Do you play ESO? Why or why not?

Because it blows big dog, just saying.

It has its moments. Tooka long break and gettig back into it. Necro heals are opaf when paired with certain skills.

Used to play, I didnā€™t like the progression system as it feels as if I am trying to maintain power rather than increase it . However I was still playing it until I got infinite download patches then I stopped.

Love the world, hate the game play.

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Combat is super awk. Elder Scrolls has always been that way and Iā€™m not sure why, but itā€™s a bigtime dealbreaker

i play it.

get a controller, plug your P.C. into your t.v. and the combat isnt so bad. its gets more fast paced when youre not leveling as well, you know, end game stuff. trials, veteran dungeons and so on.

all games have flaws. the end game in GW2 is butched for new players trying to progress and i think its dying.

BDO is a p2w grind fest (grinding is in all mmoā€™s though)

ESO does some things right. The zones are FILLED with content. THE stroy is awesome. theres also story EVERYWHERE. Its the 3rd most played MMO right now (cuz gw2 is dying) behind WoW and FF. it DOES NOT compete with those 2 games because those games are RADING games, ESO is not.

ESO is a story based single player mmo (its the most solo friendly mmo on the market) with the option of group content (dungeons, trials pvp so on). Some of the dungeons (not delves) are soloable as well.

You do not need to sub to play , as a new player do not sub for the first month or 2. dont even gather stuff. its literally not worth it to craft unless youre going to stick around. if you do stick around, the sub literally pays for itself (opens up an unlimited space crafting bag and they give you 1600ish crowns a month, seriously, pays for itself lol). the way to make money as a new player is stealing. seriously. not stealing crafting materials though, youā€™ll find small statues, trinkets and paintings worth a good chunk of gold

its one of the few MMOā€™s that actually does housing right.

second (major) flaw for me. the first being clunky feeling animations of courseā€¦ the second flaw, and this to me is worse then the combat, i got use to it, and while i think BDO and GW2 do combat better (ones p2w and ones dying lol)ā€¦

This no auction house or trading post bull.crap is completely ridiculous. you have to join a trader guild (with a max of 500 people) and deal with their elitest b.s. extortionary practices. while not all trader guilds are like this, if you want ot make any real money in this game, you have to gave in to one of these guilds. you can get by with not being in a trader guild and trying to sell stuff in /zone, and you can get by with being in a ā€œjack of all tradesā€ type of guild (recommended).

i think its like 29.99 right now or something, so its not overly expensive to get in, level to 50 and decide.

I tried it a year or two ago. I was drawn in by that recent Frost-death saga they did but didnā€™t actually try it.

Overall I didnā€™t like it because it just felt like MP Skyrim. It was very awkward but I did enjoy the focus on narrative questing.

I didā€¦played it during the first year and have some great pvp videos on my Xbox account. It got a little boring though and I always come back to WoW eventually.

I will say this though, ESO gameplay is by far better than any Elder Scrolls game before it (and Iā€™ve been a huge fan since Daggerfall).

Tried it when it was in beta, didnā€™t like the combat then & I know I wonā€™t like it now. Besides Iā€™m extremely bias when it comes to Elder Scrolls & I refuse to believe that ESO is better or as good as Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion & Skyrim. Though I do have huge criticisms of Skyrim.

Perhaps Iā€™ll be openminded & give it another try. I have 21 days left on my WoW sub & have no idea if Iā€™ll resub, if I do, I might wait till two big patches from now. So weā€™ll see since the only other game Iā€™m playing right now is Hitman 3.

I tried it and found the game not as fun to interact with as say Skyrim was. Iā€™d also argue that the way classes are designed I didnā€™t care for it. I found the way classes upgrade their powers, spells, abilities or learned them to be not very fun or interesting. On top of this I thought it was a bit confusing and messy in the way they designed classes.

I never made it to end game or participated in any of their expansions.

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Tried it, only interest that might drag me back and even then thats more of a walk back is the necromancer, thereā€™s a ton of flaws with the travel system for traversing maps past fast travel that I had qualms withā€¦ That plus maintaining multiple dots that are like 6-12s is not my idea of a fun time with various weapons.

My biggest qualms were the fact that - unless you paid actual $$ - then you had a 20 hr cd on buying one of the following:

  • Mount speed at 1% capping at 60 or whatever it capped at.
  • a single inventory slot increase
  • or I believe was a bank slot increase? I donā€™t remember that, itā€™s been like 4 years since I tried it.

Either way, thereā€™s too much stuff that incentivizes paying to get ahead and character alts are even worse. You donā€™t like a class how it plays? Reroll and start spending a day on each of the above.

Do you like to make vague posts? Why or why not?

Seriously though, what are you looking for?

Quick summary - yes, I played a lot of ESO back at launch. Thoroughly enjoyed it. The story blows away anything Iā€™ve seen the WoW dev team cook up. The quests get repetitive after youā€™ve completed the first zone. The voice acting, while itā€™s nice, is just limited enough for you to pick up on the repetition of each voice actor (itā€™s not a huge deal but it might grate on you after so much content).

When they went with F2P and loot boxes I sort of checked it out. The motivation to pay for the boxes increased by time-limiting ā€œrewardsā€ and felt like a mobile mechanic so I stopped.

I would go back to it here and there but itā€™s my 3rd rung MMO. It feels more like a single player MMO with multiplayer attributes strapped onto it.

Am I the only one who gets annoyed when people do this? Especially when itā€™s a long title. I mean, itā€™s a title. Make it short. Put the rest of the question into the actual post. Yes, Iā€™m oddly triggered by this. Itā€™s like my forum pet peeve. :rofl:

As for the titleā€™s question, since OP canā€™t be botherered to share more than two words about in their own postā€¦ :wink: Nope! I hate ESO.

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The entire game looks fun

But then I played it and tried the combat, it was not fun

If the game combat was better, Iā€™d probably still be playing it

If Iā€™m playing a game I should be playing wow furthering my goals.
(my belief for myself, not the way I believe everyone should think)

Last elders scroll I played was oblivion, it was good but I donā€™t see the need of paying for ESO.

That soundsā€¦ awfulā€¦ I couldnā€™t even get to 160 the grind was real.

God I love GD forums.

Y game great story, but their combat feels too much like WoW clone combat, not original enough for me.

X game looks greater but combat isnt exactly like WoWā€™s combat so it is trash.


Oh youā€™re not the only one thatā€™s bothered by this. This kind of posting is the reason I donā€™t bother with reddit. Like you I canā€™t stand long thread titles than the only comment being ā€œthoughts?ā€

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It may have been made faster since youā€™ve played, also playing in the no cp cyrodiil helps with that. weā€™ll see how much faster you get cp in the ptr with the new cap, hopefully itā€™ll be quicker