Do you have a problem with twink players?

gonna be honest, i lv up every class from 70 to 80 and i found like 3 twinkers in total

no, they didnt ruin my experience, i actually at some point was hoping find one of those since help to lv way faster and can became tiring lv up alts

but there seem to be some people on war with twinkers, for some reason i cant understand that is why i decide to ask in the forums, because you find one like what

1 every 30 dungeons ? and you can leave pretty quick after since they zoom the place


I’m usually thankful when I find one. It means the run will turn into super fast mode.

People that cries about it usually were just looking for something to complain about.


Not since I stopped running TW because of twink players.

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Depends on what kind you mean


I don’t mind them at all. I rather enjoy it when someone comes in and I just have to run behind and loot. Gives me a feeling of nostalgia from having been ran through Deadmines a thousand times on all my new alts back in the day.


It weirds me out, people that complain they’re getting a free fun-through because of twinks.

Do the same people complain about using epic or flying mounts when going somewhere, because it’s “too fast”?

Do they RP walk everywhere instead of taking flight paths?

Same energy.

I just don’t understand it.

This isn’t a single-player RPG, you’re gonna run into other players.

And I certainly don’t mind if they wipe the floor with everything- it’s not something that happens at endgame.

It’s a lowbie thing only, basically.

Still, it’s weird that people are against free handouts, basically.


Honestly it depends what kind of mood I’m in.
If I’m just trying to grind out some levels or a quest then I love Twinks in my dungeon.

But if I’m playing an Alt because I just wanted to casually play it in a dungeon for fun, yeah having a Twink kind of defeats the purpose. I’m not really playing, I’m watching.

But the former is my situation 90% of the time.


Not really. I’m not an NPC who WANTS to SLOG through the same TW dungeon I’ve done 59 times before and go cry on the forums when some other player helps me go through one a couple of minutes faster.

I actually hope to fall in with one whenever I’m leveling, since the entire game’s been pretty much built entirely around endgame content and I’ve done leveling 1-80 like, three times by now.

they lower my fun tremendously


Nope. 0 problems with twinks. In fact, I wish there were more of them!


No. I don’t.

I have been doing my TW weekly on my Evoker to get a few hero pieces in the runup to the new patch, and when we have a level 11 warrior in the group, it means that I will be window dressing for this warrior’s solo run.

You know what I do?

I put up my armor shield on him and keep Prescience up on the guy and give him speed boosts to see how much I can make him even more powerful.

I don’t really understand why a 10-minute dungeon becoming a 5-minute dungeon would upset anyone. It’s trivial content anyway.

I actually spoke with two of these guys during the run, and both were very pleasant, explained why they liked doing it, and I’m happy when I see one in the group.


It’s all about the mindset. Some people don’t like handouts or, they actually want to enjoy the content and not blaze through it.


Lowbie content is more or less always gonna be like that. Due to scaling.

If you want hard content that can’t be twink’d, just play endgame.

It’s a complaint that only exists for trivial stuff like timewalking.

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You wanted an answer, what else do you want? I’m not arguing.

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I don’t mind twink players. If I get into a group with one, just means the dungeon goes faster. Don’t get a dungeon with them? Dungeon is already pretty fast.


Just thinking people who have a problem with twinks should just go do endgame content lol.

It’s weird to both prefer easy content, but also prefer to not go fast through it.

Those two things, are kinda contradictory towards each other.

Easy means people who are over geared for it, are gonna smash it to pieces, or even lowbies.


No. Why do you think there are twinks to begin with?

Scaling, lol.

But even without scaling, you’d have M+ players doing Heroics for their weekly, it’d go the same way.

They can pull the whole dungeon without thinking twice about it.

Hell, I do this for the weekly too, but I’m over geared and don’t need anything from Heroics, just want the weekly quest done.

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And not everyone likes that, so I don’t know why you’re getting hung up about it.

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