Pretty accurate capture of the people supporting this.
Heck I got every class mount! It was a blast being able to see how every class thought we should handle things. I wouldn’t even be opposed to doing it again some day for the nostalgia factor. (Edit: I have a LOT of alts, so I actually could…)
Being powerful IS fun. If I YOLO pull an area I overgear and slap them silly in three globals, that’s fun. When my guild progresses through the current raid we’re getting our kills, that’s fun.
Know what isn’t fun? Looking pretty with a new mount and struggling through content.
If you think the covenants are going to be balanced enough that it won’t be noticeable, I have ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell you, too.
If everyone else is doing 7 DPS and you’re doing 2, then yes, 5 DPS matters. Yaknow, since we’re just playing the strawman game instead of arguing actual points.
Clearly the only solution is to delete LFR.
No silly, they’re telling you that based on blizz’s track record the likelihood of them being even CLOSE to eachother for each spec is pretty low. If it’s really “5 dps” as you claim, nobody will care. This won’t be the case.
- 5% dps is not the same as 5 dps.
- Dps isn’t the only balance issue by a long shot.
- The gameplay is different from covenant to covenant. The one I “identify” with may have gameplay that isn’t much fun, while one i don’t like may have gameplay that is fun. Just another reason covenants shouldn’t affect gameplay in any way.
Because we were able to chose essences because they were so balanced… And that’s way less weight than covenants will be
i personlly identify with whichever one kill my enemies the fastest to give me the most chance to survive, we are playing WARcraft right? not fluffy bunny hugs craft. Min/Max has such a stigma associated with it, min maxing is what you are supposed to do, its why you level up, its why you get new gear, its how you help your faction win the war, if you say you dont care about min maxing then why did you even change your starting gear, if it doent matter then you should be able to complete the whole game in the same gear, and never need new talents, and never need to be able to switch convenent abilities for raiding pvp and m+, think about it
Sorry had to do a minor edit not sure if some of people are smart enough to realize when you said complete the game in the same gear you meant starter.
This is like the most ignorant comment I’ve ever read posted by mythic level player. So someone of lower skill level, who won’t know how to utilize their class well enough and will do almost half less damage due to wrong borrowed powers, won’t be handicapped trying to finish their +7 mythic+ run?
Greens used to be respectable on forums.
These people have become collateral damage in their war on ‘elitist tryhards’.
youve clearly never raided mythic have you
Because it’s a job for a lot of people to be at the top. People at the top of PvP, PvE scoreboards get there by edging out everything they can. Then the meta slaves bandwagon on it and judge others for not being a meta slaves, and since majority of wow playerbase are meta slaves, it gets weird very fast.
From a design perspective, it’s okay for the game to be balanced where everyone is within a certain % of one another as long as they have other utilities to make up for it. But there will always be communities that only care about parses and nothing else. If they could make everyone do a beam of dps, and every class had the same dps based on ilvl of different color, they would.
OP will find out why it will be an issue when he picks the wrong covenant for pvp and fights a rogue with the right covenant for pvp
theres covenant abilities that STILL dont even work at a basic level for some specs.
like the glitter stomp for night fae windwalker doesnt even work. like at all. not even at a basic fundamental level. its so riddled with bugs that havnt even been addressed or even looked at a SINGLE TIME by blizzard yet, before even beginning to get into numbers tuning.
the entire windwalker spec hasnt been looked at once yet. it is so ridiculously bugged beyond imagining at this stage, that its a complete farce to even think any of the balancing will be done before the xpack goes live. theres not 1 single doubt in my mind. the gigantic mountain of an issue in storm earth and fire is yet to even be addressed by blizzard yet, with its monumental astronomical level of bugs.
and dont even get me started on the other covenants. they arnt even working for windwalker either yet. the kyrian ability breaks a talent, and our rotation, to even use there covenant ability. the necrolord ability … just might as well not even exist. no windwalker in there right mind would ever consider going necrolord its that pointless. basically windwalkers only have an option of 3 covenants ( cause necrolords are a dead covenant for us ). and the one covenant 100% of windwalkers will go is the venthyr, but its ultra bugged as well and doesnt even cast the windwalker signature ability, the minions only auto attack. and its still doing 40% of a WWers dmg, and its on a 3 min CD…
and this is before we even get into class fantasy or spec fantasy. why are windwalkers all of a sudden a summoner spec like demo? windwalkers are now spawning more minions than demo warlocks now on the beta.
where in the mission statement of " a peerless martial artist " is the archetype of a summoner? is blizzard asleep at the wheel here?
and this is just 1 spec. theres myriad other classes and specs all in the same position. 5 damage apart OP? really?? the nightfae ability doesnt even do 5 dps, let alone the mountain of a difference it has with the ultra bugged venthyr ability for windwalker. someone needs to do some reading on whats going on in the beta atm. " numbers " tuning isnt going to fix broken specs. spec rebuilds from the ground up like shadow are only going to fix some of the broken classes.
Remember when people said that “azerite traits will only be within 1-2% of each other and could be chosen for playestyle?”
I haven’t changed my Azerite trait layout since BoD
ive just been farming and refarming the exact same pieces of gear each season of the entire xpack.
blizz did this because tier apparently took decisions away from gearing when this is even worse. at least each raid tier your set bonuses and what slot configurations would change. farming the exact same gear in the exact same slots for 2.5 years for just higher iLv versions isnt good game design. its terrible design.
borrowed power systems are utter trash.
That’s what made me give up half-way into 8.2, farming the same gear from 8.0 and 8.1, didn’t even touch 8.3.
I still don’t know why they gave up on gear progression through seasons, 1 to 2 to 3 to 4, with some catchups like new dungeons, instead just resetting everything and making all previous gear on par with greens.
It’s cute that you think borrowed power will be a nothing difference and not 25-40% of total dps. Just look at it now. Around 60-70% of a class’s dps is nothing but borrowed power proc abilities. Such skill!