Do you think that the Alliance will get some plot for once?

I know in legion that Alliance characters got their stories moved forwards, but nothing to move the Alliance as a whole.

In Mists we had Garrosh, in Draenor he was taken care of, in legion the warchief died and sylvanas got put into power, in BfA she started a massive war that got rid of the role completely.

In legion Anduin became king but the dynamic didn’t change at all.

This expansion Tyrande is being a bit of a bish but other than that nothing to note really.

Do you think the alliance will ever get the shake up they need from the pillars of good and perfect who can do no wrong?

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No. All the devs are horde, that’s also why they get the better story, the better racials, better allied races and get to land devastating blows on the alliance without losing something themselves.

After the BfA pre event, I was hoping to see Tyrande do something meaningful as the story advanced, but then came 8.1 where nothing really happened and the devs said that she got her revenge.

As of 8.3, Anduin forgave the horde and makes peace with them without any conditions. Who should be angry about that? The Night Elves, but instead of having an interesting split in the Alliance, Blizz puts them on the peace train, just like they did with Jaina.

The only people who seem to somewhat disagree with Anduin are Tyrande and Genn, but they are only after Sylvanas, not the Horde.


I’m told Alliance players aren’t “pro enough” to get plot.

Which was a complete shame as I don’t think taking back the lands around her burnt home is really revenge.

The Alliance needs some evil in them or they just remain one note


Well, she didn’t take them back, but that’s another topic.

The problem is that they killed off Varian to give us the boring peace seeking Anduin. If Varian was still alive, he would’ve probably went absolute nuts after what happened with Teldrassil. He wouldn’t have stopped before every single horde scum is dead. Now that would’ve been interesting. A king that holds his word and doesn’t step back from anything if it means defeating the horde.

Alliance has done literally nothing this expansion besides being a side kick to Saurfangs rebellion, they destroyed an entire alliance race just so an orc could become sad, get 4 cinematics and make this expansion a horde vs. horde expansion.


Best plot-- Sylvanas and Tyrande in a grudge match. But won’t happen because the Writers Suck.

I mean … Legion was very much an Alliance expansion; even IF it didn’t focus on internal Alliance issues. It was built around Alliance characters; Alliance themes; and Alliance moments.

Slapping a sloppy paint job of “neutrality” over it all does not change the fact that if you removed Liadrin from Surumar, the entire battle against the Legion would barely have had to change if you removed the Horde ENTIRELY from that expansion. On top of this, lets look at the ALLIANCE themed characters the Horde PC had to work for (in comparison to the ONE Aethas WC and TWO Liadrin WCs the Alliance had to put up with).

  • Kadghar: The most neutral of the bunch certainly. But he IS an Alliance legend of the Second War and IS the leader of the Kirin Tor (an Alliance Organization officially since MoP).
  • Magni: Neutral “Speaker” he may be, he IS still the previous King of IF (and father and brother to two of the Dwarven Kingdom’s CURRENT leaders).
  • Tyrande and Malfurion: These two are just leaders of the NEs.
  • Velen: Literally just the leader of the Draenei.
  • Turaylon and Alleria: Two Alliance legends of the Second War.
  • Sira and Maiev: These are NE Wardens, having us act in service of the Wardens.
  • Vareesa “Purge the Horde” Windrunner: Leader of the Silver Covenant.
  • Illidan: He may not be an Alliance character, but he certainly IS an NE one. And he may be an antagonist, but that didn’t stop him from having my Horde PC handout his sweet nothings to his Brother and Waifu.

On the other hand, more to the topic on hand. I gotta ask, do Alliance players really want the same treatment the Horde just got? Not JUST the attention (that attention to INTERNAL drama doesn’t come without a price), but all the collateral damage and destruction too? Or do they just expect to get ALL the attention, but ALSO written in a respectful and palatable way for them? Because trust me, the type of “Attention” you covet here is rather painful.


I play both factions and I do think I would rather the Alliance took a lot of hits and changed their dynamic that feel the faction has not changed since the first RTS

It’s no longer evil.

Even if Tyrande razes Orgrimmar to the ground she can’t be called Evil compared to the stuff the Horde has pulled every expac.

She will be decorated as a War Veteran.


Well if the player base are ready to see their faction being butchered, their leader turning evil out of nowhere ( not just doing morally grey) and be ready to see their faction having to prove to the horde every few expansion that they should not be dismantle, then maybe they will have plot.

Horde did not even need to go to Argus, not like they were there honestly.

BFA is butchering the Horde, but ofc Horde man bad reee.


While im not advocating for anything bad to happen to Anduin as he is my Husband for life, I would love to see Tyrande and Genn split off from the Alliance and go for war over peace causing the Alliance to question where it stands and what its ideals are.

And then maybe kill Tyrande because im sick of her XD

Blizzard wrote themselves into a corner by having Horde commit horrible atrocities and if they make Genn and Tyrande sound mean because they want reparations, they will know how comical the story is.

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I’d love to wipe out a horde race, kill as many innocents as possible in the process and later point a finger at anduin who flies off at the gates of Stormwind in some light beam and get away scot free.

Whoa calm down.
As I said, my husband.

Once again you twist everything to make it like you want.

You would wipe a horde race that would still be strong enough to fight the alliance alone, kill as many innocent as possible while still see them everywhere in the world, destroy one of your own night elf land.

And it would be Tyrande that would flies at the gates of Stormwind after that even Malfurion and night elf realise that she is to evil and should be take of…

You really want that???

Lol @ thinking Horde get better story.

I don’t deny Horde getting MORE story, but better?

Also all of the allied races for Alliance have significantly better racials.


I know you would. You’re one of those NE players that not only hates the Horde (and the only punishment that would satiate you is if I don’t have a playable faction anymore), but also one who hates the Alliance (because they just finished fighting a war directly in response to the NEs capital being burned down).


What’s wrong in having 5 orcs in the Lore for Horde to exist?

We have maybe 10 Night Elves left and we’re doing fine! Come join the club!

As I said in my post I would say it was better story because it evolves the world instead of just making one racial leader feel at peace with his past.

Its more dynamic and now with player choice on where they stand on it all.

The mechagnomes are OP as all hell.
They majority may not want to play a gnome but they can’t deny those racials

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