Do You Mod Your UI? What Would You Like For WoW's UI?

I stick with the base UI.I want them to hear my perspective on bugs/forums etc. from having used, and suffered from, what they’ve given us to work with, SWTOR was based on WoW, and THAT has UI you can alter so drastically as to be able to set it up just like WoW.


I use the stock ui with no addons.


I also use mods at a minimum for this reason. Also, how awesome is it that their help section links you to Wowhead, a third party site?

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Of course, game is almost unplayable to me with the base UI alone now.
If they remove addon support, I just quit for good.


I use the coordinates add on and handy notes. My brother goes crazy with add-ons though.

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Honestly I modded mine for the first time this week using elv ui, and benkis mod for it I think it was. Ivebused stock most of my wow time and decided it was time to try something new.

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I use the stock UI and no mods. The only mod/addon I’ve ever used was a damage meter back during vanilla/TBC raiding days.

As far as I’m concerned, relying on mods is a crutch that makes you less capable as a player, and if a mod is absolutely necessary in order to play or enjoy the game, it should be the responsibility of the developers to make it part of the game’s own programming.

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The idea of raid healing with the Stock UI makes me want to gouge my eyes out with ice picks.


I change almost everything. I love modding my ui and making it just how I like it.

The only thing I don’t change is the objectives list and the buff/ debuffs because of limitations they have put on those.


It seems like a matter of personal preference, and general utility.

I use CTMod primarily for minor graphical alterations, and mods like DBM for dungeon running/raid functionality.

I could probably play the game without these, but I find the utility they provide makes for a better experience, at least for me.

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I use base UI but I have no particular reason why I do/don’t.
Guess I just don’t enjoy losing functionality with every patch and being forced to redownload new updated addons just so things continue to work.

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Move Anything
HandyNotes (various modules)

My UI looks mostly like this, cleaned up a bit to re-align some things since that image was snapped:

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I use NOTHING of the Default UI.

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How was it based on WoW? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’s great to be able to move and resize everything, but it’s not an amazing UI.

I mod my entire UI. And I have no problem with those who don’t. It’s all player choice. And choice is good!

Sexymap can move the objectives pretty nicely. And Raven at least lets you split up and move buffs and debuffs. I love them both.

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Ditto, I have probably close to 100 addons. Always a bit rough after a patch… lol

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As of now I have 56.

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you will take Elvui only from my cold dead hands. except in the case of DK, you will have to get creative as they are already cold dead hands.

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I’m in the minority of people who mod, I suppose, in never having used Elvui…although people keep telling me I should. :slight_smile:

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At the very, very least, Titan Panel and its base modules should be in the default UI.

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i used to but not as much anymore. only addons i use atm is vuhdo for healing even though i could just make mouse over macro’s for the same thing and dmg meters just to see where im at and others are at.

i use the meters for personal use only though if people ask me to link it i dont lmfao. i think many newer/people trying to learn different specs/classes get discouraged when they see they are bottom. meters are not everything as well and has been proven countless times but for me i just use it for educational purposes as well as a little friendly competition with people who are around my ilvl/skill set and hopefully same class if not i still try to challenge them via dps while playing even if i know i will lose.

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