Do you...?

Now we have three topics started over the last few days all about the same issue. These should be combined into one forum post in my humble opinion.

That said, I will go into content not expecting anything as I am there for the adventure. Maybe it’s something I need or something I can help others out.

When an item drops, I will look at it and if I can see if it’s an upgrade I will roll Need. I will never roll Greed and I will Pass if I can’t figure out if it’s an upgrade because you can’t tell if a 1/8 will eventually be better at 8/8 then what I might already be using.

While most people don’t click Trans mog because they know they automatically lose to Need, I actually will even though I know it is a loss. I do this because that is the social expectations or intent that was put forth by most gaming companies that have implemented a Need before Greed system.

You can use whatever logic you want to justify Trans mog should be a need and Trans mog is forever. But just like gear, it will be replaced ever season and expansion, that color tint you want, was taking from someone who is trying to improve to do better in future content was robbed of an upgrade.

Blizzard needs to make the Trans mog roll separate from the NbG system. Let people that want it as a Trans mog win an appearance only version. They could also make it so if you have a higher version of the gear unlock all lower versions of the gear. Finally, they could introduce Armor Dye as an Alchemist recipe so people could open up other colors.