Do you play GW2? Why or why not?

See title.

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No. Because one MMO is time-consuming enough.


I did, a lot a few years ago. After a while I just got bored with it.

It’s still installed. Haven’t fired it up in over a year.


Here and there on the occasion.

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It just feels like every spec ends up being melee


I come back to it every now and then. It’s a great game, it’s just very different from WoW. GW2 is great to play casually. I also prefer how the story is told in GW2 over how it is told in WoW (this isn’t a commentary on the actual quality of the story.) I like that the player character in GW2 is an active participant in the story - something that WoW has kinda struggled with. I can say that Shadowlands makes your character a little more interesting, but the Maw Walker/immortality thing kinda comes off as a bit “you’re the special”, whereas in GW2 your character is just motivated and talented, not necessarily gifted by fate. And even at best in WoW you’re just following orders, you don’t really do anything on your own. Your character in GW2 is responsible or at the very least involved (narratively) in decision-making.

Gameplay-wise, they are both very different. I think WoW’s gameplay is tightly designed and honed (or at least tighter than other MMOs out there.) You can feel in GW2 the reality that ANet doesn’t have the resources and manpower to design the game as well as they’d like. There are too many moving parts for them to keep track of. I like how GW2 plays but I wouldn’t play it just for the gameplay.

Aesthetically, up until Shadowlands I’d definitely give it to GW2. I still generally prefer GW2, but I like that Blizzard is experimenting more with interesting landscapes and designs.

Where GW2 really blows WoW out of the water is exploration and ad-hoc group gameplay. The mounts in GW2 are very fun, the map design is interesting and there are a lot of navigation challenges that simply don’t exist in WoW (where we generally just see the game designers dragging the mob paintbrush all over the map whenever they want something to feel dangerous.) However, most people don’t play WoW for those things (or at least I certainly don’t,) so it’s not like they’re competing in this area.

They’re both very different, but I think the biggest difference is just in the kind of energy ANet brings vs Blizzard. Here’s a weird example: in the Darkmoon Faire, there’s the ETC concert. It’s just there, it’s kind of neat, no one really pays much attention to it. In GW2, they have an equivalent band in one area. There is an entire map meta event about it. They get ready to play their sets, you help them hype up the crowd by dancing and cheering, then you help them pump up the amps. You fend off attacks, put out fires. Keep hyping the crowd. They play multiple songs. It takes time and energy. WoW often (not always) feels very much designed by algorithms to maximize the amount of time you spend doing what they want you to do. It feels very sterile, by the numbers. There is artistic integrity but it’s muted by the bottom line. GW2 feels like it’s made by people who are deeply in love with the world they’ve created, but they just don’t have the resources to do everything they want to do.

TL;DR sometimes I play it.


I used to but I quit when the game turned into a series of irritating mounted jumping puzzles interspersed with poorly-acted cut scenes.

(Not that the cut scenes in that game were ever well acted.)

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“Equip your favorite weapon and level up…”
Mmm time to rock a pet build Necro with rifle…
Wait… no rifle? … okay a Gun… no? … hmm maybe try engineer…

Oooh I can build into just tossing Grenades and explosives?! Alright time to be a bunker busting and toss bombs all day lon…oh wait they melee ranged and dont explode on contact? Sigh… guess I’ll just turret build for open world.

Yeah. Boring. Guess I can daydream though.
Although, I do like how Asura look like the unholy offspring of a gnome and goblin parent. So that is a plus there.

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I used to. Didn’t really feel like I was advancing my character after a while, what with all the zone scaling, etc.

In fact, the way I feel in WoW right now is pretty much exactly how I felt about GW2 about a monthe before I stopped playing it. shrug


I did when it first came out. I really enjoyed the RvRvR PVP, was tons of fun. Hated running dungeons. I quit after a few months.


I tried it when it came out. It was okay. Gameplay mechanics were fun but I just couldn’t get in to the story, and not having played the expansions for the original Guild Wars lead me to wondering why in the world some stinking Charr furball was wielding the Blade of my Prince and I’m not allowed to rip his head off with my bare hands and reclaim it.

Then there’s this whole party of adventurers? I don’t know who are talking about some backstory that isn’t really explained well within the game and I just sort of left it there and never went back.


I played GW and GW2 for many, many years, but finally lost interest. The end game really is just running dungeons over and over or grinding for precursor/legendary.


I played it for a year but if I remember correctly there is no endgame, no raids, nor world boss, etc… so I got bored at max level.

Maybe that’s changed …

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I used to, while taking a break from WoW. I also took a break from that game and all MMO in general. Before jumping back to WoW I was going to give GW2 a try. Since I missed a bunch of stories, going back and buying them was going to cost me more than paying for WoW’s sub. Decided to just jump back to WoW since my friends are active in WoW versus GW.

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Played it early on and revisited recently but it hasn’t really evolved and they haven’t been good to it in terms of keeping it up to date.

When you can go back to an MMO after 5+ years and see no real changes… not a good sign.

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I played GW1 until the wheels fell off and was stoked for GW2, but it was a dramatic departure from the original and I only lasted maybe two weeks

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I recently tried to install in on my new computer but it messed up near the end of the download. I looked up all the fixes and tried them and none work. I am kinda pissed because the new expac is coming and I wasted some of the 500GB my ISP allows me per month without hitting me with additional charges doing so.

I played at launch until I got max level with the full world exploration achievement thing. I found it fun up to that point, then incredibly boring. It reminded me of nothing more than an unthought out AV style game deathmatch that you just run into a mass of players get wasted over and over until one side budges.

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I always have it download and occasionally pop on to play for a bit, I do enjoy it a lot but I just don’t have any friend to play it with me, so I just end up back in wow and other games that my friends play.

Did for a while, loved it, but unfortunately there’s not much more to do once you’re done with the story, aside from grinding gold, grinding achievements, and grinding dungeons.

Sure, you could say that’s very similar to WoW’s endgame, but the playerbase in GW2 have optimized gold farming to such a degree, that running any ‘sub-optimal’ content is an exercise in frustration. All people want to do is run the meta-events in the most lucrative zones, leaving the others as practical ghost towns.

Since there’s such a huge focus on these meta events, it can be (ironically) kind of horrible for a solo player, 'cause these aren’t intended to be completed by a single person, even if you’re the only one in the zone. They’re a very cool idea, but tying Gems (the game’s premium currency) to gold all but sealed their fate.

Either way, the journey to endgame is a riot, the combat is (potentially) really fun, and it’s free, so I’d at least recommend checking out the leveling experience. I’d say the PvP, too, as that works (worked?) really well, but unfortunately thanks to developer neglect it’s been a bit quiet.

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