I would be interested is using these to help level my alts at a more relaxed pace. But I haven’t seen anywhere that mentions you can actually use them for leveling. It just says “learning”, which makes me worried ngl.
I dont know, but it wouldn’t surprise me if you at least get xp from killing the mobs if you can use it before max level.
But I highly doubt they’ll give you the LFG queue completion bonus which is where most of the dungeon xp comes from.
That’s a good point. If that’s the case it will mostly trivialize them for me, which is a shame.
Do you get exp in the tutorial dungeon on the starting island? I dont see it being anything different than that.
they should. legit the whole point of this lol
I took an old alt with lots of rested exp through one of the follower dungeons. You get next to no exp. I think it might be faster to actually just grind mobs in the world.
Edit: yes, Elites in follower dungeons gives you about 1/3 the exp of normal non-elite mobs in the world. So follower dungeons are probably way slower than just grinding mobs.
You’ll get some Xp. It should be slightly more than if you were in an actual group. Non-AI group play will be the most efficient way of leveling through dungeons because players can speed through them and get to the next one faster. So to offset that, the AI player should get a bit more XP in a single dungeon, so they are more on par with the speedy non-AI group.
Seems like its just to get yourself the story and the quest completion if you for whatever reason don’t want to do it with real people. Seems fair to me.
The purpose is to learn the dungeons in a stress free atmosphere.
Not to turn WoW into a single player game or have the same rewards as group play.
What’s the problem with having a single player option for certain things though? In “social” dungeons no one ever speaks to each other anyways. It just gets automated through dungeon finder and then it’s a speed run to the end, so let’s not act like it’s great as it currently stands.
I prefer to just run them myself so I can have more control. I don’t communicate with other people in dungeons anyways, and it’s very rare anyone else does.
You do have single player options for certain situations.
The issue is you want more.
Rewards for group play should always outweigh rewards for solo/ai play.
Dungeons are as social as you seek them out to be.
I think we will probably get exp. I mistakenly thought we weren’t getting loot from them but I saw a tweet from MrGM earlier clarifying that we actually do. So it seems like it is just a normal dungeon situation all round.
Why is it an issue to have the option of how people want to play dungeons though? Why does it bother you?
Sometimes I’d rather play solo, and sometimes I’m OK to group.
“The issue is you want more.” No boo, I want my video games to be fun for me. Which is the whole point. This feature is fun and doesn’t affect anyone who chooses not to utilize it.
So it’s only fun if the rewards are the same as group content?
If there’s little to no XP it’s no longer fun?..
Yes, because I want to level my alts efficiently. I’ve already stated that, it’s not a mystery. It’s called dopamine, and it’s the reason you’re playing too.
…In what world are “learner AI” dungeons going to be the most efficient way of leveling…
Yes, but I’m also applying logic to the acquisition of dopamine so that it makes sense.
There are actually lots of video games that use AI companions for all sorts of things, and those games are pretty damn fun. Off the top of my head, Dragon Age was the most recent one I played and it was a blast.
Yes, single player games, that don’t rely on other players.
No doubt! and we don’t go to those games and ask for a multiplayer experience, right?
Single player game.
The article said you earn the same stuff you would in a Normal dungeon.
Edit: PTR has proven XP is earned at a slower rate. I was wrong.
Do we know if Delves are even going to playable until max level?