Do you guys use alts or mains for forum posting?

This alt has a better name than my main, my main has more achieves and rep so i dont want to make happy my main :(, otherwise i would


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Main; this has been my new main since BFA.

I donā€™t have what you guys define as a main so the answer is neither :slight_smile:

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THis has been pretty much my main from Cata -BfA

THe guild this toon is in has been kind of inactive due to Slumberlands so I made another toon to put into another guild on another server ( in hopes that this toons guild would of picked up) .

(Current Game main)

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Just use whatever is relevant to topic although I rarely post


I used to post on my main but had to stop because I was getting reported a lot.
Why Idk, Iā€™m the same person but it happened so I now just use whatever toon Iā€™m doing something on.

Iā€™m still the same person though. That doesnā€™t change.

Why would you remotely care what anyone here thinks? Serious question.

You mean to tell me youā€™re not really a level 10 Paladin? :rofl:

Or my other favorite:

ā€œNo CE/KSM your opinion means less than nothing!ā€

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This is my main. Always has been. Always will be.

Nothing to do with ā€œbraveā€. It is just that most trolls choose level 10 alts with their profile hidden.

I have many Autais.

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Iā€™m a STINKY BABY who uses alts. :crying_cat_face: My main is a human warlock.

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Just main toon and only main toon :slight_smile:

This Warlock used to be my main.

I rerolled Druid, but the locks name is who most people know me by and it has most of my cool stuff.

This is the only main I use.

All my level 60ā€™s are pretty similar. Iā€™m an extremely casual open world player. They are all similar in item level and what theyā€™ve done in game. So while I think of this as my second character heā€™s really not any different than my main one lol.

This char was the BFA main ish char.

Now they are not.

and I ainā€™t changing every time I post these days. what does a DH know about hunters? Wellā€¦I ainā€™t gonna post on the 6 I have to respond in a hunter thread. All covenants covered between them.

Just this character, i did post under another name (Lethalock) for years and years though, mainly on the old forums.

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This is my main and only character. Pay no attention to my achievement points. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

always going to post from a main

technically this battlemaster is secondary to my horde pallies, but theyā€™re literally all named battlemaster- all 4 of them :sunglasses: