Does anybody else not talk in Wow anymore? Scared of being Offensive?

If you’re saying “the wrong thing” on “accident” you might be scared of the wrong thing.


Back in either BFA or early SL, I had the weirdest interaction with someone on the forums asking for help. I gave some genuine suggestions with absolutely no snark at all and they didn’t like my response and told me to off myself amongst other things. Their comment was reported, hidden, and then reinstated lol. So I kinda don’t have a lot of faith in that moderation.

Oof. Yeah that’s not great. If anything that just proves that moderation isn’t automated, because even a half-decent AI would’ve caught that :sweat_smile:

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Lol, right? It was so strange and totally out of left field. And then to see it hidden and then brought back was like, wth is going on here??

Anyway, thankfully I don’t have any other stories like that and usually posts I see that obviously violate the rules are removed.

big offensive kekw

nobody “says the wrong thing on accident.”

they say what they mean. and sometimes there are consequences for that.

Freedom of Speech does not mean Freedom from Consequences.

people aren’t afraid of being offensive, they are afraid of the consequences of someone reacting to their offensive statements. they want to be able to be jerks with impunity.

it’s very easy to just be a nice person.


If you’re scared of saying the wrong thing then you are the problem lol fix your mentality


That’s not you being accidentally offensive that’s them revealing that they either need to get their hearing checked or reevaluate their life and what could of caused their brain to come to that conclusion.


You don’t really. But i once simply answered a question you posed and some major trolls came out of the woodwork - and themselves didn’t seem to get reported - because they didn’t like my thought about wow being different from their own. So it’s weird times.

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Not to mention the statement “jews harp” isn’t offensive, it’s nonsensical.

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Welcome to GD, where having logic, facts and a different opinion are not allowed. LOL

From their perspective it was accidently offensive, though.

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Let me make this a little clear. You can’t use humor from the late 90z or mid 2000s in Wow anymore…Can’t imagine if this was call of duty… :smiley:

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I just notice NO one usually says anything anymore. Been playing since 2007/8… and things have definitely changed. Amazing how fast but the tech is so diff, it’s so fast and your there and then it’s done. Anyways, I also think the layer of players is broad (multi layered) , I hope I said that right? I don’t even have the chats most of the time… it disappeared? so I don’t even have that option. Oh, well … just hanging on by a thread. I think Blizz should really appreciate that a bunch! Just put your head down and play… just kidding.

walks into thread

So uh… 100 some posts later since I last posted I think.

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So I just feel shamed now… sorry I tried to give you some support.

Who… me?

I was talking in general I just came back in here so Idk what all is going on ._.

i didn’t think you were allowed to do that!? go figure. Sorry, no harm meant.

I uh… I’m confused but apology accepted.

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Actually, the jaw harp is also known as both the Jews harp and the juice harp. The Jews harp name predates the juice harp one, though, so it’s likely that “juice” is a misheard variant of “Jews”. Nobody knows why it’s called that - the instrument was likely invented in Siberia and has nothing to do with the Jewish people. English and Danish speakers (jødeharpe) are really the only ones who call it that, though. It’s possible the name is anglicized from another language. Another possibility is that it was first imported to England by Jewish merchants.

I wouldn’t consider it offensive, but then again, I’m not Jewish. Both mouth harp and jaw harp make much more sense as a name, though.