Seems like every forum I go to lately has like maybe 5 posts tops that are actually about the game, and the rest is random complaints about stuff like how insert game mode is literally the devil, or how someone was slightly rude to them in game and thats a literal war crime. I can’t remember the last GD thread that had something truly relevant about the game, and even looking at other games like the runescape reddit, or the diablo 3 forums is the same deal, just people arguing over some pointless thing that should be mostly irrelevant but everyone brings it up constantly.
Is this just the internet now? People spouting random bs about how one time someone inconvenienced them in a game and how somehow the devs are at fault?
Both are these topics are about the game though?
I don’t miss something that never happened. These forums were never free of drama, petty complaints, IRL politics, etc.
i suppose you’re technically correct. Really what i miss is discussion on a game that is actually relevant to the game itself and something people can actually discuss, ie things like the balance of tank classes in mythic plus or raids, why one is better than the other, and what can be done to make the weaker builds better. In this forum, and most other forums i’ve visited lately its just mostly whinging about stuff no one can truly do anything about and offering 0 solution, making the entire conversation about: do you agree with me or are you a poopoohead?
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I have a short list of what I actually want to talk about regarding this game and have already posted in the respective spots, for them.
Chromie Time being my biggest one.
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Forums have died as a medium, and gaming forums are the last relic of the format.
Forum Enjoyers have congregated on the general discussion board of their favourite games, and using them as they would have used any other general use board.
I mean, people try to do that stuff on occasion. They usually get a handful of replies and then they get buried by the 300+ reply troll threads about breeding centers and trans representation.
People love to complain about trolls cluttering the forum with garbage but they’re happy to jump into said troll threads and bump them until the end of time.
I guess yeah thats what it comes down to. People prefer easily digestible drama over actually thinking about it and prefer the momentary high of seeing someone being purposefully stupid so they can pat themselves on the back for not being as stupid.
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I remember when new world first came out and the forums were excited people sharing ideas about builds, giving feedback about what they’d like to see improved, etc. Mods were active and encouraged discussion.
Took about a week for it to become a dumpster fire of emotional rants like this one where sad people project their awful lives onto strangers and a corporation. Not much different than Twitter though.
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The forums have never been just “about the game”. That’s what happens when you get a group of humans in a group conversing. Even back in the beginning it was at best 70% about the game.
That being said, the trolls have chosen quantity over quality in recent years.
I miss when server forums were more active. A quick look tells me that the last post on my server’s forum was 28 days ago and the one before that was on July 10th.
This forums always been a total dumpster fire and i somehwat accept that. I’m talking about how its become so acceptable in dang near every forum these days. There was a time in the 2000s - mid 2010s where a forum was actually a decent source of information. But ever since 2017 or so every forum i’ve seen is just nothing but random drama for the sake of drama with maybe some useful info buried deep within. I realize I can’t stop this just from some random rant post but still, I don’t think we should be entertaining obvious trolls constantly as all that does is feed their ego and make any real discussion impossible.
I imagine that when the expansion finally releases, people will be complaining more about the game and X class is OP and Y class needs buffing etc. The fact is that people love drama, and having the opportunity to insult others they disagree with without any real world consequences.
Back when the warriors were throwing a hissy fit because prot paladins wanted to be made raid-viable tanks?
Good times.
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When were the forums about the game?
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I remember when every random post that only briefly grazed the topic of the game or of the genre of the forum would legitimately get yeeted into off topic section and buried within minutes. Now? Everything is off topic, all over.
Today it rained outside and made me mad. I play WoW. Rain in WoW is less bad than real rain. Discuss.
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Be the change you seek in the world.
I dunno. Most of the topics I see are about the game.
Most of the topics are related to the game in the sense that me stubbing my toe while walking around a courthouse is related to legal issues. 90% of what happens here and on other forums is basically the video game equivalent of someone MAYBE cutting you off in traffic and then trying to get everyone to agree with you that they were a jerk despite no one being there.
I’d like to see more discussions on game balance that aren’t just someone whinging about how m+, raiding, pvp, or the auction house kicked down their wall, ate their mom, and ruined their life and how blizz needs to pay 10000 bloods to repay this debt.
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By all means, create it yourself!
I’m sure my Chromie Time posts may seem like nothing but “whinging”, but I do bring up valid points regarding its issues and have offered solutions to it.
there would be a lot less need for moderation if they made people discuss the game instead of whatnot.
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