No, then again they didn’t really bother me even when they were all level 19s in WSG. Players having gaping power disparity can be really fun. And yes I say that usually on the worse end of that match up.
Since it makes more sense in this thread than the other one I’ll mention here apparently a bunch of twinks are getting erroneously banned?
There’s even a community council post about it now.
Seems like people abusing the report system combined with poor auto-banning on Blizzard’s part or uninformed support employees confirming the bans if a human is involved that don’t know what they’re doing?
Blizzard needs to intervene ASAP if that’s the case since twinking is not against any rule and is literally the reason they give us xpoff NPCs in the first place.
A lot more people are popping up now that were banned on their twinks, seeing as it all happened today, it must have been a banwave that has swept up many 11 warrior twinks - even getting pretty quick ticket responses upholding the bans with no info.
Edit: I see a post has popped up on the EU forums on a non twink character that uses the Shadowlands speed gem, maybe we are getting flagged for speed hacking over a gem that lets us run disgustingly fast, I slotted enough gems to get 59% extra run speed.
It seems like either bad auto-flagging or intentional malicious reports could be it.
I’m guessing it’s not automatic as I have half a dozen or more twinks that have 159% movement speed with shadowlands gems + boot enchants and my warriors and druids get +30% on top of that. My 13 druid then also has another +15% from feral swiftness.
I played most of them yesterday and have played all of them a lot in the past couple weeks and didn’t get banned so maybe it was manual reporting from players?
There’s also another post in that community council thread now:
After considerable conversations and deep-sleuthing. We have come to a bit of an understanding.
“If Player A has xp off, and is grouped with Player B, and Player B for whatever reason doesn’t have the xp reduction debuff, then Player A gets banned”
-Concerned AdvocateThere seems to be a few alternatives to a player getting inadvertently banned.
“queue solo as a twink into a specific dungeon, then sync queue with another group of 1-4 players, so you can get into the same dungeon. If queue a 2nd dungeon after completing the first, you won’t get the xp debuff on any toons”
-Concerned Advocate^This particular method is employed by players that boost through Timewalking. (when they are clearly not supposed to).
This is apparently a means of bypassing the system in place to prevent abusive tendenciesThere are a variety of player websites that are mentioning a hard ban wave today around 3pm.
There seems to be a great many players that are varied on the side of innocence when it comes to this.
If the ban was meant to target players that are blatantly abusing, it’s hit civilians.
I mostly only queued solo on my twinks and last week with a couple friends who were on their 80s doing their TW weekly and wasn’t banned. Never used them to power level anyone. Wasn’t even aware people get an XP debuff? Do random lowbies get this debuff if you solo queue into a TW?
Yes, I hate them. I hate that I get through the dungeon super fast and move on to something else.
I didn’t do either of the things in that community post, I just queued into random TW.
Would it have had an issue with me soloing BC dungeons in Chromie Time for gear, I don’t see why that would be the case with every other twink doing the same thing, as I saw other 11 wars popping in and out of the dungeons.
I literally created the char 3 days ago, my first time trying out twinking after seeing them in TW.
If you queue into random solo, the group does not get the debuff.
I did a lot of this on several alts as well. Also soloed Necrotic Wake for rings on a few and a WotLK one for a helm on one. Even did the apexis shard farm on one of them for a meta gem (that I don’t think was worth the effort).
A guy that mentioned people were getting banned was actually someone outside Underbog that just said it in say. There are always a bunch of people at the portal entrances for Underbog/Blood Furnance especially.
Fully agree - chase the tank is not my thing and makes it no fun at all.