Does anyone know if you will earn XP in the new AI dungeons?

I am playing my game…

A lot more than you are.

bye bye…trolling blocked

This is a forum of discussion bro.

It doesnt have to concern me for me to discuss it.

Are you gatekeeping the GD?




Outdoor areas give great xp and can be solo’d so AI dungeons should as well.


I’ll have to check that out.
currently gearing up a 10th character into the new zone but I’ll have to take an hour out to take a look

they are!

But the intent of AI dungeons isn’t to power level 7 alts.

It’s the same as “learner dungeons” to prepare people to eventually group with others.

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Why are you so worried about solo players getting rewards? Can’t stand you elitists. Afraid that some casual dad is going to pass you up in the DPS meters lol.


The original Guild Wars actually had a NPC companion system in PvE in 2005 and it was an online only multiplayer game.

I think it’s actually fun to do some things with NPC companions. Sometimes it’s more challenging if the content is actually challenging and you have to learn to control them effectively. Normal WoW dungeons probably won’t be that of course. I’d still go for an instant queue with NPC warm bodies over waiting though. Probably especially useful if you want to do something funky like no tank or no healer.

they rail and foam if its a DUNGEON we can level or play in…LMAO…but its evidently ok if we do the exact same thing that is the in the dungeon called ‘the world’ lmao

they need to mind their own business

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They can be for both. Won’t kill anyone. People will pretend like it does though.


can they?..sure.

But it’s already tested in the PTR and it’s clearly not the intent due to the reduced XP

:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

…always got to have their misery noses in someone elses business. lmao.


They did the same with Torghast and people still used it for that reason. People always could level solo so, it should not be a big deal. The thing with the game wasn’t forcing people to group. It was that it always felt better to play with friends.

I say this as a person who levels with friends. People should have the option to do normals solo for leveling. They still have to do heroics with a group if they want the vault stuff.

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lmao…you can level this game with questing…SOLO
you can level in this game battling pets…SOLO
you can level in this game farming nodes…SOLO

But let them make a solo dungeon and the infantile tantrum tossing starts :rofl::joy::joy::clown_face:

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And this gives a ton of XP.


FFXIV, ai dungeons, ESO, ai dungeons, what are both game? MMO’s.

Times are changing, Solo/World content is a verified and confirmed pillar of play now, with delves giving heroic levels of loot. You will just have to accept there are a significant number of people that prefer playing that way.


People used torghast to power level alts from lvl 10-70?..

I agree.

There’s a lot of solo options already in place though.

The AI dungeons are “LEARNER” dungeons.

Learner being very important word here.

It’s a tutorial.

I’m not against the solo player getting gear bro.

I’m stating facts that have been dug up from the PTR.

The AI dungeons won’t allow you to power level from 1-70 due to the reduced xp.

If you want to yell at blizzard for that then go right ahead, but I don’t make that decision lol.

Just talking about leveling. There is no power leveling in the game. Hasn’t been since ilvl scaling came into the game in Legion.

Doesn’t mean there can’t be more content.

We already had ways of doing that too. Doesn’t mean there can’t be more and varied ways of doing things.

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its seems to be a bit up and down, at least on my end.
one time I’ll go battle pets for a while and its giving WOW level experience…then I’ll do it again months later and its like half that much.
Either way, Ive leveled like 8 levels battling pets and even mining/herbing when I want to take a break from questing and dungeons.

But you dont hear and tantrums being thrown about THAT in here lmao

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