Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

I think at this point we all need to start accepting the fact that there’s a really good chance they will never fix this, especially considering it’s been kept hush hush, notice NO coverage of this issue (and I would call it a BIG issue) on any of the fan sites like wowhead or mmo-champion. Unless icy veins is covering it, I don’t go there…

But wowhead will tell you about the store sale going on! That’s important big news!


So, what you’re saying is that you don’t have a personal guild bank, or care about actual members of your guild who filled the guild bank, and just care about yourself.


What I’m saying is that you’ll survive this.

Not a big issue? Maybe you aren’t in the right forum. There are thousands of players this is affecting. Not that it matters to them, but they’ve completely lost my business across all games and platforms.


Good day to be guildless. :dark_sunglasses:

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I am, maybe you aren’t since this would be better fitting in the bug forum section.

You have absolutely no idea how many guilds or players this has effected. My guild and our alt guild were not effected, nor was my personal guild bank. All guilds were not effected. I’d venture to say that the massively greater majority were not effected since there hasn’t been a huge outcry over this.

It’s funny that you say this while posting on their subscription-only forum. lol

I’ll never understand why players on the forum always say they are done but don;'t actually walk away.

I doubt guild bank items will come back.


I got all my guild bank stuff today at reset.

Just kidding we aren’t getting that stuff back.

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Another reset, still no fix.


This my concern. I do 12 hour shifts on Sundays, i take my pc into work and mill since my net at work isnt good. i built up like 100k sallow pigments etc and im really worried i wasted all that time effort and gold for nothing


That’s off by a factor of 100 in my case, almost 1000, but I’m by far not the worst affected.

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Right? I can’t even imagine big guilds with hundred of members….


Is there even maintenance today? If so, we’re still in a not happening holding pattern, me thinks.

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I’m hoping that since we have character restoration back now that they’ll focus on the guild bank issue. I’m tired of my guild bank being shut down and off limits to everyone.

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No maintenance today.
But there should have been to restore our items!

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It doesn’t look good. Not a single blue post acknowledging it in the US forums and last blue post in the EU forums was 11 days ago. The ongoing silence is worse than the bug itself.


This camel’s back is about to break and they just keep shoveling straws on me.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my guild raid nights. Both nights we’ve lost around 45 minutes to the realm crashes. Both nights about 75% of the raid got booted and couldn’t get any realms to load.
I was reading on the forums that loads of other people were bricking delves, mythic keys, and pugged raids fell apart.
Never saw any kind of acknowledgement from Blizzard (though I could have missed it)

There’s a pattern I’m seeing here.

And its INFURIATING the way other players dismiss complaints. I saw so many replies to the effect of “what did you expect? Its the first week of mythic” or “You’re playing on (insert popular server), what did you think was going to happen?”

Seriously, y’all? Here’s what I expect:

I expect to have a finished product that I can play when I buy it.
I expect that the servers will be up and stable unless its specified maintenance.
I expect that when I put an item in a guild bank it will stay there until I remove it.
I expect to be able to play the game even on ‘peak hours’ or ‘heavily populated’ servers.
I expect when stuff goes wrong that Blizzard will acknowledge it.
I expect known bugs to be dealt with quickly.

But I guess for a large chunk of the player base these are crazy unrealistic expectations? I genuinely don’t get the way people are tripping over themselves to run to Blizzard’s defense.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot in TWW that was good, in theory at least. For example, the whole warband concept? Love it! But it’s all soured when so much fundamental stuff is busted.


I couldn’t have said this any better.
Exactly what I expect, too.



Waiting for :pig2: to :dove: I guess


I’m so fed up with this mess that I am actually researching what legal courses we can take against Blizzard. I haven’t found much yet, however, I did find some other ongoing litigations involving WoW/Diablo lV and Call of Duty regarding privacy and personal info sharing on ClassAction dot org.

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