Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

Surely they will keep sending mail. Surely. It wasn’t even the right amount of snowballs. xD


The “Easter Dress” which was only available the first year of the game is a dummy item now to the rare few who had it.

EDIT: Also what caused this? I was lucky enough to not have it happen to me, but I am still curious.

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Atleast you got SOMETHING back. I have yet to receive a single item on any of my toons that are GM"s of guilds. Did you put in a bug report. I’m wondering if that is the reason I have not received anything, because I did not submit a bug report.


I didn’t open a ticket, so whatever I got back (and hopefully will get back) is part of some “process” Blizzard is doing on its own.

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ooof thats a real

post if a ever saw one.


Ok, that is good to hear. You didn’t submit a bug report either? That is different from opening a ticket.

I haven’t received anything back on any of my toons … yet.

On a side note: Bliz seems to not like people clicking the like button alot. They have given me a message that I’m all out of likes to give today. LOL

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I did not.

Ok Thank you!
I have hopes of receiving something soon™!

I submitted a bug ticket and posted in like 10 threads here, but didn’t do a ticket. I’ve still only received one mail with 4 snowballs, so far.

4 snowballs

May as well be nothing, like me. LOL
You can bonk people with them now.
Take out your frustration with those 4! lmao

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XD Nothing would have been less insulting, somehow.


For realz! LMAO!
I can only imagine the confusion, disbelief, and the wondering where the rest is hiding when you opened your mail.

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I got 9 darkmoon turn in items returned out of all the hundreds of missing items from my guild bank. I had pets, mog, items that were removed from the game, crafting materials, and so much more. And they return 9 damn darkmoon faire items?

what an insult.


I had three of those Pocket Fel Spreader toys pop up in the mail today, i didn’t even know i was missing them lol


I lost 400 Khorium ore.


Stop paying them sub fees and buying their unfinished software.

It’s the only way to get the point across, they really could not care less about our in-game possessions as long as they keep getting paid.


5 pages of mail this morning …

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Im glad you are not affected, but dont talk for the rest of us, ty


Received less than half a gbank tab of items this morning. Had 7 full tabs(minus 5-6 empty slots). Anything is better than nothing, but this is piss poor compensation for the utter cluster this ordeal is and was. The lack of acknowledgement for the problem up until now just adds to it.

But hey, Bliz alleviated their data storage issues…

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It is good people are getting items back.

Some of us have not received a single thing on any for any of our banks.
I just check the two banks that were impacted the most and NADDA!
Nothing! STILL!