Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

It’s wild how little communication there is.


Extremely frustrating. This is something that many actually care about - whether it’s people’s personal guild bank or one for a working guild.

Absolutely amazing (in the worst way) that Blizzard is communicating so little about it and seemingly, putting efforts into ignoring / hiding this.


I’m personally not having a gbank issue, but the CS issue is way more extensive.

I’m one of the folks who didn’t get Crests retroactively. I did 100+ delves with 25 Bountiful keys before the change to having them drop any.

It’s really disheartening to have zero communication, and have friends who I did the delves with swimming in upgrade materials that just appeared for them on log-in while several others have received nothing.

It completely took the wind out of my sails.


Every day I log in to check my guild banks, every day there is no change. Nothing in the game mail being returned either. The anniversary is coming up with cool new stuff and we’ll have no where to put it all.

Very frustrating.


I finally got a GM response to my ticket after having it closed automatically (not gbank related) and was told just to report it on the bug forum.

Cool, did that a while ago, so did many others. That’s not why players are upset.

Nobody cares if they’re seen on the forums if the problems aren’t even acknowledged.

How about…any communication that isn’t copy-pasted templates?


We need items restored for guild and war banks. The inaction from Blizz is unacceptable.


The lack of communication for This Long is genuinely crazy. Have y’all been blowing them up on Twitter at all or spreading awareness of the issue beyond the forums? I guess the only way to get an update is to make a big stink about it.


I got a response about my Crest issue, and boy oh boy is it ever misleading.

Tells me to submit a bug report; multiple people have.

Tells me the issue had been recognized…yeah? Where?

I’m so over all of this.

Greetings xxxxx

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment Support. Game Master Talseiatel here

Well xxxxx, if you are missing crests I would highly recommend doing a bug report in the forums so our developers can take a look into it, as they have the necessary tools to investigate these cases. Also, any other players having similar experiences will be able to support and comment on that report, allowing it to reach our developers faster. You can report this challenge through this link:

Or you can report it in-game as follows:

  1. Press Esc or click the ? button to open the menu.
  2. Click Support.
  3. Click Submit feedback or bug report.
  4. Enter the details of the bug into the Submit a bug description box, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
  5. Click Submit.

Right now, I am afraid there’s no estimated time for a possible fix. While this is not something that can be tackled by Customer Support alone, the issue had been recognized and hopefully it won’t be long before we hear about a solution proper.

Should there be anything else you might need, just reach us, I’ll be here to find the best solution for you

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•`Sincerely,
Game Master Talseiatel
Blizzard Entertainment


You literally wasted a GM’s time and other people’s legitimate tickets for a bug, after you were told multiple times GMs cannot do anything about bugs.

Good job. Now stop derailing the guild bank thread. Thanks.

Yeah, it’s because their systems don’t work. I just hope they have detailed logs or records so we can eventually recover those losses.

Can you imagine playing a game where the items and currency you get can sometimes disappear for “reasons” and you’re expected to just deal with it? I can’t. That’s garbage.


Yeah, it’s getting really old. I get it, bugs happen, but even just acknowledgment that it’s a bug they’re working on rectifying would be swell.


I appreciate him bumping the thread to keep eyes on this issue. If he has to bump it by talking about a similar incident, then so be it. It has a common trait: missing, poopy customer service, and lack of action from Blizzard
When things go poofs or you never received promised items to begin with, and both get the run around from Blizzard, people tend to want to vent wherever they can.

If he wants to vent here and bump the thread, I’m all for it! I mean, it seems to me, that he has more of a standing. Blizzard is blatantly conducting a breach of contract because his is in writing: If you do a, b, c, you will get x, y, z. Whereas, with the guild banks, it is basically our word against theirs.

I feel like everyone is welcome to post here, regardless of their “topic” because it helps bump the thread and keeps eyes on this ongoing issue. Over a MONTH of ongoing at that.


My issue is how he’s posting GM responses, which is against forum rules, while he was the one who was initially extremely hostile towards anyone who told him it was a bug in his original thread— and it ended up being a bug.

So I don’t take lightly to people who do such things.

On topic, I am super hoping that since they got character restoration up and running that now they can focus on our guild banks. But there are so many other bugs that it’s not giving me much hope. :frowning:

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I’m more concerned over the fact that 100% of every Hardcore Diablo toon I had suddenly vanished and there is no evidence of any of them ever having existed. Even when they die or get deleted it still shows the ghost profile thing but 100% of all of them simply vanished and my highest level toon there is now a level 3 even though I had max level toons there in Diablo. Not talking seasonal toons either. On D3. And I only have 16,007 gold there now too when I used to have several hundred thousand. So yea that is another glitch on Blizzards part. Either that or someone from Blizzard logged in and messed up all my stuff. Not an outside person because those toons show zero evidence of having existed which is not possible to erase from inside the game from someone else. 100% of all of it gone. And yes would be entirely impossible for a person to have done that as my toons have zero record of ever having existed and they all vanished overnight too. But nothing went away for me in WoW in the same time period.