Do you play GW2? Why or why not?

Yeah i prefer GW2 UI for WoW Idk, like it a lot more than ElvUi

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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, the newest one. I was disappointed at first, because once you leave Norway, England didn’t seem as big as previous games, but then you open up Vinland, and you induce a dream state to enter Asgard, and Joutenhiem, and they release an expansion (season pass) that opened up Ireland, Paris, and Iceland (I think).

The gear system is cool too. Some of the best well-rounded weapons are the first 2 you get, and they can be upgraded to max quality. The armor gives 2 and 5p buffs, so you can mix and match, and the rune system lets you focus you spec a bit more. The talent tree is like a more straight forward version of Path of Exile, but you can actually work toward filling it out completely. Going for 100% has a ton of puzzles and item collection (for rewards) in it, as well.

Yeah, I have bartender, weakauras, sexymaps, nugcombobar, and a few others, and just made my UI as minimalist as possible.

Yeah minimalist UI takes me out of the game tbh.

Did. The Sylvari were probably my favorite playable race in an mmo. Being able to play as a literal plant person is actually awesome.

I just enjoyed GWs original multi class system too much. Couldn’t get into the combat of GW2

did they make GW2 easier than it usded to be?

I’ve played it, i visit now and then, but its not a regular mmo for me. I do not like skills being linked to specific weapons and i dont like being limited to dozen hotkeys/ablities at a given time. I do appreciate that its completely free to play 100% but that also makes me not take the game seriously enough in the long term since i have no monetary investment in the game beyond its initial buy to play price.


It really irks me when people can’t actually create a post. Titles aren’t the post. Titles are short titles for the body of the post.



Mix of a lot of the posters here for me, but the above is the gist of it, loved the first to death, but second changed the formula so much it just wasn’t fun and didn’t keep me playing.

I’ve heard this part has changed since when I started when it launched, but on launch there were nowhere near enough ‘heart’ quests to get to max level combined with personal story quests, so to get to max was a bunch of grinding the ‘exploration’ things which wasn’t particularly enjoyable for me.

At max level there just wasn’t a whole lot to do, and I didn’t particularly enjoy the non-holy trinity dungeon style they went with (with guildwars 1 with companions, and especially heroes that had a whole game around making the best builds for yourself and your heroes to beat the content, and finding the unique skills to unlock for yourself or them to make the best build, was lots of fun).

And since it didn’t hold me I would come back from time to time, and so wouldn’t be logging in constantly to get the story bits for free, so I’d end up having large stretches of story for various chapters I’d have to pay to experience that just kept getting larger as time goes on.

It just drove me away, despite there are fun things they have done since I’ve heard like the mounts, but if I go back it’d be to stare at a wall of story I’d like to do but is even more expensive than the last time I looked

No. Tried it, pretty boring.

Yeah things changed a LOT.

They’ve cleaned house on the design team over at least two waves. Usually that’s a bad thing, but in this case whoever replaced them seems to understand the customers more.

That noted, their most recent Living Story release had time-gating similar to what we see in WoW with the covenant ranks - and that was a shock to a player base more used to a ‘Netflix Style’ of getting it all and being able to ‘binge grind’ it or pace themselves…

So, we’ll see if that marks a new direction or not.

Players have complained up a massive storm over the time-gated release of the newest chapter.

I’m here in WoW because of family, but my own MMO preferences place ESO at the top, GW2 next, then FFXIV, then WoW.

What’s good is right now “the MMO community” has four strong stable choices which all seem to have found the right balance between business model and customer satisfaction - and that’s actually a situation we’ve not had much of before.

In a way. There are gliders and mounts, making travel/exploration way easier. There are now healing specs, and a lot more support builds for all classes, so old content has become much easier (in a group), but new content is tailored to that concept, so a bit more challenging in top end stuff. That said, I’ve seen a few videos of people soloing new raid bosses.

I quit around TBC for gw1 then i came back to WoW when gw2 came out

Yes. It’s a fun game. I like their open world though I find the combat a bit off but not so much that I don’t enjoy playing the game. Their mount system is boss though, WoW should adopt it.

I play it when I’m not playing WoW. It’s very subjective but I really enjoy the way the classes play. I like their warrior and mage type classes and really really enjoy their engineer class. The combat is just plain for me. The jumping/skill/explore puzzles were also really fun and not irritating in the way they are in WoW. Can’t really explain why, just felt different they way they construct the world.

Crafting felt rewarding as I was able to craft gear for myself that was useful while leveling up, but to be fair I did not dig into min/max with professions so who knows. It does sound like crafting is a central part of end game though.

Anyways, overall I found the story engaging enough that I actually wanted to move the story along to find out what happens next and the gameplay was a lot of fun.

You can always head over to their forums and listen to the player complain about lag, class imbalance, lack of communication from devs, etc.

Garden Warfare 2 was pretty fun, all things considered. Game kinda died with the lack of updates though, and while I would’ve loved to get into Battle for Neighborville, EA had to go and pull the plug on it before the devs could fix a lot of the issues.

Oh wait, you’re not talking about that GW2.

Every now in then, good game but not really much into it.

I like how you can just freely teleport around the map, its so much better

There is that. It’s similar to ESO in that regard with their wayshrine teleporting and also teleporting to houses. It’s fast to get anywhere in the game world.

Nope, no playable Dwarves.