Do I have a problem with someone doing what they want?
No not at all
Do I have a problem with it when it directly interferes with me actually wanting to just do the content?
Maybe I’m just unlucky and get a twink of some sort at least every other TW dungeon and in the end it really makes me wonder why people play the game. Most of the people wanting twink tanks in their dungeon just want to get through it as fast as possible because it’s “a chore”, which begs the question on why these people are even doing it in the first place
I play TW because I actually LIKE playing the game, I don’t want to sit around with my finger up my nose doing literally nothing for 5-10 minutes.
I mostly do but it’s fun to be able to step down in difficulty and take it a bit easier for a run while still actually playing my class. So I just use level 80 heroics when CTA is up for that purpose and avoid tanking for TW groups. Cuts out any problem I have with twinks while still allowing me to lean back in my chair and not be tense about the content.
these people are, in fact, the same types to complain about flying.
over the years i’ve come to the realization that these people just want/need something to complain about.
that being said, twinks who “glory pull” and refuse to go back for mobs that are aggro’d on other people are making the rest of us look bad.
same thing for boosters who kick randos out of the group because they won’t pay
I have no problem with them at all. Makes the occasional Timewalking or whatever a bit boring, but I’m never there for very long anyway and they don’t appear often enough for me to care.
Level 11 twinks are bad game design and scaling should be reworked so level 11s aren’t the strongest players in the game. It’s obviously not great to have a level 11 sprinting at 85% movement speed at all times, pulling more DPS than an entire group of myth geared 80s.
That said, blaming players for bad game design is baby brained. OFC players are going to take advantage of this broken scaling because it’s fun. TW content falls over without any effort anyway, all the mobs die before you can even do a full rotation even if you dont have a twink. It’s not like the selfish twink deprived you of engaging gameplay.
Anyone who complains about twinks is weird. You don’t wanna see twinks? Then do end-game content ._. Is not like heroic dungeons are hard by any means if you’re just a casual (I’m a casual) and once you reach level cap you won’t ever see a twink again.
I get the appeal. Seeing giant yellow numbers falling out of mobs like candy from a pinata hits you right in the dopamine happy place. I want to make one, but need to get some lifestealing enchants prepared. Went and spent about 20k gold on heirlooms as well. That said, I prefer the pinatas to be players and the numbers to be green, not yellow. But, twinking looks like a ton of fun.
I don’t mind running into a twink who happily carries me as I do the 5 dungeons for the weekly. Occasionally, I’ll dip into them for weathered crests (to get a quick upgrade for Carved => Runed). Just means I’ll not really have to tunnel health bars as much, and instead get to take time to actually collect loot. Mobs drop a ton of gold that I constantly miss out on by chasing speed demon tanks.
Ditto. I’ve done the DPS dance a few times, and I even mained DPS for a handful of expansions, but healing is where I like to stay. I find it much more rewarding.
But…having said that (and meant it sincerely), I’m swapping over to Augment for TWW Season 2. We’ll see how it goes. I have a sneaking suspicion Imma run RIGHT BACK to resto druid.
I love popping into a TW with a level 11 and I get sad when they leave at the end instead of initiating another run. I have seen the TW dungeons so many times, I don’t need to do them slow anymore, I am usually just leveling alts and want in and out asap.