What’s the difference? They are both completing the same activity over and over again
Me and you literally said the same thing.
He disagree’d with me and agree’d with you.
Then idk what to tell you other than use the forum ignore function.
If he is causing you, personally, that much grief… use the forums ignore function.
Other than that you two can figure it out. Idk nor do I care about the bickering.
Would you continue to play your content if it gave no rewards? Of course not. If Blizzard wants people who don’t currently do dungeons to start using this feature, it will have to give appropriate rewards.
And even if it is some “power leveling” people are just racing to nowhere really. It’s their choice how fast they want to consume content.
It’s not grief…
I’m explaining myself lol.
If it was fun, I would.
I’m not a “reward” player
That ship sailed as soon as they announced this. If it doesn’t go full fledged solo game progression, people are going to lose their minds.
This is what I’ve been saying, people think its a saving grace, but there’s a lot of flaws still that may cause an uproar.
W/e you wanna call it.
Again, I don’t care.
Back to the subject at hand, I wonder if you que with another person (like you and a friend) if you would get an XP boost based on how many actual folks are in the dungeon compared to AI?
Like if you select 5 party but 2 folks are you and a friend with the other 3 being AI. NOrmally party of 5 would be 1 + 4 ai giving x amount… would 2 + 3 AI give slightly more?
You already get very low low XP.
So if you bring another player in it might get split further just like regular grouping does.
Be cool if you could run with your alts and if it also gave some exp to the NPC alt that you were using from the warband.
Ah got you but at the same time would it amplify due to how like… the AI brings it down but having a player would bring it up idk
guess we’ll see be interesting.
wait wait.
So you want the AI dungeons to ENCOURAGE bringing other players for more xp?
Does this not contradict the entire solo player community?
I don’t think so reason being is it’s either bring a friend or do it yourself for less. I don’t think it would hinder anything because sometimes folks want to just go by themselves for w/e reason.
If they happen to have a couple other friends, they could all play together and just fill in with AI if they want to.
Key take away here is it’s whatever the player wants to do at that point which with a game like WoW, that’s what drew me in originally. I could just do whatever I wanted to do content wise.
So you don’t think it’s appropriate for a solo queue AI normal dungeon to give normal dungeon gear?
The fact is that people burn out on activities. A properly adjusted reward will make it feel worth doing to enough players to justify its development costs. A reward that doesn’t seem worth doing will result in fewer players playing. Less content players think is worth doing leads to fewer subscribers.
There is content I continue to do even though other players hate it and wish it was removed. Or they actually got it removed because they didn’t value it.
Blizz will probably keep caving, so maybe it will be. Removes people from group content that don’t want to be there which is probably a win for both.
Maybe make the gear from AI and real groups only good in the content they came from (an idea I generally hate but a full split is probably just easier for both sides)
Blizz could sell skins for NPCs in the shop, so if you want a real lore toon you can upgrade.
There’s also the aspect too if you want to explore the dungeons etc while leveling with AI you can do that.
I like the concept and with them adding in Delves later, I hope they expand the AI to Delves. In ESO they have AI assists and folks still que as a group but sometimes folks just go at it themselves cause they want to. Rewards are the same regardless.
lol…I mean, leveling is so fast now that they took our Exp bonus from heirlooms for god sake…and this guy is going to whine if we level a couple hours quicker?
What a waste of energy and time lmao
The casuals on here will SCREAM.
You heard it form me first.
If they can’t use their “op gear” to get into higher content…
Riots all over the forums.