No, because there’s nothing immoral about it. Blizzard sells WoW tokens. /thread
If the only reason you’re joining pugs is to make gold after winning a roll you don’t actually need… You’re a POS person. Not the worst person, but still a POS.
Unless otherwise stated by the raid lead, no. The simple fact of the matter is that PUGs do play the game differently than when you play with folks on the regular. Because of this very simple fact, it means that trading gear - whether for gold or not - isn’t a bad thing if you win it.
Allow me to very severely doubt that. From what I have seen and what seems to be commonplace, this is a GD thing in general. On top of that, whilst there’s folks who do this, it is seems to basically just be GD that views it as a problem.
At the end of the day … all that is happening is folks trading gear. There’s nothing different about this than at any other point in the game’s history where one player traded gear to another, not in reality. Folks get upset about gear that wasn’t ever theirs pretending that they are entitled to it and that’s where people’s feelings come into it.
I saw players trading/selling gear to one another in many types of runs, even as far back as Wrath and early Cata. Even in Wrath and before transmog (and I’m guessing even further back in time), some people wanted certain drops just for their looks. It’s definitely nothing new.
Considering DKP is built on this principle of bidding on gear… one can easily argue that it is as old as raids are. Of course it worked slightly differently back then but, still… the principle even in an organized group of players who even knew each other as in not even happening in a PUG confined themselves to a system like DKP then…
Yah’, folks have been doing this for as long as the game has been around. Buying gear from other players ain’t new, only thing that has changed is whether you risk upsetting friends, guildmates, Blizzard via letting others play on your account, or random people who feel cheated on gear that wasn’t theirs to begin with. So… yah’, it’s been around a while.
yes. While I recognize it’s not against the rules, I think rolling on something just to try to sell to other players is a dirtbag move.
Is why I don’t pug runs. I wouldn’t put it past someone to do that.
I prefer runs with my guild where i can help ppl and we can all help each other accomplish our goals. Wipes don’t feel nearly as bad also
Your odds absolutely get better unless you somehow manage to always get a group of people who’ve been to lfr or the catalyst.
You know where your odds never change? PL pug raids.
My guess is the people who do this belong to guilds. That’s where they got their great gear from. They would do the same thing to anybody in their own guild who wasn’t part of the sacrosanct inner circle.
People can do what they want. I didn’t win the roll, so as far as I am concerned, not getting the piece 99% of the time.
I personally don’t agree with it but I’ve seen more and more excuses why this kind of behavior is acceptable. It is what it is.
Need before greed should be the rules you abide by. Anything else is scummy. People will say “But everyone needs on stuff they don’t need now!” Then you don’t have any morals, your morals are based on whats popular.
The people I’ve seen do that get immediately kicked from the raid.
Immoral? No.
Not something I would ever do, but if you expect random groups to “fair” and “nice” to everyone then you probably ahouldnt be joining them.
Also what others have said, transmog is just as important if not more so for some people. Just because you dont find it importsnt doesn’t make that irrelevant and until Blizzard makes it different this is what you get.
If you go into the raid with the goal to extort players you are scum, plain and simple. People do need gear and holding it hostage isnt nice. Put yourself in the shoes of others, if your bis drops would you like to pay an arm and leg for it?
Make a group labled “transmog farming” so people trying to gear can do so without people taking everything. If you arent doing so, you are just looking to be carried imo xD
Not immoral by any means but tacky
People in the group with better gear that restricts what they can roll on actually helps the people trying to gear. If you actually need stuff, the last thing you want is a whole group of people who are also eligible to need everything.
The hilarity of this topic are people making lame excuses to justify poor behavior.
I mean I’m not talking about the “oh well it is what it is”people at least they are up front about it.
But the ones trying to excuse it…lol
My buddy and I pugged the raid and he won a trink off Council.
Someone approached him for the trink offering 200k start? I told him to wait until last boss to decide. We killed last boss and the guy offered 400k for a council trink. I told him to take the gold and if my buddy ever gets leggo drop this more than funds it.
The intent from blizz is to have people buy wow tokens to fund their leggo while having already gutted the economy. Look at resonant crystals alone.
To say no to 400k that would soften the blow of the intent behind the leggo for made up ‘morality’ reasons would basically be the worst idea possible for everyone, everyone loses.