Do you NEED a Priest , Aug, and Holy Paly for Higer M+ Keys?

Go take a look at all the 29-30-31-32 keys done on raider IO and let me know if that’s actually the case and report back. So ignorant it hurts my brain

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Manny people dont understand the topic because they do not do higher keys. Nevertheless, they still love to contribute their 2 cents on the forums. Sigh…

Yep ignorance is a plague on these forums. Some people think because they “play WoW” that they understand how certain aspects of it work not realizing everyone plays this game for different content.

To sit there and give opinions and act as if they are facts on content you don’t even play, or play at an extremely low casual level is pretty sad. I’m not saying people can’t have their opinion if they do play it at a casual level because sometimes that advice is valuable… but to give your opinion on keys at say a +20 or higher, when the highest key that person has achieved is a +15, is completely talking nonsense.

But then for these people to sit here and argue with one’s who do the content, when they do not, is infuriating.

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IMO “higher keys” anything 21+

Honestly though this season bursting isn’t even that bad because there aren’t any dungeons that stack it more than like 4-6 at a time and that’s easily doable for all healers

Honestly the only place that really feels like extra dispel is needed is the vortex pinnacle trash on the way to the first boss — otherwise dont really ever feel like “really wish I had a dispel right now”

To be brutally honest: The people who do “high keys” could all leave tomorrow and nobody would notice. Above 20 does not matter. The slim margin of people who min/max the game deserve to suffer for their own self-imposed need to compete at the highest level.

The meta is not required for the vast majority of the game, where most of the population is.

Buff the other healers single target healing for starters. Maybe give them mass dispells or s mass dispell consumable.

Funny how they nerfed shadowpriests but failed to nerf the amount of Truesight mobs.

Don’t worry, it’s settling out. All the good ones are hitting 26+ keys now so in the 21-25 range you just get FOTM rerolls who are clueless and will brick your key. So you might as well invite that Blood DK, Resto Shaman, Fury Warrior, and so on.

If that’s the case, might as well get rid of all the hall of fame and cutting edge raiders as well, since they are the minority too.

Blizzard does not design this game around the casual playerbase. They are so focused on the min Maxers, and world first level players that they literally design content around them

You want to do old achievements? Old raids? Transmog runs? Old world content? Go for it, plenty for casuals to do there… but in terms of CURRENT content, I could not imagine being a casual player and actually enjoying this game

Shadow is there only for PI. The damage profile is middle of the pack, at best.

MD and Mind Soothe are both hella necessary this season.

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Nah just 3 Outlaw rogues

I mistook you to mean that they were heavy handed with shadow being useful to it’s damage, sorry.

I’m not particularly good at shadow, but I started playing it heavily this season due to how frequently people invited me. We’ve always had that utility and it seems that for some reason, no one has ever noticed until now. /shrug

Yeah, but the dungeon pool really lets you abuse it this season. Skipping some super hard packs and dispelling crippling boss HPS mechanics. And their damage is a lot easier to come by now. The rework really simplified it.

They could. I don’t imagine the hall of fame in a 20 year old MMO means very much to most people.

They don’t design around the min/maxers, and that is obvious with min/maxers continuing to seethe about things like PI and augs.

I do low keys in the 13-15 range casually and have fun. No meta required. I imagine this range is where the majority of the population is at. Because there is never a shortage of groups at this range. People just don’t want to push high keys except for a small minority.

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Need all three spec of pally

Yes you do if you wanna 100% time it.

Meh, unless you’re pushing upper 20s or 30+ keys, you don’t NEED any of those classes. A case could be made for needing an Augmentation Evoker but that’s only because no one else can fill their roll.

People just think they need a specific group because they saw a twitch streamer do it

And as far as priest goes, they’re only OP because of dungeon design. We haven’t gained any new utility in like 3 expansions. Blizzard just happen to construct all these dungeons in a way that highlights our niche utility. Change the dungeons and we’d be right back to D tier

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I agree nerf MM hunter in pvp

Doesn’t the loot’s ilvl stop at 431/447 at keystone 20 though? And the KMS mount can be earned at even lower, running 13s/14s, can’t it? What’s the point of running anything higher? Why is anyone’s panties in a twist about what goes on beyond M+20???

Genuine question, I’ve dropped out of the M+ loop since BfA.

Yep. I honestly dont understand why people want to run higher. That and consider the latest update that you get Mythic 1/3 items that are 441 for running a 16 or 17 from the vault. Those can be upgraded to 447. So considering that, running a 20 is not even needed.

Plus you dont need to run above 17s or 18s to get 2500 mythic score for achievement. So again I dont understand players who want to push high mythic scores for no real benefit other then bragging rights that no one gives two craps about.

But back on topic. What annoys me about the Meta comps is how they influence the player base below the keys levels required to do the keys. For example I mostly run 17s so, its annoying for someone to want to ONLY bring only meta comp classes for that level 17.

So when players complain, “you dont run 22s to 25s, so meta comps have nothing to do with you”. While true in a since, they miss the point is that they can and do influence player base regardless of key level. The lower the key, the less the influence. But it does happen.

Now, this ISNT the player bases fault. Its Blizzards game design where they put mechanics into the game without for thought on how they would be handled at the top level keys. A prime example is Mass Dispell. Its NEEDED on some weeks like this week on high keys. But at around level 17 keys, its not needed, but is still very nice to have. But on 11s its not even worth caring about.