Do you think Classic's success upset Blizzard?

anyone with an iq above 70 can understand the simplicity involved with boss mob tuning. in the vanilla game c’thun was theoretically impossible to kill for a short time period. they changed it obviously but not including pre nerf cthun just shows the distance the developer team has against its playerbase. its like the dev team is locked in a soundproof bunker isolated from the internet and any form of outside communication and they are only fed instructions through a 2 way teleprompter and that their only means of communicating with the outside world is through a shark tank filled with business executives who have no clue what world of warcraft is

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I’m really curious if we’ll see a change in blizzard’s attitude toward classic TBC comparatively.

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I genuinely don’t know what you’re on about. I just don’t think Classics success upset blizzard in the slightest bit.

all successful american companies are undersiege.

Imo everything that happened is easily explained by an a priori assumption that blizzard wants to make money and a simple cost benefit analysis. Banning botters and gold buyers results in a loss of subs. The only reason to do it is if Blizzard estimates that the numbers of subs lost because of botting will exceed the number of subs lost by banning botters. Or that the growth in subs will be greater because of control of botting than the subs lost from banning botters.

In vanilla they estimated that growth would slow enough and people would quit in sufficient amounts to exceed the money made from botters. So they made the business decision that the money lost from banning botters would be made up by increased subs because they banned botters. So they made efforts to control botting

The calculation is different with classic, and I think likely BC too. Blizzard guesses there’s a limited market for the game. There will be little to no growth over it’s life time. Banning botters loses them money with likely no offset from increased subs. And few will quit over the issue. Perhaps the built in market for BC is greater than for classic. Even if true there still is little likelihood that there will be significant growth over the life of the game. The cost benefit analysis is the same for BC and I expect them to treat it mostly the same way

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just want to point out, none of what that quote said relieved blizzard of the accusation that these bots are making them money. blizzard just kind of shifted the spotlight onto the bots, saying they use compromised accounts or credit cards. just kind of find that funny… idk. like bruh obviously we dont like the bots.

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While I think companies are careful not to out right lie too often I consider every thing publicly released by a company as carefully worded propaganda and spin. It’s not devoid of information but should be considered with that always in mind. Perhaps you’re less cynical that I.

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It’s really funny that so many people feign sympathy for the Blizzard employees and their living situation in California, and at the same time pretty much claim they’re constantly lying to us and they can’t be trusted.

These are human beings. These are posts from the CS forum, from people employed to help customers. Their job is to help people, not to lie to them.

Yeah, that’s obvious.

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There was no way for them to know that Classic was going to be as successful as it was. All signs pointed to this. Their reluctance and PR snafu’s in regard to bringing it back showed that they thought it was a complete dead end and not worth their time.

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It’s a complex world that many people find difficult to comprehend. The most common solution some people embrace when faced with an inability to deal with that complexity is to discard nuance and rely on black/white thinking for it’s seeming simplicity.

What’s not funny is I’ve never expressed sympathy for Blizzard employees either feigned or otherwise nor have I commented on their living situation in Cali. So why are you addressing that to me? If you have some personal grudge with said people you should take it up with them, not me. Or are you just having a reading comprehension problem? I suspect that’s more likely the case.

Irrefutable argument. From the guy who never learned punctuation.

bro 1v1 me or start saying things that matter

I think when it did succeed as well as it did the big money boys did a lot of yelling because there was a lot of money being left on the table that could have been in their pockets just like any corporation.

Blizzard has been caught red handed bsing their customer base a whole bunch of times over the years are you kidding me? Its a multinational multibillion dollar corporation - why would you trust them?

Its called public relations, not your heres the gods honest truth my dear friend.

Edit: Inccorect poster quoted.

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Define “care”. Blizzard COULD have a “wow classic reforged”. But there was a #Nochanges movement through out its hype, as well as streamers saying the same thing. But as those people were playing the closed beta, they did start to ask for changes. But the underlining issue, imo, is player mind set of then vs now. I will keep repeating this, no one KNEW the resources where this valuable back then. And since Pservers continued doing there thing, as well as doing there own changes to “best fit” the game, people forgot what was in the game and wasn’t, or was changed all together.

But this also comes down to players exploiting content to there advantage. This is why newer content is “better” compared to older content imo. Once you know everything, you will be playing the game vastly different from not knowing or trying to learn.

But do I think classic was “successful”? Short term, yes, long term no.

This. /Thread.

Its like saying McDonald’s wants the McRib to fail and get upset when it sells out.

The groanworthy thing now is that with the “leaked info” to streamers, they are willing to walk down the same tone deaf snafu road once again. Tne TBC servers will be mishandled, populations and faction ratios will be horrid, the choice of game version will be the highest pre-wrath watered down one, and bots will continue to fly around and underground.


Not unless you have a xanatos gambit going on.

Yeah I can extrapolate the data from my classic experience over onto TBC because nuttinz gonna change. People will find out they really didnt want TBC to play as much as they wanted to poop all over it and the whining will be just as frenzied and hyperbolic as its been for classic or retail at any point in its history.

Not too mention dead once Wrath becomes the next big thing.