Do you NEED a Priest , Aug, and Holy Paly for Higer M+ Keys?

Wish people would view these “must-have” classes/specs as the crutch they are and people what want a challenge can roll a more difficult spec.

Metagaming is a crutch.

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Fun? A challenge? Idk I don’t see this game as a gearing treadmill where the only worthwhile things to do are things that make ilvl number go up.


Well said!

you dont “NEED” anything except highly skilled players and a Aug.

however, the “Exodia” comp is the path of least resistance. and no matter what expansion, there is a Path of least resistance IF the key level is high enough.

the only real reason its so very specific and not a handful of comps is because of how much Aug brings to the table, the other puzzle peaces just fall into place. if X and Y are covered, then Z becomes clear. if you know XYZ then V and W isnt too hard to reverse identify because all the other questions to the math problem are answered. its a multiple choice test. you got what? 2 sets of 6 and out of those 6 in each category, there is going to be one that meets the most answers that match the XYZ puzzle arrangement.

solving V or W gives the other as the resulting answer.

making changes to the equation might alter the equation to now include other options however the original requirement is high skilled players. and they already got the practice in using the available combinations. the path of least resistance is to maintain. its not to shift over to an unknown that would be more difficult to establish.

case in point, if you have a 32 key, would you run it with a group comp that hasn’t been practiced or try it with the comp that timed the 31 that got the 32?

that said, its not like the comp is the only thing that could do it, its just the easiest option

and if its easier the chances of pushing even higher with the nerfed comp is still better than a completely different one. :thinking:

Aug is the single key piece so if any other comps come about, i dont see them NOT having at least that. :dracthyr_a1:

And yet that wasn’t done by me. I specifically said my friends have no need of a meta to do high keys. Pugs seem to be different. And some want to do the meta. But is it absolutely needed? From my friends, no, it doesn’t seem to be for them.

This is also a good point.

Well we are definitely blessed by your presence /s

Well “high” keys is subjective like has been said in this thread. While a coordinated group of friends can get away with running off meta and still do decent level keys… the proof is there when you can look in the top 1000 runs and not see any variation outside of maybe 1 spec being off meta but still surrounded by the other 4 being meta.

So even if that coordinated group of friends can do say a 22 with an off meta comp… the fact is if they were all playing meta they would be doing multiple key levels higher, so there is a sacrifice for not playing meta regardless

Look at holy pally, they have been nerfed basically 40% on their throughput over the last few weeks. Huge nerfs overall to mage as well. Yet they are still meta… this just shows that it’s not like the difference between meta and off meta is only a couple %… the difference in effectiveness is over 40% in the case of holy paladin

Again, I said 22+ which is 22 and up. They’ve done a range. It can be done. Is it the norm? Of course not. Because people will absolutely want to make it easier on themselves. But the point stands that not everyone needs to.

And meta isn’t some huge issue when it’s only seen as important for those high keys. 20 and below can do whatever they want, whether they believe that or not.

We need a young priest and an old priest.

Can you please point out where I said it can’t be done… I literally JUST said that if a coordinated off meta group is doing 22s, they would be doing multiple key levels with the same effort playing a full meta comp… you’re group of friends are not running 28-29-30-31-32s where it is basically solely the god comp doing it with like I said, maybe ONE spec being a variation surrounded by the rest being meta. If we are talking 28+ you NEED meta, that’s not an opinion that’s a fact that you can clearly see on raider IO.

25-26 and below with a good groups, yes play what you want, but don’t try and tell people that they aren’t at a huge disadvantage doing so and how much more effort is required to do it than if you were rolling the god comp.

I never said you did. I reiterated my own point. Because instead of acknowledging that, you chose to attempt to disparage my viewpoint instead.

And now here we are.


Hmm really? Cause this seems like I acknowledged and agreed with your point…

You’re the one not listening to other peoples viewpoints or what the argument they are making is…

If your goal as a group is to run +26 or lower, than sure play what you want… still doesn’t change the fact that a 24 as off meta will feel like a 27 as a meta comp. So playing meta does in fact matter in terms of effort versus success

With the recent mage nerfs folks have been experimenting with other roles in the giga-DPS role, a few with great success.

LOL yep:

Thus, why I responded to you.

I cmae in, gave a single viewpoint and left. You came at me. :dracthyr_shrug:

I simply added one the many others. That’s it. Moving on.

My post about ignorance wasn’t even aimed at you. I was responding to someone else talking about that and speaking about people on these forums in general, none of that was directed as a response to you directly

In some cases this is less people finding better options and more people returning to their mains despite mage still being better out of comfort / “May as well get my actual main title now” reasons.

22 and 23 keys can absolutely be done with any comp whatsoever. Probably even higher.

I seems many people reply, yet do not partisipate themselves in High Keys. How would you know what your talking about if you you dont even do them?

weren’t people timing 28s even before the Fire Mage and Holy Paladin buffs and Augmentation?

But then, you have to be careful you don’t fall into the standard “well this kid grew up in the sewers of bahakalavitalaglooshen and ended up winning a Nobel Prize so what’s your excuse?” You can absolutely do it without a meta comp, but this season the meta comp is just so much easier.

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You do middle high keys. You arent even doing 24s.

So no you dont NEED those classes, it just makes it easier.