Do you play GW2? Why or why not?

No need to be rude about it, I’m just trying to figure out what activity you were doing. Raids didn’t come out on launch day, so it seems unlikely you were doing that.

I tried it years ago for about a month but I lost interest pretty fast. Dunno why really. It was like Rift and so many other MMOs. The polish just didn’t seem as good as WOW.

Well… yeah was gonna disagree, but then, my most favorite MMO getting …
Killed cause NcSoft has no backbone to support their own and assist in guidelines just throw anyone out to the wolves.

One thing that helped me get into it was using the action cam, and remapping my abilities. Moving with the mouse like I do in WoW just seemed so much worse to use. Now, the camera follows the mouse, and LMB is the first weapon ability. It works so much better as an action combat game. I’m still pretty bad, lol, but much better than I was before that option.

I used to play it

remind me is a move with your mouse game or a WASD game

GW is just another IP I can’t really care about getting involved with. I got the few series I’m invested in now and have barely enough time to get involved in anything new.

There’s no need to ask questions you already know the answer to either. It was a trash game. I don’t care to get right the specific term they use for an event I didn’t find interesting in a game I played however many years ago.

I use to play alot. I remember doing fractals and actually being good in that pvp since there were less buttons.

I tried to get back into it but it felt overwhelming and alot of things changes. Like a main city was destroyed change.

I might look into it again. Overall i think i had more fun in gw2 than wow.

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Im gonna try it again just for fun Im downloading it now


I started GW2 in the beta & played it here & there along with WoW. I actually enjoyed the core GW2 alot. The story, exploration, scenery, and I would have played longer but my friends were all in WoW at the time.

I stopped playing GW2 when they made scaling a thing. No matter what level I was everything scaled :frowning: I kept getting the expansions & logging in for the free world story chapters though just in case…

Lo & behold, WoW now has SCALING, the NO-Mount-Maw, no Legion farming unless you M+ and/or raid (Legion is TWO EXPANSIONS OLD NOW-COME ON!), the devs have the nasty petty flight war since WOD & terrain that just gets worse & worse while we wait to find out which hoops to jump through THIS time…then jump through the hoops & NOPE still can’t fly for a year because REASONS :frowning:

I have very bad vision, so I have always loved farming old Xpaks for mounts, mogs, pets, & toys. I love questing, pet battle dungeons, archaeology, raising alts for professions when they were amazing (WOTLK & MOP the last of that).
WOTLK & MOP were also the last time our characters felt really good to play.
I hate these borrowed powers as much as the scaling.

So…since I can’t fly (& they won’t even release the requirements & we all know it is NOT JUST renown & may be gated to only your own covenant-would they BE that cruel??? Yes, probably), no archaeology, no new pet battle dungeons,
so MANY SYSTEMS, no going back to Legion to farm cool things unless you are leet & special… since all that is what WoW has become, I only log in on Tuesday to visit with my friends & keep up with renown in case they do let us fly early & in ALL areas. (If they restrict it to only my covenant, I am finally just done until better people run the game).

Anyway, I went back to GW2 for all the fun rest of the week. I got the mounts. They all do something special & in GW2 you never lose them (like flight & maw in wow). They were a blast to get & they are a blast to use.

I can explore to my heart’s content, I can change out weapons & builds for fun new character experiences (like we USED to be able to do in WoW- but no more), I can run all around the maps soaring, questing, exploring, & joining in on metas (open world groups) where everyone just works together, flies around, rezzes others, shares ports & ideas…kind of what WoW used to be before the WOD to now Dev disdain for most of us.

Yes, I play GW2. I feel valued there as a player. I am allowed to have FUN, they don’t take away my mounts or their functions! I love the story & the personal stories which are different for every character. I love the scenery/graphics, the exploration, they npcs that have been in my story & the stories of the Living World & the Expansion stories. I particularly love the npc Ryland Rytlock & his constant humorous “grousing” & Tybalt Lightpaw whose passing still makes me sad.

GW2 is not WoW. My sweet guild & alot of very special friends are in WoW, which is why I still play on Tuesdays. I would happily level alts if we could fly, but with my horrid vision, I physically cannot M+ or raid. WoW is just no longer for casual players. So since I am NOT enjoying WoW at all in SL, but I AM enjoying GW2 alot…

I play & enjoy GW2:)

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Everspace 2 is the best space game since Freelancer.

Lol, wow, chill out man. I’m just trying to see if there was some part of the game I missed that might deserve a second look. None of what I have said was meant as negative, or combative. I won’t try to discuss anything with you anymore. Enjoy your crap day, I guess.

P.S. Just want to point out I’m still not sure what you were doing, so if anyone has any insight, I’d like to know what the activity was. My guess is world boss, meta event, or WvW.

I made a mesmer I really liked that class I dont recall if it is good for soloing
OMG it has mounts now, it didnt before

Mesmer dominates so much. The class is strong if you know how to play it. I never gave it much of a chance, so I never really learned it. Most of the leveling was done with tomes.

The game has come a long way. The best thing, imo, is that old meta events, and world bosses are still played regularly, so if you found something you really liked, it is still active (unless its dungeons, lol).

Edit: lol, didn’t mean to reply to myself. That was meant for Vicktoria.

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It has mounts that never lose their special purpose. There is a raptor for speedy run & VERY long jumps over things, there is a Springer, kind of a big bunny that jumps straight up in the air to climb mountains etc (sometimes when you jump, it bumps its head on an overhang & makes this hilarious noise), there is a Roller Beetle that…rolls, lol VERY fast & also has the function to break down rocks & barriers, there is a Jackal that can travel through sand portals from way low to mountain tops or across great distances, there is a Griffon that soars so fast from one side of a map to the other, there is a Skyscale (dragon) that flies, hovers, grabs vertical surfaces, dives, & can be mounted in air when you are falling!

I got them all & I love using them. You raise the Skyscale from an egg & teach it things & play with it. You do have to collect alot of things for the Skyscale but I just love mine so much :slight_smile:

There is also a PVP only Warclaw wolf. That is the only one I do not have yet & I will be getting that next. There are also gliders, updrafts, jumping mushrooms, & portals to everywhere.

I appreciate being allowed to move fast, fly, climb, & soar without being slow- gated at every turn for WoW’s “play longer” attempts which have actually driven me away.


I’ve been using AC Valhalla as an alternative to WoW. I go back and forth. The 2 together have filled every niche I want in games right now.

AC Valhalla? Never heard of that. I will have to check it out.

Choice is a good thing :slight_smile:

You’ll be okay.

I use the GW2 UI, but otherwise, nope.

In WoW? That is actually one aspect I’ve never liked, lol.