Does anyone know if you will earn XP in the new AI dungeons?

oh dear geezus…PLEASE be better than hunter pet AI lmao.
I never wanted to kick a real dog, but that hunter pet is asking for it lol

I found this so I’m watching it now


No kicking the doggie.


Obviously, and not once did I say it was competing with mythic, your the one jumping on that bandwagon.

To what I actually said:

Regardless of what the gear level is, people who want to play solo or with a couple friends are not going to be complaining about not being able to use ‘AI Only gear’ if such was a thing, in content they do not enjoy (grouping with pugs) because they get some better gear then they have in the past.

But eventually they will ask for more once they realize how far behind delves actuially leave them in the grand scheme of things.

Yes it’s better than before…

But that dopamine will die very quickly.

There you go. Demanding that AI dungeons should drop gear that won’t even get a player using it into normal dungeons and mocking me for saying your idea sucks.

That idea sucks. Choke on your popcorn.

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It wasn’t my idea, It got brought up in a discussion and it was used as an example.

please don’t twist my words to fit your victim narrative.

Thank you.

Hold up… a delve only mount that’s customizable?!

Ok Delves look fun.

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You said properly adjusted. It’s going to be easier than having a real person group at appropriate gear levels, so the reward should be lower. Don’t be salty at me for your suggestion.

1 piece sounds right anyway, as it’d be odd to basically shower 4-5 on someone in an instance where there’s no possibility of getting something unusable.

As you specified, the point is that the loot should be appropriate for the difficulty, and this is going to be a quest type of difficulty.

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it should be relevant gear regardless. If we put in time questing, we get better gear.
If theyre making AI dungeons because theyre game is starting to suck hard enough that Queue times are atrocious and we’re willing to run with NPCs, they should offer the same thing as though we were spending time running quests.

obviously normal dungeons only give out a certain level of gear…heroic…so cap it, yeah.

It just annoys the hell out of me with all their incessant whining in here worrying themselves to death that there might be another avenue to leveling / gearing being offered here, lmao.


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What is this take…


They reach so hard and people take their side :man_facepalming:

Lol I feel ya. My personal opinion is it should just be the same regardless.

What’s the difference of running with 4 AI that are ok and pugging with 4 people that may or may not be good.

I’ve seen some people that I wonder if they are really bad AI lol

Also can AI perform mechanics accordingly OR will the AI dungeons mechanics be altered? That’s another question.

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That is where I personally disagree, but we will just have to wait and see.

Will there be some like that? Absolutely, there will always be outliers or vocal minorities that would, demanding mythic gear and all that.

For me I firmly believe the vast majority of those who have been hoping for solo/world content will be happy to have been finally recognized, and delves (and maybe follower dungeons in the future) giving them a progression path to gear that is good (heroic is perfectly fine to work to) will be happy without needing more.


You and I both know these forums do not have this sane of a take when it comes to it.

But I 100% agree with what you said.

I’m happy the solo players are getting their own venue of gearing, I’ve voiced it many times.

:point_down: Aggressive sock puppet.

That’s the guy ya’ll siding with… :dracthyr_crylaugh:

lol…notice the one keeps proving my point. Knows hes ignored but hanging on my every word lmao.
I think I said it best when I said…


Utilize the ignore function.

I’m tired of seeing the back and forth.

ESO has public dungeons/delves you can run into solo.
As far as I know, no dead human bodies have been found as a result.
Its FINE if WoW has something similar.

You could really take your own advice.

Thank you.

you two are the two that make up most of the thread. If I do all I’m gonna see is ignored content in the entire thread.

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oh…I did.
its just he keeps hanging on my posts. Very juvenile.

I sure hope not.

I hope they scrap this entire concept honestly. It’s a complete joke and waste of time and effort.