There’s nothing to ‘excuse’ about it. The reality of it is that since PUGs are people you’ll never see ever again, other players effectively serve the same function as NPCs. Unless folks go out of their way to be social, which let me make this clear folks do but it requires a two-way street so it is less common within’ the world of PUGs … there’s not much difference between the NPCs (bosses) you are killing for loot.
The NPCs you play with are in theory better players and as they are still human deserving of your full respect but… from a practical perspective? There’s no difference when it comes down to stuff like loot. If you are eligible to need on gear and there were no stipulations upon joining the group, then you are eligible and fair game to need on items. What folks are arguing against is folks trading items ultimately, not for whatever reason someone needed on a piece of gear because there’s a near infinite ways to justify or demonize people, and there’s never been any logical consensus within the game.
So if you are eligible to roll need on a piece of gear, you have just as much right to that item as anyone else. Including to trade it afterwards; regardless of the reason. So no, there’s nothing to “excuse” here. If you lost the roll for the item, then run it again. Or if a guy is willing to trade you it, then sure. Doesn’t change that you lost the roll and that’s quite literally all there is to it.
You realize its LFR we’re talking about right, you cant exactly label the raid…
But even in normal, heroic, mythic once again I state. If you expect pugs to go out of their way to be nice and fair to you, you are in for a rude awakening.
Unless its explicitly stated up front otherwise, the person that won the loot can do what they want with it.
It’s a bunch of pixels in a video game, shake it off and move on. If it matters that much to you then dont join random groups.
I would sell my used shorts anytime
I mean as an OG raider yes its definitely a problem
Do i necessarily care? No not really because its not a them problem. The dude rolljng need and then selling it to the highesf bidder isnt the problem.
The problem is that blizzard allows it to happen and having no personal loot in raid. You used to never be able to roll on items unless it was gonna be same ilvl at least! Now you can roll need on LFR loot even tho im 485 is where the problem is.
Its a fundamentally blizzard problem not the dude selling problem
PL never stopped you from getting lower ilevel items. It was actually easier as PL didn’t have the rolling restrictions that GL does.
It’s annoying and rude but I wouldn’t say it’s “immoral.” That’s a pretty intense judgment to make of the situation haha
I wouldn’t just give someone a BOP item I got just because it’s an upgrade for them when I can sell it on the AH, but I do think there should be an honor system in place for a raid group. It’s group content and the other players are the reason why x-player got the piece of gear to begin with, if you want gold go buy a token.
You can’t sell BoP items on the AH< as BoP means it is soulbound to you the moment it is in your bags, aside from trading it too someone else who was also there for the kill for a set amount of time.
BOE*, just late night typo.
Thought that might be the case, but thought I’d call it out just in case some one, would would do it the worst way possible, did so before I could
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PL at the very least was RNG based who got it instead of losing it because people “need” it.
It feels like items are stolen as a player base which diesnt feel good.
I also feel like when it was PL players were a lot more kind and would let lower ilvl players roll for it if more than one needed. Now people are just rolling to ninja which wasnt what the community has been like
Rolling “need” isn’t rng???
Nothing was stolen from you because you didn’t win the roll.
Cross server gold trading didn’t exist when PL was in the game so it is ridiculous to assume PL would stop this…
It is what it is… how I think isn’t going to change it and Blizzard seems to be happy with how gear distribution works.
Would I partake in this behavior? No.
RNG is still deciding who got it once you press your roll. With PL you just made your choice as soon as you queued.
All in how you look at it. It’s no different than PL giving loot to better geared players, and people complained about that all the time too.
You don’t have to do that now, if you don’t want something you just pass.
u just roll the die on who u get teamed up with tbh. ppl can need for any reason but most know damn well most people are needing gear to actually use it lol. maybe they need money and like to sell via raid drops lol.
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Here’s the thing:
I’m advocating to a real PL system. Not the one that we last had. I get all of the arguments (even though I personally disagree with gold spec) however, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be a much better PL system. To where you at least get something within the tier (cosmetic- mounts are a lot different) and to where you’re actually rolling against the SYSTEM, not other people.
Your own personal roll in which you get to decide if you want it for transmog, the set bonus, or gold spec before the run so you aren’t wasting everyone’s time when you decide to drop group because that item didn’t drop and you didn’t bother rolling on anything else.
There’s probably better ways to do kind of RNG. The point of gear inherently is that it’s a tool to help you into the next tier. With the pace these patches are going, it needs to happen.
I get the Barbie Dress Up arguments though.
I find it to be wrong, but i also dont get to decide for other people what they think is okay
I feel it’s scummy, and when I raid lead (I lead a normal clear every week on my DK or shaman) I instantly kick anyone offering to sell an item they won.
But, I understand why players do it. Because they can.
Gear being BoP seems intended to prevent this type of behavior, but with the 2 hour window (originally added to avoid GM intervention with ML, which doesn’t exist anymore) and now full cross realm trading of gold (new in DF season 2) it opened this door.
With ML gone I don’t see why they can’t make need rolls bind instantly. No 2 hour grace period.
So my time and effort mean nothing to you.
I’m sorry if I can roll need on something I don’t need then sale it that compensated me for my time. The truth is I just made your group that much easier to deal with
Call me what you want. But if you have a 30 man of everyone in 424 that raid is gonna be slow and painful
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you can do it, just means the ppl who sees you do it, will not invite you anymore, unless you know some ppl who started said group.
but in my opinion, i hope you step on a lego if you do that near me.
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