Do you NEED a Priest , Aug, and Holy Paly for Higer M+ Keys?

If yes, why is this issue not addressed? The majority of people claim they cannot do higher keys without Mass Dispell, PI, Aura Mastery, AUG buff. Most groups wont step foot into a higher key dungeon without these tools. If this is true, ought it be addressed by our controllers? Your thoughts?


Seriously, someone should do something, like rolling nerfs to these meta classes. I can’t believe nothing at all has been done to any of these meta classes whatsoever over the past several weeks. Glad this has finally been brought to light.


Thanks. I do higher keys and am confronted with this every time I log on. Its terrible.


I have friends that run 22+ without the meta. They do just fine. Sounds more like it’s a pug issue, imo.


I agree nerf demon hunters


Do you need a priest, Aug, and holy paladin for higher level mythic keys?

No, you need a bar for all three to walk into. :drum:


You need an Aug at a minimum. 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 support are required for serious keys. There’s nothing like them and no other dps can fit into that spot and make the rest of the group tankier to boot.

Damage prevention healers are ideal. The tiny shields from glimmer, Aura mastery, Devi aura in general, etc. are worth more than the HPS that shows up on the meter. I think Resto Druid is actually the HPS king right now? Not that it matters. All the healing you can do over the course of a dungeon is not nearly as important as the once a minute throughput checks where you need to heal 5M damage in 9s. CD trading is in, steady rotations are out.

So off the healer field, you have 2 real options, Hpal and Disc priest. Disc is always subject to fickle tuning. HPal, in comparison, almost idiot proof. It’s just better designed. They would have to be under tuned to make up for their kit, which would be a travesty, a return to the “Hybrid tax”. And that’s bad too.

And then you have mass dispel. Magic debuffs are such a huge portion of damage profiles in this set of dungeons that it’s unrealistic to nerf them all. Mind soothe could be brought by a disc priest, but then you lose the extra kick (which you need in a tri-Wizard comp) but it’s just as important. I honestly can’t imagine timing BH without one. Ditto for Halls.

Shadow was so bad for so long, I believe they set out to make them desired on purpose and just went too heavy handed with it. Same for Aug, they wanted a support specialist and balance be damned.


A ham sandwich walks into a bar and asks for a drink…

The bartender says sorry we don’t serve food here.


Yes and it is just like SL S3/4 where you needed a BDK, Holy Priest, SV hunter, and Destro lock for higher M+ keys. The good news is that you get a lot of flexibility with that fifth person, it’s your choice of about 6 specs.


OP said high keys. :smiley:


He runs 22s.

Not really high keys at this point. Meta starts to shine at 26 or so. You can fumble your way through low 20s.

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I agree they do need to nerf hunters

A distinction to discuss with OP, then, I guess. “High” when talking about keys is pretty subjective. I’ve seen top key runners talk about specific builds that can be used on lower keys, with changes made to “higher keys, like 18-20.”

Tell me about it. I hate all the whispers I get asking for carries in 20s :rofl:

Everything you described can be handled by monk really well…

Buff to shields → 1 min 16% HP absorb

Also monks do a TON of healing during celestial and it’s a good DPS Cooldown if using Invoker’s Delight

Life Cocoon absorb on ~1 min CD also very nice

Monk cc utility is unmatched — Ring Of Peace, Interrupt, Paralysis, Leg Sweep
Specifically, Paralysis and Ring of Peace can interrupt regular spells and non-interruptible casts too. You can get so many good interrupts as monk healer

Great survivability - Healing Elixir instant self heal, Dampen Harm and Stoneskin Brew DRs, Reverse Magic also pretty good
Again, 1 min party absorb and 1 min external absorb

Even if 3 min CD, monk healers still have mass dispel. Also can do Reverse Magic + Dispel regularly to do 2 effects such as bursting

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I wouldnt think everyone NEEDS the exodia team. I would think a competent team of whatever could do higher keys. Maybe not as easily as the meta team but if they are good and work together they should do fine.
Folks that absolutely need the easy-mode team, well, its says something about your skill i suppose.

Depends on what high keys are

I’ve run enough 20-22 with all sorts of comps on my bear/feral to not struggle

When I make groups on my druid all I really look for is: CC, interrupts, lust.

What the party is hasn’t affected anything too much.

Maybe for 25+ if I ever get there it will but it is Definitely not NEEDED