Agreed, the report system is abused to high heaven. It’s especially worse since it’s automated.
While true in regards to what people say on the internet, the other side of the coin is that there are also no consequences for playing terribly, not learning your class, and being completely unprepared before joining group content.
You’ve effectively caused a loss to another person, or group of people with your complete lack of consideration for their time. Where is the report function for this?
Oh right, it doesn’t exist.
I’d like to see a leaver queue for M+ leavers, or PvP non performers where they are stuck with other leavers and such, similar to how it works in Heroes of the Storm.
You play badly often enough, you get stuck with other people who play badly until you learn to behave for a few consecutive days.
There is no punishment for bad play, ruining someone’s game, so of course they are going to get upset and sometimes rage in chat. No other outlet.
Sorry. I didn’t catch what you said.
Freedom of speech my friend. Would you like to leave America?
Might want to re-evaluate your understanding of the 1st Amendment. Freedom of speech doesn’t protect people from the consequences of their words and actions. That protection begins and ends with being protected from retaliation from the government itself.
Well, therein lies the issue. Insulting people is against the CoC. Can’t really have Shocked Pikachu Face over that.
If it ensures you don’t insult people again, then sure it is.
The only part that’s automated is chat reports that build up to a squelch. Any sanction after that is done by a GM.
Nope. Not an issue at all. I’ve typed profanity in pugs without thinking. Nothing has ever happened.
Now it will since I reported you and they’ll pull up logs to scan for bannable content. JK
I wonder if there are chat logs anymore or if they only save what has been reported.
So many players’ issues could be solved by just not being a jerk. I don’t get why that’s so hard. lol The system isn’t perfect, sure, but I don’t view it as easily abused either.
If someone whispers me being a meanie I just report them so blizzard can deal with it / their chat is hidden.
Are you honestly asking how it’s abused? Easy, people can have their friends/multiple accounts/guildies report a person, and have them silenced/banned and it’s all automated. You don’t even have to say or do anything wrong for this to happen, there are trolls that love to watch the world burn you know.
In my case though, it was a forum silence, not in-game. I guess I’m not allowed to disagree with anybody or criticize, by your logic. I wouldn’t think it was insulting to say “Your ideas are terrible” when they are in fact terrible.
I get a feeling that you let emotions sway you over logic, and no, that’s not an insult.
Yes, there are still chat logs.
“Being a jerk” is subjective though. You could say (for example) that 2+2 = 22, and I could correct you by saying “No, 2+2 = 4” and you may think I’m a jerk for doing that.
Some people actually do have that mindset, not saying you personally, but some do.
I wonder how many GBs that adds up to.
I’d wager that you know exactly what I mean and are just arguing semantics.
I understandly exactly what you mean. As I said, it’s subjective. What I may think doesn’t mean another person will think the same way. Everybody interprets things differently.
The squelch is automated. Nothing after that is automated. So if someone gets sanctioned after that, it’s because a GM reviewed the log and tossed out the sanction.
You have to say something to get chat squelched. They have to be able to report a chat violation.
You can disagree all you want. You can criticize all you want. I’m doing it right now.
How is that not an insult? “Terrible” is a negative adjective with no positive connotation to it in the English language in any dictionary or linguistical analysis.
How is that? I told you that insults are against the CoC. I gave factual information on how the system works. Where is there any emotion involved in that?
Gaslight much?
You’re calling ME out for gaslighting? I said “You don’t even have to say or do anything wrong” meaning you can say “hello”. Never mentioned that you didn’t have to say anything at all.
I know I know, semantics. Plus, an insult would be “Your idea is god awful” or “you’re dumb” “Are you retarded?”
Please don’t take the what’s in quotations out of context either, those are examples.