Do you guys find it immoral to sell gear you win in raids to other people in a pug group?

Say for example, you roll need on an item you don’t really need, then sell it to someone in the raid - which happens often. Do you find this to be wrong?

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Yeah, kinda defeats the purpose of “need” roll.


I think it’s a crappy thing to do. if they don’t need the gear then they shouldn’t roll need on it. It’s pretty trash if they hold someone’s BIS hostage because they want to be greedy.



Maybe the need the gold?


Lol I had to edit my comment cause I can’t read but yeah that’s pretty much how it went down.

That’s the only argument I could think of. It’s a pretty scummy argument, but technically is a justification.

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If it’s a PuG raid group I think doing that is fair game because now your effort put in actually might benefit you, monetarily.

If it’s an organised guild/community/discord group pushing raid then it just depends on the premise of your group. Like we can pretty much farm all Normal/most of Heroic like it’s cake in my mains guild but it’s unlikely we’d take someone who would behave that way.

It’s trash but really the inevitable conclusion to this gaming era and to Blizzard designs.

Legalize rmt, promote boosting services, let people sell gear in raid by allowing trading between realms.

But hey the game isn’t p2win.


Rolling need for upgrades and transmog I think is fine, but rolling with the intent to sell is a bit of a jerk move. But if someone wins a piece of gear, it’s theirs to do whatever they wish with it. :man_shrugging: I might not necessarily agree with how someone handles their loot, but having the freedom to choose is preferable to the alternative.

There was a plate wrist I don’t have unlocked, so I rolled need. I was the top number until mage click on need and won. Naturally, he’s selling for gold.

What a peach.

I’m not sure how mage can click need on a plate wrist. I never experience something like that, but it shouldn’t work like that? Right? No?


While it isn’t against the rules and people these days seem to be more and more forgiving of such behaviors… i personally think that if you need on something, you should need to wear it (or mog it), needing just in case you can sell or trade it later is a scumbag move.

Ethically questionable, but it doesn’t break the game’s ToS, so it doesn’t bother me. It’s a game. I don’t participate as a seller or a buyer, but Blizzard gives permission to those who do.

No, I don’t. If you win the gear, you can do whatever you want with it.

Yeah. Its a :eggplant: move to basically steal someone’s gold who probably would have won it originally if not for your greed

Yes, yes i do.


If we accept this then the concept of need holds no weight let alone the concept of what you’re greeding for. Additionally it means you should be able to roll on anything and everything that drops; 2H sword when you’re a mage? Roll need. Healer trinket when you’re a warrior tank? Roll need.

Blizzard has restricted when you are or aren’t allowed to roll on need when the automated system has control, so while the concept of “need” has never been specifically defined in the game there is some vague specifics given to the concept of need this way in regards to the fact that it assumes you have some sort of equip use-case for it.

Anyone truly trying to argue that you can roll for gold purposes is just spewing a bunch of malarkey straight from their keister; the logic completely fails to hold up to any sort of sensible scrutiny.


Some of the same people who would tell you this is wrong are the same people who wouldn’t mind if you just disenchanted the gear.

Then there’s a percentage of those who think both are “scummy” because they also think you should just be a shining hero and give it away to another for free or, better yet, to them.

All those people are wrong.

When you get something fairly, regardless of what people think “need” really means, you got it so it’s yours.

Once it’s yours you can do what you want with it.

Only time that rule doesn’t apply is if the “thing” won is a living creature. Then you become responsible for it, whatever it is.
That determines your character.

There are people who give gifts to others, expecting something in return. Always.
Those aren’t really gifts though, those are more like social credit cards and I find them annoying.

That attitude will never change. That’s life though.


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It’s crappy to do, but that’s the system we have and people are obsessed with fake gold.