Do you play ESO? Why or why not?

Yes i do play ESO. In fact I’ve gone back to it as my main game as it has good story lines and many more activities to do at end game than run the same raids over and over again. Even today after a few years of playing I can explore and find places I haven’t been to or side quests I missed. I’m also not forced into gated content so can play new content at my pace not some artificial one set by some developer hiding in an anonymous cubicle.

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Eh, not a pvper so i just tried to do the same anchor grind everyone was doing lol

The grind made it seem like they were just trying to sell XP boosts haha, and 160 was important to as it was the gear cap.

That’s another thing that bothers me with that game… there’s barely any gear treadmill

ESO is my primary game.

The combat is way better than WoW, my Sorcerer (Mage) can actually gasp cast on the run and I can have multiple abilities rolling at the same time. It’s fast paced and fun. The graphics are so nice, things look real, it doesn’t look like I’m in a cartoon.

The questing is awesome, the story is awesome, delves are fun, dungeons/trials are fun, vet content is challenging. PvP is fun, you get siege engines and storm keeps.

Housing is amazing, crafting is useful and good, the game guilds are fun and offer nice rewards. There is a ton to do outside of the main story and nothing is time gated.

It has a buy to play mode so if you don’t want to you don’t have to pay a monthly sub to access the game. Just buy it and log in and go!


The anchor grind in alik’r? Yeah that’s the most boring mind numbing way to do it. Personally I enjoy the fact the gear treadmill isn’t there and the fact that gear sets across all content can remain relevant the crafted sets in different zones keep zones relevant as well.


I tried it. It was okay. Story was fun to follow but the combat just wasn’t for me.

I have not. I tried it and just could not get into it. I really WANT to play other MMOs and I try them all the time. I am even giving ff14 another shot.

My biggest “problem” is the leveling experience. I stopped leveling in wow as the level cap went crazy to 120 because of how time consuming it was. Leveling in games that have been out for a while needs to either essentially be bypassed by a level boost like wow has, or majorly stream lined.

I am trying ff14 again because I have gotten into raiding in wow and enjoy it and want to raid in other games. But I dont know if I have it in me to level a toon to max.

Different strokes, that’s why we have different styles :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally the gear treadmill of wow is a major reason why I play, i LOVE gearing.

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Boosts over there are cheap /shrug

If anything, make sure you level on a “preferred” server as they get 2x XP til 70

You’ll hate ESO then. The difference between a lvl 50 and CP 3600 will be astronomical. And before anyone says “tHeReS nOt mUcH oF a DiFfEreNcE”

Yeah, there is. The power variance between a CP 160 and 810 is MEASURABLE and even more so in PVP. Wait until it’s CP 160 vs 3600.

The grind to max CP will take you literal YEARS.

Until of course they start selling “CP XP POTIONS!” LOL.

They already have XP potions and scrolls you can buy.

I tried it a couple of times but found it to be the most Soloeque MMORPG I’ve ever played. Unless that’s changed, the design there is terrible. If you already did a quest you couldn’t group up with a friend to experience it again with them as the entire thing was phased per-character. Insanely stupid design for a MMO.

I’m talking about potions that specifically let you shortcut levels of the CP board.

Not just XP but actual entire CP tier cuts so you don’t have to grind at all. With XP potions, you still have to grind the level, just faster.

If you think these aren’t coming, you don’t know Zeni.

OH! I see what you mean, yea, I could see those lol.

I have not, but it’s because I haven’t had an interest to try a new mmo since finding WoW so long ago. And I feel like every time I do look at another mmo out of interest I end up judging it before trying so I don’t try it lol. I guess I’ve become picky or too spoiled by WoW. It’s mostly art related stuff that keeps me away. Like the characters in other mmos look so bad to me. I don’t like the realistic style or the overly “sexified” female characters as well, it really turns me off wanting to try it.

You don’t even have to buy them. I’m sitting on a couple hundred XP scrolls as they give them out as filler in the daily rewards and event containers.


I’ve always felt the series faltered after morrowind and even that had serious issues, playing with debug mode was fun for awhile I guess.

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i tried eso but got bored

I played it for a few weeks. It was boring due to leveling up and not feeling a difference. Level scaling like that (and what wow has become) makes leveling completely irrelevant and pointless. I quit ESO and came back to wow. Now I have one foot half way out of the door with WoW. I’ll wait for the new elder scrolls comes out. I’m not sure If I’ll keep my sub until then.

While you ignore that CP is account wide and if you decide to level an alt the CP you accumulated on one character is ready to be distributed on your new characters.

Got a source for that literal years to get to 3600 cp claim? I mean most players there are already sitting at maxed 3600/270 cp already, and they aren’t that difficult to get anyways.

I took a brief break at cp 45 and got to 873 when returning during the Halloween event and using the log in exp scrolls comboed with witch whistle in an single weekend…


If you took two seconds to do any research on the ESO forums, you’d see someone broke down how long it would take.

I’m actually active on ESO, you’re clearly not.

Also, before anyone feeds the fanboy troll, this is the same kid that argued in favor of ESO vs WoW feverishly so in one of my threads. If you hate WoW so much, leave.