Do you guys use alts or mains for forum posting?

I post from many different characters since sometimes some threads I find it more ideal to post on certain characters, but I find that its usually not a big deal for less serious threads. It only starts to become a big deal in threads with heated/serious discussions or when being used to deceive or cause trouble in some way.

This was going to be my main when I started posting but priest in classic is boring imo.

I like the character persona you have chosen. Though I think warlock suits trunchbull more.

Thatā€™s the point
Donā€™t feed the fire too much

I post on the character I am currently playing on since I only play one at a time anyways. Donā€™t really keep alts!

I like to post from my current main, which changes every couple of xpacs. I dont post enough to have a reputation or to have people know/care about my main/alts, so it has never been an issue for me. As well, I avoid drama like the plague and just mainly lurk here and there.

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I generally use this fellow, who is my horde main. Then again all of my guys except one have similar names so it is moot if I use an alt or not.

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Nowā€¦ dis be somethinā€™ I can relate too! :slight_smile:


This is an alt, itā€™s my ā€œofficialā€ forum character.

I didnā€™t intend on using this character for posting as I havenā€™t played him since I got bored of leveling him in Cataclysm but for some reason when I would come to General this would be the character selected so I accepted it as my fate.

I noticed how you glaringly skipped over this part. :rofl:

Main. I donā€™t shy away from my opinions even if Iā€™m living 20 years in the future.


I try to post on a single character regardless of whether it is my main or not.

Sometimes the character I post on is my main character, sometimes it is not, but it is generally always going to be the same one so people recognize who I am.

Iā€™ve got nothing to hideā€¦

Main, no reason to hide.

Same me. It is Depends on Topic.

This is my main account, going way back, gets the most game time. It will be the only one I use for the general forum.

anyone who posts on their alt is a coward.

i canā€™t character assassinate you if you are on a privated main. my biggest regret in life was not being able to figure out who yesunas main wasā€¦ failureā€¦failureā€¦

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Main so people canā€™t question my objectivity

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Main, Iā€™m noob who hardly does anything meaningful according to hardcore players. So there is nothing to hide.


I use this alt I chose because I have so many toons and I donā€™t really care what people think. Having a toon just for forums is nice. :woman_shrugging:

I have had stalkers before asking for some creepy things so I just prefer this because it has stopped any of that. Yes, I know I global muting is a thing now but Iā€™d rather just make it extra easy for myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

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