No, you’re incapable of understanding what you or others are stating, continuing to talk to you is a waste of time.
It won’t be 5 dps rofl
OP just forgot a few 0s at the end.
They are doing 97% nerfs. That should tell you they have literally zero clue as to how balance will shake out.
Leave then? I wasn’t even talking to you in the first place.
I also want to mention that we have done all of Mythic raid testing without conduits and legendaries. So yeah, I bet that’s going to be nice and tuned.
Troll confirmed
Yeah it’s going to be really bad. I’m just hoping sims are out by time of launch with some accuracy. Can’t wait for the heroic tuning week where they nerf the ones everyone is using
I personally believe it was made a top tier player issue, most of the complaining is coming from that group and from streamers like Preach. These types of players want quick loadouts for whatever situation presents itself and Blizzard is not having it. If this game keeps moving in that direction it will be dead within a year or two, guaranteed.
I just remember before Legion they said there wouldn’t be any major tuning before EN because they didn’t want us to spend all of our AP on one spec then have it get nerfed. What happened? We spent all of our AP on one spec and it got nerfed.
There is no way this isn’t happening for the first raid tier.
OP has never had a 0% wipe on a mythic boss
Ah, you are still under the impression that covenants will not be freely swappable. I am just wanting them to be freely swappable from the start, instead of waiting a patch or 2 until they release it as a feature. You must be new here, welcome.
I’m definitely not new here, you might be waiting a long time by the way.
Nah, we’ve seen how this plays out already with Azerite armor reforging, account wide essences and the corruption vendor.
5 dps probably wont matter. 5% dps will though. It’s also looking like covenants will have a significant impact in dungeons providing additional buffs, check points, and skips. If you think for a second that THAT doesn’t matter you’re wrong.
Telling someone that they’re wrong for liking the current covenant system and enjoying more RPG heavy content is just as problematic as telling somebody they shouldn’t be allowed to optimize their character or that they’ll just have to suck it up if they want to multi-spec. Full stop. If your calling someone out on their bs consists of you ardently doing the same thing and you don’t see the hypocrisy in that, I don’t know what to say.
I can’t blame you for responding to the OP with hostility seeing as they were being incredibly aggressive themself, but it’s still not a good look. The issue is when people come in and express their opinion and you immediately jump to minimize it. When the MVP voiced their belief that there are community issues at the root of many of these problems, you immediately leapt in to call their opinion nonsense, belittle their view, and claimed you would report them in the hopes of having their MVP status removed (lmao).
Do you want to know something interesting? My personal views on the covenant debate have changed a lot since the beginning. Some people calmly explained to me how what I was campaigning for would impede upon others’ enjoyment of the game. We talked about how the elements that I enjoy could be implemented at the same as the elements others enjoy. It was productive and insightful. Prior to that, the only engagement I received was from people who wanted to lash out at me for what I enjoy about the game. It entrenched me even further in my views; marginalizing people’s views does nothing but rally other against you.
Calling out people for policing others’ fun means absolutely nothing when you do the same thing. You absolutely are breaking things into an us vs them when you only ever try and invalidate people’s feelings on the subject and reduce the countless individual opinions on covenants and Blizzard design philosophy into two monolithic, dichotomous camps with no hope of reconciliation.
And if the standard of wanting the forums to be a place that is conducive of constructive discussion rather than endless squabbling that does nothing but divide the community for no reason is somehow problematic, then I am doubtful that you are interested in anything but a fight to begin with.
I want to contribute the best possible way to my group. I’d like to be able to make two choices, one influencing my output and the second where I find that sense of ‘identity’ they want to achieve with the system.
But I guess I’ll be sacrificing that ‘identity’ for performance as to help those around me.
This entire thread is an attempt to minimize the position that wants unlocked covenants and my entire point of engaging with you is to point out your hypocrisy. The MVP consistently blames the community and tells people of the community they are wrong for wanting to play the game their way. This is directly against what YOU say you stand for, and that was my entire message to that person, but again… you don’t say anything to them. You side with them and tell them the people responding to them are the bad ones. You say I’m the one belitting them for standing up for people that don’t play the game the way the MVP thinks they should.
Your inconsistencies prevent you from being the right person to be spreading this message.
He does not do that, the community is not a monolith.