And which one is it??? That’s kind of contradictory, you say you always leave, but you get them kicked how is this possible, its one or the other. I really believe that its the former.
I don’t care who players sleep with.
nope, they make the run fast. i’ve done these dungeons ad nauseum so the faster the better
I have this top secret strategy that makes in so I’ve never had a single negative interaction with people in this game. 100% positive interactions!
So did you reque with them? Cause the odds of running into three seperate twinks back to back… well that would be quite the manifestation to say the least
When I’m leveling in TW and my que pops, I pray for a level 11, fury warrior, twink.
I have never once seen anyone dying when a twink is involved. Just saying
You and me both. Hands to the gods
You should run m+. Tw scaling is not meant for progression or any kind of difficulty. Its no different than normal or leveling dungeons.
My hunter for example is somewhat geared and can out dps the lvl 11 twinks lol. So its not even just twinks that can w key through the dungeons.
They just get tunnel vision called out because “zomg a lvl 11 is 1 shotting everything!”
I have a problem with Blizz allowing it in battle grounds. It’s still rampant and ruins everyone’s experience
Honestly the entire argument is silly in a game with any kind of mp. People like it and people don’t. Prob is one side doesn’t have the right to tell the other what to do or how to play no matter how much it may annoy the individual.
So if you hate twinks thaaaaaat much you could always eat the 30 minute timer or eat the 3 minutes it takes to run with the twinks and que it up again. I’ve rarely ever seen a random group reque without a twink either so either way you’re gonna be playing the waiting game. Choices
People wanting to actually participate in their own dungeon runs is not weird.
The issue is that such a large percentage of players have 0 desire to ever level again that when something comes along that speeds them through it, even if it means they are no longer playing the game, theyre cool with it.
I love Twinking and hate leveling, but the game should be designed for the former group, not the latter.
I don’t mind them at all. Fast runs = I’m done with timewalking faster. It’s easy to see why some people might not like it though. Especially if they were looking forward to hitting their buttons!
Someone who runs thru the instance without a thought or care to the other players in the group, whether twink or tank or overgeared dps, can be annoying.
Someone who is taking advantage of Blizzard’s backwards and awful scaling by playing a low-level character in content that is designed as a time sink and not an actual challenge is fine by me.
Not sure Twinks are really a problem for anyone other than those doing PvP content.
So, probably not many.
You don’t want free badges ?
Not really, no.
The only thing I’ve really had a disagreement/problem with are level 80 characters recommending (WoW) an MMORPG with absolutely nothing done in M+, BGs or raids… Ya’ know, stuff that makes this game an MMO.
The hypocrisy is real…the twink haters are the same people who demand boss skips.
You have to actually join a specialty guild to full clear old dungeons and raids.
Every other group is a speed run.
I like easy carries. This games grindy enough as is.