Do you NEED a Priest , Aug, and Holy Paly for Higer M+ Keys?

28 was the highest key timed, but saying “anyone” could do that when it was only like 7-8 timed keys including shenanigans like Freehold canons hitting trash and Neltherus unlimited mob chains that no longer work I bumped it down a little.

For those saying its pointless to do anything past 16/17 because thats where the vault caps off at, you are absolutely right if you are thinking of this in terms of getting the most out of the system for the least amount of work. People pushing in the upper 20’s aren’t doing it, obviously, for the gear. Its simply a challenge. Its a 20 year old game and no ones getting sponsored or anything for being super awesome at m+, but its nice to be able to compete against some of the best players in the US to see just where you stand against your peers. Thats where the vast majority of the incentive is for high key pushers. Being able to say you do this one aspect of this game better then 99% of the population. It doesn’t matter if you agree with it, its our niche area.

More on topic, the reason the exodia/god comp is such an issue is because once you get to the 25+ range you are HARD pressed to find a group if you aren’t one of these specs. Im not bragging about where im sitting but im currently the 27th best resto druid in the US and ill sit and play with my son for hours while queueing for groups and not get invited due to not being the meta. Its sadly just how the game is once you reach the upper echelon of players. Taking a non-meta is a liability to a key. Nothing honestly to get upset about.

Not saying anyone could do it obviously, but a 28 then is about a 30 now, so doing a 24-25 should be doable just by playing well with any classes. A 28 before the nerf is roughly 60% harder than a 24 after.

The ridiculous and disheartening thing about this season is that despite how it’s been nerfed several times, Exodia is still the best comp by a good margin. It was just bonkers broken at the start of 10.1.5.

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It appears that this problem needs to be adressed.

This is the issue with class balance right now:

  • Bear tanks are S-tier because of their Incarn and you can do giga giant pulls and they’re basically invincible. They also do a lot of group healing.
  • Aug Evokers are mandatory because their primary stat bonus buffs the tank/healer just as much as the dps. That primary stat bonus added to a bear tank makes their Incarns even stronger. Also, they bring a lot of AOE stops, and a damage absorb shield.
  • Mass dispel/mind soothe is still mandatory because they haven’t addressed the things they’re used for.

You aren’t pushing keys high enough to see the is problem though.

Most seasons this would be true, this season it is not and that’s the problem. Keys are drastically easier with the god comp, regardless of key level, dungeon, or affix. E.g. Destro Locks in Shadowlands S3/4 were good at all levels, but only really broken when doing giga pulls in high keys. You have to be literally trolling to brick a key under 22 with Exodia.

It’s still true this season. Unless you’re pushing 28+ level keys the meta makes it easier but not impossible

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This is true, however the quality of player you need to be to be able to manage such things is the level that in a prior more balanced season would have been competing in the highest level keys possible.

The rank 1 rogue in the world right now is 3650, the rank 1 warrior is 3680.

I think the warlock is mad they aren’t the special snowflake required anymore. If you really want a group that bad make one yourself and don’t take those classes.

The OP is doing 22s and is no where near the area that requires the meta comp

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22s is still fairly high compared to the majority of players. Either way, exodia has a lot of tools and synergy.

It would be a good direction to add more tools and synergy to the other classes that are having a harder time instead of just nerfing shadow or fire by 3% and buffing rogue by 2% and hoping that fixes anything.

22s are not close to where the meta actually matters.

Every meta comp has tools and synergy. This isn’t anything new.

The majority of the changes don’t even affect the vast majority of players. People just use it as an excuse.

Meta always matters. If you are building a house or a table why use inferior tools?

This is 100% new. Many classes have been op. At one point the meta was triple rogue. But no meta has ever scaled exponentially off each other like this.

Huh? We all play the game. We all want balance. Currently there is not a lot of parity between the classes and specs that have and those that have not. Coincidentally most of the “haves” have been recently reworked.

They need to keep going and fix glaring weaknesses in the classes that are behind.
Saying, “hey mate, you only do heroic, so it’s okay that your class brings no utility and 10% less damage” is not a good look for an rpg.

No it doesn’t. If you can’t time 20s it’s a skill issue as every spec can time 20s.

Terrible analogy.

No it’s not. Meta has always been about getting the most synergy out of the comp. That’s why there’s physical and magic comps.

There’s no such thing as a perfectly balanced game. There’s I nothing holding you back but yourself. If you’re not timing 20s it’s not because of your class.

You didn’t see most ranged crying during season 1 when double/triple melee was meta. The meta rotates. It will rotate again. You’d be better off improving your play instead of complaining about the meta.

Not ever spec is going to be top dog in every type of content. This isn’t a hard concept.

These are literally some of the most terrible takes I have ever read. Honestly, if you were shilling another game and/ or a fotm reroller dead set on making sure this fotm stays, you could not have worse takes…

You can consider it a terrible take but that doesnt make it true.

If you had a clue you would probably actually understand.

Because the population who do keys where this is truly relevant (28s or higher) is tiny compared to the overall population who does M+.

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your not pushing any keys worth mentioning. How would you know?

Even if I wasn’t doing close to the same keys you’re doing there’s this thing called raider io.

Doing keys at 23s further proves you don’t have to be meta to complete them.