Do you think there is life out there in space?

No. /10char

Well that theory you quoted is extremely flawed we have only seen 4% of the known universe that we can see.
We arent even talking the universe as a whole we are just talking about our star cluster inside our galaxy.
Trillions upon trillions of star systems unseen and if I were to bet on another civilization being out there they might have came and went like rome or they might still be out there so beyond our ability we wouldnt even be worth their notice 13.8 est billion years of time the possibility of omega civilizations who could possible create universes out of sheer boredom we are the bacteria of the universe on the grand scale.

What theory? I didn’t quote any theory.

Just wanted to add to odds.

Humans have:

Avoided MASS nuclear wars.
Survived pandemics
Survived ice ages
Opposable thumbs
Prefrontal cortex, Broca

Earth has:

Plate tectonics.
70% ocean to absorb thermal heat/radiation,
Recover from multiple mass extinction events

All things considered, I’m to the point I’ve been considering our existence as one of Simulation. And our perception of time is completely and utterly flawed.

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Sounds like a lot of What Ifs and conjectures.
And a lot of wishful thinking.
I admit life off world is intriguing, but until we actually find it there is a chance, however small, life is just us. And the vastness of an empty universe is testament to how valuable we are and our world.

Then we have to consider some important decisions.

That’s a very bold assumption. Humans are colonizers but that doesn’t say anything about other life. Not even all humans are, with entire indigenous populations content to stay right where they are as they are.

The assumption that intelligent life must eventually take over everything is very human psychology centric.

It’s less a comment on psychology than it is on how 600 million years is a VERY LONG TIME.

A single von Neumann object could visit every star in the galaxy in as little as 4 million years, for example.

Not so much a chance jupiter and the sun began competing early on and earth was stuck with a binary copy in close orbit and our system was much closer at the time of the impact.
If it wasnt for the impact with out a doubt we would not exist that impact allowed earth to shift into the gold zone of the goldilocks and bascially set up the perfect cosmic dice roll as far as we know currently.
Remember that jupiter is mostly hydrogen/helium it was on its way to becoming a star. If it wasnt for juptier stealing the gas from the sun we would in inside a sun right now. And this system would be a binary star system.

One for the ladies The most famous gems on earth have new competition in the form of a planet made largely of diamond, astronomers say. The alien planet, a so-called “super- earth ,” is called 55 Cancri e and was discovered in 2004 around a nearby star in our Milky Way galaxy.
And one more.
Diamonds big enough to be worn by Hollywood film stars could be raining down on Saturn and Jupiter , US scientists have calculated. New atmospheric data for the gas giants indicates that carbon is abundant in its dazzling crystal form

My point was that we just don’t know and any attempt to prove, or disprove, that there is life without evidence is fruitless.

For the Fermi Paradox to approach being an actual paradox we need the Drake Equation to actually work. Right now our variable to start with, the Drake Equation, is wholly incomplete. From that point the whole game falls apart, we can’t prove anything with those theories.

The only difference here is that I’m not saying that, because the paradox isn’t really a functional logic right now, life must exist. I’m saying we have no evidence that it does, but the Fermi paradox has zero bearing on that knowledge. I make no claim to extraterrestrial life existing, only that we have no evidence nor sufficient theory to suppose it doesn’t.

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I believe at one point one of the rovers sent to a nearby planet brought back a small sample of living microbes so… yes. Is there intelligent complex eukaryotic life? yet to be determined…

Survival requires greed and greed leads the expansion and conquest/colonization because no lifeform or civilization can exist with out the ability to extract energy from their environment.
A interstellar civilization would at the very least be capable of extracting energy from galaxys.

I think there is alot of different factors that we don’t understand and we are overconfident in accepting things as absolute.

And there is also a degree of poking the bear.

The reason I say that is that there is a high degree of probability, if we trust the model of humanity’s evolution of an intergalactic super predatory species.

At least that’s what I have thought. Otherwise the sheer scope of time and space and what I view as looking at it all through a pinhole due to lack of understanding make it hard to fathom the scope of overlapping consequences that have to occur to even have two species even 4 or 5 times more advanced than us even with faster than light travel to ever encounter each other.

The most limiting factor is humanity’s own arrogance. We need to realize we understand and model less than the tip of the iceberg.

I think the idea of a predator species is kind of silly since there’s very little reason for anybody to want to attack another.

Take us, for instance. Why would anybody come here? There’s nothing special. It’s not worth the trip.

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Could of swore the USA Government released official documents of intelligent life (aliens) existing. But everyone was to busy with the engulfing inferno that was the beginning of 2020.

I dunno about the simulation but I truly believe that our perceptions of light, energy, matter, and time are all extremely rudimentary and will not start to coherently align at both the quantum and macro scales for quite some time.

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Because based on our own technology earth is actually incredibly special? How many other Earths do you know of?

Yes I do. But I don’t believe they are watching us on earth as many in the world like to believe.

If they have the ability to travel interstellarly then they would take one lol at us, laugh at the barbarians killing themselves, then move off to something far more interesting.

The things that makes Earth special are its large moon, magnetic field, and planetary system structure.

Those don’t seem like things worth crossing a galaxy for.

The most noteworthy thing about us is that we have a moon that causes eclipses. But it won’t for much longer, so not even that’s worth having.

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Holy cow yes this.

So many people seem too think they’d need our resources. Those people don’t really understand the universe. If we ourselves had free travel in our own neighborhood (our solar system) then pretty much all our resource issues would be solved lol.

We have at least 2 almost pure water moons to out there (assuming they don’t have life)