Does 5 DPS really Matter?

It’s ironic. If Covenants didn’t have character power tied to them, they’d basically be Legion Class Halls, with each having a unique storyline and some minor perks (as well as cosmetics), but all being largely the same.

People would have loved them. Tons of people leveled multiple characters in Legion just to see every Order Hall. The Mage Tower offered no character power, but even years later, people are still begging for it back.

But Blizzard managed to convince themselves that unless you tie a gargantuan amount of character power to these, people won’t be interested, and the end result is a bitter taste in the mouth for the people who really liked Night Fae or Venthyr, but got stuck with Necro or Kyrian because they’re the best.


Let me bring up a fantastic example: Soulbinds.

You don’t get to see each covenant’s Soulbinds until AFTER you have joined that covenant at level 60.

You don’t get to see the Soulbinds while leveling.
You don’t get to see the Soulbinds when considering which covenant to join at Level 60.

It’s a hugely impactful part of choosing a covenant, and it’s completely hidden from you unless you use an external site like wowhead.

And that’s just dumb, on Blizzard’s part. Dumb, dumb, dumb.


Has very little to do with complaints and a lot more to do with money. Am I like the only person that remembers flight in Warlords?


You are a minority come launch you will see it for yourself, you cant spend 10+ years streamlining a game around accessibility , ease of access , alts , short game play loops, fast combat (see gcd when that happened), game modes that encourage min max , optimal builds , (arena, Hc raiding, CM, Mythic raiding, MDI) and then release new system thats goes against all that you have done and expect players to go AWESOME.

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Exactly because player power is more important to players than RPG elements in wow 2020. We going down this road for a long time.

It kinda surprises me that even in a video game how obsessed with power some people are. Quite literally willing to kill off all semblance of diversity, flavor, and fun if it includes the possibility of costing a modicum of power.

Pretty telling about the aspect of human nature for some of us.

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I’d prefer to play the class that is most fun to me but I’ll always pick the class that outperforms for high-end content.

Skill literally doesn’t matter if your class is tuned like garbage.

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There’s nothing “RPG” about restricting covenant play.

RPG’s are about expanding player selection, not restricting it.

Where is the RPG element in me finding the Primus’ runeblade, and unlock the Seat of the Primus for the rebel necrolords, but then I can’t complete the storyline because I chose one of their allies as a covenant, instead?

You can have plenty of RPG elements that don’t impede gameplay like covenants do.

Why not do more class specific questlines? Why not do more with the glyph system? Why not revitalize the profession system to not be so boring? Do cool world zone stuff.

You don’t need to die game breakingly strong abilities to factions for the sake of “RPG elements” when there are plenty of RPG elements that are already in the game that are very lacking


Its just not players, if are going to point the finger Blizzard are just as much to blame.

Yeah it’s such a bad thing to want to be good at a video game. What a new and horrible concept. back in my day, nobody ever tried in video games! I swear!


People aren’t going to quit over this once they start playing Shadowlands. It really isn’t a big deal making a choice. People have been trained to cry wolf every time they don’t like something and Ion was a fool saying they have a ‘back up’ plan because what the heck did he think would happen. For people to actually give the system a legitimate try?

Or you could stop focusing on power so much and have fun?

People absolutely quit over Legion legendaries and BFA azerites initial iterations. Why don’t you think they woudl quit over covenants?


To be fair, the community has been right lately.

Non-tradable Azerite gear
Non-changable Azerite traits
Account wide essences
Corruption vendor


You can still be good. Player skill is going to be a far bigger determinant than covenants.

Don’t forget flying. How many more players would the game have if Ion hadn’t tried to remove flying in WoD?

Some people have fun with mythic raids, high key m+, top bracket PvP. Guess twice what you need to be good at that. Power.

So with that said, why should the player power be tied to the covenant choice?

I dont disagree with you.