Does anybody else not talk in Wow anymore? Scared of being Offensive?

It’s not just that other stuff you mention, I see blatant RMT advertisements posted in broad daylight in said “major” chat channels :rofl:

It’s clear there are no real/human being staff actually monitoring the “major” chat channels such as /trade and that they “outsourced” the policing to players via the automated report buttons. Otherwise, obvious RMT advertisements and links to RMT websites would not be a thing in the live game

…but if you merely disagree with a random and they take it the wrong way (even if no cuss words are used), BAM! You’re instantly hit with an automated ban/silence/etc once he gets his buddies or fellow guildies to rightclick your name and mass-false report you :roll_eyes:


I’m not particularly conversational. I only speak when I have something to say. I have never got a chat warning in game. I have no fear of being reported for saying something that is against terms, because I never say things like that. Perhaps people whose own verbal output is unfiltered should think before they speak, at least a little more often.

I think it’s perfectly legitimate to have players make reports and then have GM’s follow them up with actions. The problem is that they don’t actually do that, but they want players to think it’s happening. That’s why they make rules they don’t enforce. It’s really cheap to make a rule, and expensive to keep someone on the payroll to enforce it.

No one insulted you. But many will question the “no reason,” because like I said, there’s always a reason.

Sure, but that’s irrelevant.

I chat in MG chat channels. It’s like what Barrens chat used to be.

Never once had an issue.

I don’t PvP. But this tells me everything I need to know now. So thanks for clearing that up.

Everyone knows what they did. They choose to act as if they don’t.

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Well, just look at the miserable twit in the post I made before…screaming he was going to report me literally because he felt my health bar didnt move enough in the dungeon run. lmao.
Can you imagine that sort popping a cork even worse had someone actually said real words to him and got him going, lmao.

you have to love the “it must be you” sorts in here. As if EVERY victim is at fault for being assaulted. No, many times it IS the other person.

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Not directly, but it was meant as such. People like that is assuredly why the policy is so vague.

How is it irrelevant? It’s completely relevant to the point that all that matters is if something can be seen as negative in any way, like the person I replied to.

As do I, but I don’t think I ever had an issue there but as mentioned every server is different, and who is online will be different. I have had no less than 5 people tell me “reported for throwing” when I’m just trying to figure stuff out in PvP - and I frequently call incomings or where some enemies are going in BGs.

No, they don’t. It’s like an officer pulling you over, giving you no reason for any warning (Which could be false, you have no way to know) and walking away and saying points will be deducted next time. I bet you think you’re doing nothing wrong yourself.


I don’t talk in game at all and I got that reminder as well. I think they just do it, to keep people aware there are rules they are enforcing. But then I haven’t actively talked in /1 or /2 since WoD.

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It wasn’t meant as an insult at all. LOL

I already covered this:

Thus, it’s irrelevant. Because the system takes care of useless reports.

See: the CS forums and every topic posted here complaining about being sanctioned with “I didn’t do anything wrong! All I did was…”

And then they point out themselves what they did, while still acting innocent.

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It was, and your opinion on it doesn’t matter because it wasn’t thrown at you.

It doesn’t, since everything is automated. Have you not seen the post where it was proven even appeals are automated?

and apparently the blue posters which are immune to rules that seem to violate them on a whim? Yeah. Like you.


oh…yeah. lmao.
I got hit by an old man about 1991.
Dude was speeding, ran a stop sign, blasted the rear end of my car, spun me around, hit a tree, crushed the rear end, gas leaking everywhere, put my head thru the driver door window…my daughter found my glasses almost a block up the street, lmao.

Cop shows up. I get into the back of his cruiser and hes having me tell what happened.
Old man ADMITS to running the stop sign. lmao.

Cops looks at me and says “Id arrest you but theyd just turn you loose” LMAO.
He said I was ‘acting suspicisous’ lol.
Dude…just got my car destroyed, my head put thru the car window and Im half blind from the glass in my eyes. I think Ive got some reason to be acting a bit off here lmao

just someone else abusing the rules who thinks they can get away with it.

ironically…on that point…lmao

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No. Since they changed the Trust Level rules and I can no longer post videos, I’ll be darned if they’re gonna be privy to any more of my pearls of wisdom.

Oh it’s actually a glitch with imbedding.

If you post it before it previews in the right side it will go so just copy the link, make your post, then paste and reply super fast.

It works. :slight_smile:

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Nah nobody gonna tell me what I can and can’t say. If I get banned then oh well.

There’s a glitch with embedding?

Yep for trust level 2 it won’t let you post youtube videos if it embeds in the right side.

If you copy paste it and hit reply super fast it will go through.

Oof. That’s frustrating.

Of course, half the time I don’t know someone replies to me until like an hour later. And then there’s still the thing I can’t fix where if someone quotes a person first, then quotes me next, I never get a notification at all.

Too many bugs even on the forums. lol

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My friends and I are usually in discord, joking and laughing and having fun.

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All it takes is for me to be warned unfairly, once. I will never talk in game again. Not risking my account.


Sorry to sound dour, but for the past year, maybe, I’ve made it a priority to report all mildly offensive-to-egregious TRP profiles as well as right click reporting any and all offensive chat in all channels I see- regardless of context- also if advertised or chatting in wrong channels, such as players chatting casually in Services, or services being advertised in Trade/Local.

I was once reported for a sentence in one of my alt’s TRP profiles, and since, I’ve felt the explicit need to help others ensure that WoW can remain a nice place to play in all facets; and I will admit to spanning these forums to track down any and all suspended/ban/etc posts and simply revel in their brief misfortune, because I know for a fact they’ll rectify their behavior if not perma-banned…because I did.

I very much hope that all players learn to curb their slang and breaking of ToS in their typical gameplay. It’s for the best to maintain this community.

You seem like a peach of a person.

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You are the exact sort of person- on these forums from what I’ve seen- you’re trying to classify me as.

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