Now that Im thinking about it, someone had one of those when I was a kid and I actually remember them calling it the latter of those. I think they thought it WAS what it was called.
That was the early 80s, so a different world then. Not every word that proceeded from everyones mouth was considered ‘offensive’.
ohhh…well that explains it then… lol
I can remember hearing ‘jaw harp’ as a kid and yeah, that made sense. The other I never even bothered looking to figure out. Didnt see it as offensive, just figured maybe it was a Jewish creation and that was why. We didnt have google in the 80s to figure stuff out fast and it wasnt worth a trip to the Library lmao
ironically, ones claiming to be the most tolerant around here will be the first to start slamming the flag with a dozen of their buddies to get you silenced. Even where no violation exists.
thankfully one blue in the last day or so has clearly started noticing some of whats going on in here, Im very thankful for his response and presence. Maybe there is some hope for this forum if he and others are going to start paying attention to some of the patterns and behaviors in here.
I avoided saying that but I thought it and didn’t know if I wanted to travel down that hole. But! Yea. I am near 50 years old. and I continue to find out/realize how much of the world I grew up in was drenched in racism.
My example was going to be “jimmies” - or if you’re not from New England “sprinkles.” My association to “jimmies” was my father, who was James, Jim, Jimmy. Then one day I learn its actually racist. Back from “Jim Crow” - I didn’t know that!
What sucks is, if it’s racist, then I get why I want to avoid it. But that doesn’t make it easy to think or not say on accident when I think of a chocolate sprinkle donut. And because of my backwards association I feel like it kind of got taken away, in some odd way.
I won’t even get started on the freaking Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry stuff because it kills me each time I see something “new” and have to think, god that’s effed up stuff to drill into a kids head, unknowingly, on one hand. Then on the other some sorrow to have something you never knew to be “wrong” right in front of you and enjoyed thoroughly for completely different reasons.
We know it, they know it. Its been a thing in here thats been complained about a ton.
I was literally on the discord where a lot of the coordination was happening. nearly every word on that discord was about THIS forum AND its members. I know. I was there. I saw it with my own eyes. I complained about it and finally left over the crap going on there.
Thankfully it seems moderation is starting to pay attention to the details so hopefully the flag bombing campaigns will be dealt with.
Not to be that guy, but this seriously needs a discussion on this.
What shall you purpose then that wouldn’t get abused by bad actors or would never fall short of moderation? And over 8 billion people using the internet around the world?
I’m asking because, whenever somebody complaints about Anonymity, they don’t realize this protects them too. Especially since, yes, there is actual crazy people out there. (And i don’t mean little kids getting upset or general trolling). Personally, the way the internet is, is fine, since sometimes people just do things for no reason. Meaning, you can’t just always be nice, not say anything they dislike and expect them to leave you alone. If anything, the lack of anonymity just gives more power to those who would step all over you.
If it doesn’t make any sense to you, then think why you removed 95% of your online footprint. I could be wrong on the reason why you left tho.
I fully understand the issue of internet anonymity and I have no good solution. I don’t think there IS an easy solution. I don’t believe that changes the assertion that internet anonymity encourages crappy behavior.
I think that the issue is so much more fundamental than protection from whatever institution people worry about. It’s about taking responsibility for your actions and words. There should always be consequences.
Certainly it does. Miserable persons who arent exactly brave feel safe foaming at others behind a keyboard. I imagine they dont have many friends IRL who will put up with their behavior either.
Exactly why I keep repeating that EVERYTHING is ‘trolling’ to someone.
Say the sky is blue and someone, somewhere is going to go on tirade and start screaming about being offended these days.
its very clearly designed to silence people. To destroy the concept of personal expression.
Ironically the folks perpetrating the attacks on expression seem to think THEY are the only ones allowed expression, lmao