Do you have a problem with twink players?

Is that so ? But i keep hearing people are getting kicked for no reason lol

oddly enough, the people most against twinks also tend to be very low performers in those dungeons. they donā€™t want to contribute more necessarily, they just want it to take longer. weird stuff :man_shrugging:


I only have an issue if they do not hold aggro on what they pull. The number of times the rest of us get attacked because the twink tank cannot or will not hold aggro on what they have ticked off is immeasurable. I am so tired of either having to fight my way through the mobs who are now free-casting on those who were left behind, or just outright dying, is just not fun for me. Running is fine. Getting killed or the group wiping is not fine.

Twinks are still tanks, and as such they need to take care of their party.

Yes, and rhey are not one in 10. I have multiple paladins (like 7?) And All of them went to 80 by pure tw leveling. One time I went into one of them, queued found a twink ruining the game and left. Went to another paladin and encountered yet another twink.

On my shamans too.

A normal tw run is not slow, like at all. Ive tanked all classes to 80 pure tw and the speed at which I can pull is insane. So it isnt about speed. Its about not letting the others play the damn game. I queue to play not to let someone pull overme outrun everyone else and just expect me to clap in hsppyness and requeue. Hell no

I didnt even mentiom when they wont hold aggro and get the grouo wiped.

Wow lol. This does take me back. It felt so cool having a friend run you through and just being able to pick up everything while your friend blasted through.

I strangely miss that too! Havenā€™t experienced since tbc classic


Found a level 11 fury warrior the other day and kept queuing with him, crushed dungeons so fast and all he was doing was pressing Whirlwind. Everyone in the group was Just running and looting trying to keep up. Was very chill 70-80 experience.


i play as a twink because i enjoy helping others level up faster and its very fun for me by running super fast and having less then 3 buttons to press on any twink.

I got a monk, priest, shaman and warrior - all 4 are just about as fun as the other

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TW is not content, its for lvling and maybe a mount,

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I agree with you Monk, on multiple levels

It doesnt matter for what it is. We dont get to play the game period when someone decides to ruin the dungeon

God forbid I like to actually play the game Jesus what a concept. Wanting to tank when I queue tank or to heal or dps is too much for your brain I guess


Because the ā€œpeopleā€ on this forum continue to annoy me

These examples are genuinely terrible, and either you know that and just brought it up to be a LE EBIC TROLE XD like half the others on this forum or youā€™re genuinely that dumb so Iā€™m going to HOPE itā€™s the first.

Like you canā€™t genuinely think a dungeon, actual playable content, being zoomed through by 1 person while the rest twiddle their thumbs doing literally nothing is comparable to 1 guy choosing to get on their flying mount to go to a location.

This is a genuinely terrible argument too because it just assumes anyone who actually LIKES doing something you DONT like is an ā€œNPCā€

PLEASE go back to 4chan

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Dont play it then

They help people level faster. Why would anyone hate them?

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Well, I was, but now youā€™ve talked me out of it.

Well as you know the world is not perfect, so you can either leave or finish the dungeon


no i welcome any and all efforts to expedite my progress in the tw quests

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Wow yea so Im the one that has to leave and not the one ruining it for EVERYONE.

I always leave, have too many toons to care for one deserter. Good thing is I usually get to vote kick them anywaus because not only they think they are boss for abusing the scaling, they screwup and get the party killed leading to eveeyone just agreeing to kicking them

Well yea your the one who dosent like it so yea i would say you have to leave


I really doubt that you ever get a twink booted, I have Lvl 11 Fury warriors, Lvl 11 Resto Druids, Lvl 11 Resto Shaman, Lvl Mistweaver monk, Lvl 11 Arcane Mage, and thinking about making a lvl 11 Hpriest. In all of the instances I have ever ran, I have been booted exactly once (In Strat, Baroness fight, got possessed and killed entire group), beyond that, I have never been kicked.

What has happened however, is Iā€™ll get a /w from someone in the group saying someone was trying to kick me but didnt passā€¦ I assume thats people like yourself trying to boot, and the rest of the group LOLOLOLOLs at you. Twinks have far more people that love them, than you and the people like you who dislike themā€¦

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