It’s possible.
It’s actually less likely that humans are the only life in the universe.
The thing is. The odds of an advance, intelligent alien race being close enough to our solar system that we’ll EVER interact with them are near absolute 0.
It’s possible.
It’s actually less likely that humans are the only life in the universe.
The thing is. The odds of an advance, intelligent alien race being close enough to our solar system that we’ll EVER interact with them are near absolute 0.
Statiscally speaking, in an infinite and expanding space you’d have to assume we are not the only species capable of manipulating the environment to suit our needs and wants.
Yeah I am pretty sure Earth will be gone or at very least we will be extinct by the time (if ever) Aliens come near us
Almost definitely as per the mediocrity principle.
The idea that we alone represent an extraordinarily exceptional circumstance is not a reasonable assumption in the absence of evidence.
The crazy things we see at the end of the physical computations are just expressing our limited perception. It’s like we’re saying the universe has brown eyes and let’s figure out everything else about it from that.
Op,anything is possible. If you can think it it is.
Ace, I gotta know. Do you get the topics for these nightly posts in the shower or sitting on the crapper?
whatever is in bootes void will consume us first.
Definitely there is.
At the very least in bacteria form.
Whether or not there is life as advanced as we are, eh, maybe.
i dont think space is designed to be very traversable by life forms, so we likely may never know.
A lot of this discussion is 30 years old.
Recent results from exoplanet research, as well as stuff like the Grand Impact Theory, have painted a more modern picture that is very different:
Earth is rare. In fact, our solar system is rare.
We have Jupiter out there re-directing asteroids away from us. This is unusual.
We have a very large moon considering our planet’s size. Evolution of life on earth without the moon (i.e. no tidal pools) would have been very different. And the ONLY reason we have a large moon is because another planet hit us a long time ago - a chance event.
We have a magnetic field. This is rare. Venus doesn’t have a magnetic field, and it’s the same size as us. Neither does Mars (although it’s much smaller, so not so surprising).
Our sun is not a binary or trinary star. This is rare.
Our sun is a main-sequence star with terrestrial planets. This is rare.
While there are undoubtedly microbes all over the place, our position in the cosmos seems to be a lot more unique than used to be thought as the case.
Yes, It is only logical.
I work with a very religious guy who says no, but I saw quickly it would do no good to argue with him.
There might already be nothing left. Stars light we see is millions of years old. They even calculated the date of last possible life before the final star dies out and everything is black.
Its not rare idk where you got that idea tbh we are talking about trillions upon trillions of star systems we have yet to see up close.
We know of atleast a dozen systems that have near similar set ups to ours est 40 billion possible earth like planets in the goldilocks zone in our galaxy alone.
As for magnetic fields mars had one at one point as far as scientists have been able to figure the atmosphere bled out probably due to either the planet that struck earth or jupitor being a so massive and the pulls between the that and the sun.
Just to have a magnetic field you just need a metallic molten core and mars has alot of iron rust covering it.
Binary stars are extremely rare talking 0.00003% known star clusters currently
Idk were you got that info but its way off from what ive read.
the only thing rare about our system is the fact we have known life.
Plenty of gas giants and elemental/metallic worlds even acidic or ice planets out there.
i doubt it. probably possible, but life is supremely disappointing on basically every level. so it’s a safe bet there’s not.
that stuff on venus they just found is probably microbial contamination from poorly cleaned soviet probes.
With terrestrial planets with large moons? No we don’t.
Terrestrial planets with a main sequence star? No we don’t. Most terrestrial discoveries are orbiting orange dwarfs.
Which is the other problem: The cosmological time scale.
Even if there has been intelligent life AT SOME POINT, it’s probably not alive NOW.
Consider, for the moment, that we’re the first. Somebody has to be first, after all.
How long are we going to have to wait for another intelligent species to evolve? Another 600 million years?
Long wait.
Now assume that we’re not first. Somebody else was. If they’ve been around for 600 million years, they’d have colonized the galaxy by now.
Without a doubt. The Universe itself is quite large.
Are there Aliens visiting us, I highly doubt for many different reason.
The first reason would be that our world is far too small to be detected by any advanced societies.
Also I do not think they would step foot on this world; due to the immensely high chance of the atmosphere and microbial lifeforms could easily be toxic to them.
While most speculate extraterrestrials would look like little green men, that typical Grey Alien species originated from a disturbing book speculating what Humans would look like Millions of Years in the Future.
There probably is, maybe even intelligent life too, but space is probably just too damn big for us to ever know about it.
It should be noted that the entirety of that paradox is based on a conversation that Fermi had with some friends and off-the-cuff debate during that conversation. Fermi never published anything related to extraterrestrial life or it’s possibilities. He didn’t devote more than a single meals worth of conversation to the idea.
The paradox was named after him because, in effect, he asked “Where is everyone?” (accounts vary about what the actual statement was). In fact accounts of the conversation would imply he was more intrigued by whether or not interstellar flight was possible at all, or if it was just too impractical for life in general. Fermi seemed more convinced not that there were no aliens simply because we’ve never been visited/seen one, and more concerned with the implications that had with interstellar travel.
Fermi, in the end, contributed basically a single passing statement and someone else invented a paradox as they saw it.
Beyond that there are a lot of challenges for just using the paradox. Intelligent life could be rare, but complex life could still be widespread. Life could simply be different than we expect, socially, and not curious about leaving it’s home planet (a startling idea to us, but… is it really that hard to imagine?); colonization may not be the norm on a cosmic scale and we’re just the weird guys.
Either way the paradox is, at best, only vaguely useful. It assumes too much given that we know nothing about how broad life could be. It works, for the most part, only if we assume that intelligent life in the universe has basic features of our own psychology; which is a dangerous assumption.
The Fermi paradox is ironically not something Fermi ever wrote about, or thought about beyond a single conversation among friends. It was later created by other people who used his name. It wasn’t really made into a formal “paradox” at any one time, but rather slowly built up by different people with different thoughts on why things are impractical.
In all practicality there really is no logical paradox there. It needs a logical contradiction to be a paradox and there isn’t one. The statement amounts to “if there were aliens they’d be everywhere, since they aren’t they don’t exist.” Which isn’t a logically sound argument to begin with. It’s like saying there are no large birds in Antarctica so there must be no large birds.
Scientists: There are no signs of intelligent life, so there must be no intelligent life.
Also Scientists: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Did you all hear about the supposed UFO spotted in Florida after a storm disrupted their cloaking device and became exposed momentarily?
Maybe fake but kinda cool.