Do you play any other video games?

FFXiV when im not on WoW. usually keep me entertained as far as online goes. offline i have plenty of consoles i play around with

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has been my religion basically since it came out

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Video game? No.

I occasionally log into Second Life.

Ah yes, trying to find that perfect island. Then getting stuck with two starter villagers you hate…

Patience is a virtue.

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I unironically think it’s one of the greatest games of all time. Unfortunately my play time time with it has far outpaced my creativity lol. I 100% recommend. Creative Mode is insane for building and survival is a lot of fun the first few goes when you don’t know whats up, then more so when you really understand. Go from tilling small fields while skellys shoot you to turning entire mountainsides into terraced, automatic, well defended wheat factories.

I play Streets of Rage 4 a lot, as well as a bunch of console games.

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What does your name mean op?

Starcraft, and Command & Conquer games mostly.

Just WoW …

these two.

sometimes I go to steam to play something I have there, mostly touhou

Currently going through the latest rimworld dlc anomaly. Amazing game not sure what else to say!

Rainbow Six Siege
The show xyz year
Fifa xyz year
7 Days to die
Red Dead Redemption
Ready or Not

are what I currently have installed

Oh sure:

  • WH40K: Darktide
  • Azur Lane
  • Raid: Shadow Legends
  • Neverwinter Nights
  • Skyrim
  • Fallout 4

Not yet. A.B.A. just dropped to cap off Season 3. Slayer is almost definitely opening Season 4.

Her and Jam are what I’ve been waiting on. Not getting another Season until one of them pops up.

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I barely have time for this one, but I do play Starcraft and Diablo from time to time.

Well i got an island but my starting sisterly is rocket so… yeah thats about right lol

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Too many to name.

Right now though, my major games are FF14, Destiny 2, and Satisfactory.

Gw2, Last Epoch, Honkai SR, and WoW, at the moment. I play Smash on and off, and other multiplayer games when with friends.

Just quit FFXIV today after yesterday’s live letter. They’re hyperfocused on this graphic update that looks meh, and the next expansion is lacking content and features in general. Just more of the same. Plus, the 10 minute long events are kinda getting old.

Pretty happy with the direction WoW is going, so probably going to primarily play this until I get bored or need a break.

The graphic update looks amazing. In terms of the live letter, we already knew they weren’t going to focus on gameplay much, that comes in the second and third live letter before the expansion launches.

Yep, other MMO’s I play off and on are Elder Scrolls Online and Star Wars The Old Republic.

Single player/Co-Op games I’m currently playing:
Fallout 1(just started this again today)
Wasteland 3(about 1/3rd through)
Project Zomboid(gotta have that sandbox zombie fix)
Cyberpunk 2077(3rd play through, doing a Tech Weapon Terminator Chrome Compressor build)
Dwarf Fortress(setting up a civ for when adventure mode releases)
Cataclysm Bright Nights(Got tired of the tedium being implemented in Dark Days Ahead)
Kenshi(total newb on this one, still figuring it out)
Jedi Survivor(About halfway through this one, loved Fallen Order)

Then there’s a ton I plan on playing or revisiting at some point too, someone needs create a machine that adds more hours to the day.