Does 5 DPS really Matter?

The problem is, Blizzard is so uninspired these days that the only way they can get people to “care” about these systems is by tying insane amounts of power to them and forcing people to do them rather then make them engaging naturally


I’d still like an explanation on how it’s “RPG” for me to go halfway through the Maldraxxus storyline and then be told “Stop. You don’t get to finish this story.” just because I’m helping their allies in Revendreth. The same allies who send me to Maldraxxus a couple times every week to help out more.

The game isnt designed like that anymore and hasnt been for 10+ years hence why you cant put genie back in the bottle.

Because they aren’t a big deal really. I don’t know of anyone who quit over legion legendaries and they were a bigger issue than covenants will ever be. I don’t know anyone who quit over azerite either and they definitely weren’t something to bother quitting over.

All this fuss about covenants and we still have the real issue this expansion and that is the legendaries which aren’t even really getting tested.

You can when the game does poorly and bold decisions need to be made. Most people seem to agree that some RPG elements are lacking in modern World of Warcraft, covenants are a step in the right direction, even if it is unsettling to some.

I definitely do and remember seeing plenty of posts about it on the forums; participation certainly didn’t feel like it was at an all time high during those times either.

That said, don’t you think “well people won’t quit over this…” to be a pretty low bar for such an important system?


Please explain how it’s “RPG” for me to go halfway through the Maldraxxus storyline and then be told “Stop. You don’t get to finish this story.” just because I’m helping their allies in Revendreth. The same allies who send me to Maldraxxus a couple times every week to help out more.

Its supposed to be a meaningful choice. I know buzz saying but it is, and again you dont want that and thats fine , its funny, Blizzard just don’t know what their playerbase actually want.

Fine, it’s a meaningful choice.

Stop it with the “this is RPG stuff” because you’re lying. Locking off the storylines like the covenant system currently does is anti-RPG. Not pro-RPG.

Why should player power be tied to classes?

I don’t understand why it shouldn’t be. Would anyone care to make progress on these if there was no player power involved?

Are you playing beta? If you were you would know how much effort they are expecting people to put into these covenants. I personally don’t know if I will even bother with anything past the basics because it is like a make work project and I am retired already.

The concept is very much an RPG element, you just don’t like it.

You haven’t even looked at the stories and have no idea how they work, do you.

I dont disagree at all, it is lacking but again you cant do 180 after stripping it all away over the years and expect the players who like current WoW to be happy about it.

The system isn’t the one people should be concerned about though in my opinion. It is a fluff system.

Legion’s legendaries made me quit halfway into Antorus because of how much that system burned me. I let my sub lapse for the first time in my ten years of playing World of Warcraft because of the system and all the needless baggage attached to it.

I came back in BFA but Legion was an expansion I absolutely hated solely because of how atrocious the legendary system was, despite the warnings many players - myself included - issued DURING THE BETA!

because we havent already been here multiple expacs in a row.


Guess what? They can still do all those things without having “muh optimum char power!”

Antorus was the end of the expansion and they had already made a lot of adjustments to legendaries by then. Very odd time to quit because of ‘legendaries’.

I loved the legendary system in Legion because you could earn them doing whatever you wanted. Not so with the legendary system in Shadowlands - you are stuck doing one piece of content all expansion long and heaven help you if you dislike it.

“Wah the game can’t be perfectly balanced!” Because doing so would destroy all class diversity and fun.

I do know how they work. Let’s talk about facts, I’m not going to waste time arguing with someone who is attempting to discredit my opinion by questioning my knowledge.

Again, you just don’t like making tough RPG decisions, you just want to switch around as often as you please, that playstyle is convenient for mythic raiders and streamers, but it is destroying the game.