before, but I’d honestly be surprised if I ever did in LFR. The cast time, and timing is super forgiving in LFR, and with that many players it’s bound to get interrupted.

From what I can tell it’s the DPS check in phase three that seems to get people, and that does eventually get solved with Determination stacks.

It’s called warcraft logs.

The people who struggle with LFR wouldn’t use it anyways.

I lagged off the side and was yelled at. Not my fault. The group didn’t wipe because I died.

You have to understand something REALLY WEIRD about “the internet” (and thus this game):

There are people that … “THE GAME” to them isn’t trying to beat Sylvanas.


If you notice they’re afk and kick them, they don’t care, they’ll just queue again/ try again. They’re not doing anything, so what difference does it make? Just keep going until you happen to get thrown in with the right group of people that carry you across the finish line.

And then post on TikTok or something about how stupid WoW is, that they just afk through stuff and let everyone else do the work.

That’s “how they play WoW.”

Because, as a joke-to-prove-a-point, I leveled my Spriest all the way to 60 WITHOUT TAKING ANY TALENTS, and at lv60, iLevel ~102 … I was doing about 1700 dps.

You’re saying ppl in your LFR were doing 2000? That’s obviously someone afk’ing. The game should recognize people that aren’t even trying and ban them.


But LFR difficulty is addressable and player attitude/expectation are not.

There’s literally nothing anyone can do to alter player attitude/expectation, so why even discuss it?

I would actually queue for LFR if this was the experience.


this should work fine since everyone has the same 12s cd on their interrupt that my shaman has, right?

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I would just continue avoiding that content so that I don’t receive criticism.

especially for the weekends