Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

I’m…I don’t want to say hopeful that today’s maintenance will fix our guild banks, because hopeful is too strong a word, but I’m “cautiously hopeful”. If the guild banks are not restored with today’s maintenance there absolutely needs to be an update today.


I have zero hope it’ll be fixed today.

They haven’t even acknowledged it in the last two weeks.

Given that they’ve obviously told their mouthpieces to stay quite about it and the almost total lack of updates I’m firmly in camp: “They’re trying to sweep it under the rug” until proven otherwise.


I am genuinely tired of mediocrity being the norm and those who accept this failure for what it is.


And you know what, transparency is always the best, even if they come right out and say we can’t fix this, it’s better than what we’re getting now… which is nothing.


I feel like enough content creators call out when they feel something is negative in the game that the absence of reports about it from them is confusing. Maybe they really weren’t affected. Maybe the conspiracy people are right and the bigger name players and creators got personal fixes so long as they kept hush (I don’t believe this, I’m just saying that’s what others are saying). Maybe we could start nudging them too, pleading for them to help us bring attention and pressure to the situation. Not that I want to annoy them, they aren’t involved and I don’t want to cause them grief too… I just don’t know what to do anymore.


Absolutely agree.


At this point? nope. Even if they do get us back our stuff idk if i can ever use it again after this

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Seems the update to EU forums indicates this is not getting resovled with this maintenance.

I just cannot any more with this and the lack of info.
I’m unsubbing.
Not canceling, just going to unsub.
Wait… is that the same thing? lol
I haven’t done an unsub before.


I think if we knew about it we would. I had no idea this was an issue (to say the least). I’d agree with others here that there’s something sus about the whole thing - it’s definitely being supressed.
To note - I do have a guild bank for personal use and now that i’ve had the warband I haven’t used my GB. Now I know I’ll likely be facing everything missing.


idk if i even trust the warband at this point. i might just go back to using my army of alts to hold things like i did b4 i got my own guild


TBH I’m gonna be doing that now - I’ll be annoying ppl on the friend’s list with my constant in-game char flipping but here we go!


This is why I suspect there’s been no “official” statement or pins. They don’t want more people finding out their stuff is gone.


When the servers come up, you should definitely go check your guild bank(s).


I am extremely skeptical the missing items will ever be restored.

We’ll get an “Our bad!”, 1000 g mailed to us, a guild bank system we can’t trust anymore, and then they won’t want to discuss it ever again.


I actually thought they got rid of old stuff on purpose. like it wasn’t needed. I had a ton from Vanilla disappear. hmmm… I moved stuff already. I hope they mail it back.
I still have my vanilla Onyx bag in my char bank but other stuff is gone.
omg, maybe I can stop my hoarder mentality now…

I think it hasn’t helped mine at all. I’m just more selective now where I store stuff.
Thing is, they poofed mats from Dragonland that I needed for enchanting, to enchant my new gear until I learned all the new recipes. I had to go buy mats (that I already had in my bank before poofs) just to enchant stuff.

It wasn’t just old stuff. I lost plenty of dragonflight mats and recipes.


That’s precisely where I’m at. I don’t even use the warband bank to hold things between relogs at this point. Hooray for the mail - and even then… yeah.

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The items aren’t gone. They’re basically phased out. It’s similar to the unique items issue in the Warbank. If you put a unique item in on one character, swapped to another that had that same unique item, they wouldn’t see it in the Warbank. But swap to a character that doesn’t have that unique item and it would be there.

Now… I don’t know what happens if we put items in on top of those phased ones. So that’s why I literally pulled everything from our guild bank and left it empty and locked down until it’s fixed.


It´s hard to trust Blizzard at this point and it is hard to motivate myself to even play their games right now.

It´s been a long journey for me, I still remember D1 and my first online gaming experience, that later led to Ultima and many more MMO´s like WOW. I feel that back then, as a customer you did matter, I no longer feel so and see disrespect towards us everywhere “don´t you have phones?”

When I had an issue with WOW in the past, it was fixed within hours or days, now we are in the 4th week and still nothing. Valid concerns about the game design, are laughed at and you are treated as a second customer, like with LFR group loot, warband bank costs, lore design …

Yes, I may be not a mythic person and don´t gear my chars in premade raids or dungeons anymore, or run a YT channel and “influence” people, but I am still a customer and this since day 1. I feel I deserve better…