I played it for a bit. I thought it was really immersive with the voice acted quests and first person mode support, but I really didn’t like the combat, the monetization and my toon being ugly no matter how long I spend creating it.
I might give it another look in the future, but right now GW2 and FFXIV are much more appealing to me as alternative MMOs to return to if I get bored of WoW.
I have been playing it on 2 platforms for many years now. Think I’m 900cp on xbone, and like 300 on pc. I’ve said it a million times, is they came out with mythic+ system for eso, I’d never play wow a single day the rest of my life.
I’m shocked at some of the reason people gave for not liking it. the fact that you dont have to stand still like an idiot to cast is the best part of the game. These people have never played anything but wow.
I’m guessing most people that play wow have never played a first person shooter on pc. That’s how you play eso. You look with the mouse, like destiny.
We tilled Skyrim’s grooound, despite frozen toil.
We tended the leaks beneath Mooorrowind’s soil.
We hunted the wamasuuu in Black Marsh’s glades.
We three hearts had no need for blaaaades . . .
Or maybe they just don’t like the idea of action combat, active blocking or aiming, and would prefer to just master their class rotations, cooldowns, build options, as well as the bosses mechanics, and let the game roll whether attacks hit or miss?
You know, like a real RPG battle system is supposed to be?
Even among fans of action combat MMOs, I don’t believe TESO is known for having great combat at the moment. BDO, TERA, B&S, GW2 or waiting for New World is generally what is recommended for great action combat in an MMO.
It is extremely similar to gw2 combat, at least the mage I played on gw2.
You really dont aim anything but ground aoe abilities in eso, exactly like wow. all ranged attacks just auto aim, and the melee doesn’t feel like complete dog$hit like it does in wow. Like there are no auto attacks
I tried ESO for a few months in 2014, and again for a month in 2017 (the new expansion). Both times I came back to WoW.
For me, ESO was a decent game (decent combat, plot, zones, abilities, quest lines, progression, professions, everything). But it had one fatal flaw. Every quest series was the same: around 4 fairly easy quests (solo-able) followed by a final quest that was 3 times harder than the others (usually not soloable) and usually in an instance.
Putting the last quest in an instance made it almost impossible to group with a random stranger – they ran by and were in the instance before you could click on them to invite them to group. I ended up spending lots of time trying to find someone to group up with, having exhausted every quest in the entire zone that I could solo, and being much too low a level for the next zone.
I’m an altoholic, so I tried all the races, classes and professions.
When I quit I had 8 characters, level 15 to 24.
I never had…though I watched a friend of mine play it. As someone who enjoys faster-paced action combat MMOs, ESO’s combat is way too slow for me. Plus, I’m not into ES in general.
The only thing I ever found remotely fun was the thieves guild and brotherhood. Though having thousands of players all running around with their colors kind of ruined the feel of both.
Beyond that the I hated that the combat, the classes, and the lame story.
I played it in beta because of my fondness of Skyrim, and I played it once it went live. Stopped because of how buggy it was, then came back a year later to try again, and played for a few months during the end of WoD “I cant stand the garrison lockdown anylonger”.
I like aspects of it but I found it to be not terribly social because many of the guilds are based around making money due to how their auction system works. Finding a guild that was purely social or fun was difficult. I disliked the merchant system, not being able to mail things to my other toons, the bank systems, and the fact that there was only one server and due to my location I was always affected by high latency.
And for all that some people complain about WoW’s story, ESO is terribly flat and uninvolving to me. It may get better once it has time to grow some longterm story but for me it just didn’t seem to matter much.
However, I loved being able to do all professions any toon and the portal system is an excellent one if you have a game without flight. And it has player housing, which is a good one.
It’s nice but it’s no replacement for WoW, for me.
I tried playing it but I was so overwhelmed with all the quests. I tried doing the WoW thing where I just grab all the quests in town, do them all, then come back. But many of them had me going places outside of the newbie zone, or having roughly 20 quests just starting off.
I couldn’t keep up, how the heck do people play this game without feeling overburdened with the questing? And how do you decide where to start? I mean I ended up elsewhere and they allowed me to do it, I couldn’t get back to the newbie zone and I panicked.
I think your experience must be common. They just had a big reveal event for the next expansion and one of the big changes is they are making a single tutorial instead of changing it up every release, and at the end it lets you choose where to go. This brought a lot of cheers in chat. I noticed in the last one, they also added a NPC quest whose sole focus was to teach new people how to use the guild finder.
I guess what new people experience is once you get to the main city you get NPCs running up to give you breadcrumb quests to every expansion. Of course, unless you know that XD
One of the Faqs on the ESO reddit and some of the build websites have Where To Start guides that let you know what the release order is, so you can play things in order. If you like the story, that’s nice, since some NPCs come back in later installments and “remember” you in dialog.
I enjoyed the stories in questing in ESO. ESO does a really good job in quest / dungeon story telling. The combat is off putting a bit thou. So while I think the game is good, I keep ESO as my backup MMO for when I am tired / frustrated of WoW.